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File Name: Slightly Subnuclear Deck Gun (1.9 KB) Download
Author: Rockin Robbins (Uploaded by Rockin Robbins)
Date Added: 03-22-09
Downloads: 2830
Grade: B
You carefully saved your game before attacking that convoy. Slinked in on the surface on a moonless night and the escort popped you with a lucky shot from 5,000 yards. Reloaded and the same. This is too frustrating! It's time for an attitude adjustment.

Just load up the latest in Subnuclear Ordinance, SA's lineup of enhanced ordinance, the Slightly Subnuclear Deck Gun! Each shell packs between 500 and 10,000 hitpoints of pure hell to put the enemy in awe of your awesomeness!

Slightly Subnuclear Deck Gun is compatible with any mod package and gives you that little edge that will put a smile on your face. Revenge satisfied, you can unload Slightly Subnuclear Deck gun with JSGME and reenter the fray with a proper attitude.
Slightly Subnuclear Deck Gun by Rockin Robbins on 03-22-09

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08-16-09 at 12:29 AM
You trip me the heck out with your funny stories!!
11-24-09 at 10:32 AM
XD,nice Like the gun more reloading for it!!
01-27-13 at 11:48 PM
This mod seems to interfere with 'slightly sub-nuclear torpedoes' mod, so being somewhat techno-illiterate have decided to retain the torp mod rather than this deck gun mod, any suggestions on how to run both at the same time?
02-28-10 at 09:29 PM
all i can say is awseome job
04-02-10 at 07:35 AM
this is a ****in´ good stuff!!!!

i like it
12-15-10 at 09:37 AM
hello. i have downloaded the generic mod enabler. but i have no idea how to get this mod it seems very interesting could u please give to me intrustions on how to do it
04-06-11 at 09:49 PM
Hmmmm what about this+ killer sub mod= APOCOLYPSE
09-10-11 at 05:24 PM
Good but when I installed it, it gave the escorts the same deck gun, turning my near-invincible Montana class battleship (yes I got that mod) into a sinking coffin within seconds. Do you know how to make it a gun that only the player/player's crew can use?
05-05-13 at 11:35 AM
That is a deck gun!
05-17-13 at 01:04 AM
Powerfull deck gun!
02-18-14 at 07:03 PM
Love, LOVE the "awesomness" of this deck gun...and trust me; I deserve it after all the frustrating years I've had to endure in SH4! However, I was shocked to find that ANYTHING hitting my sub (periscope, etc) resulted in ME taking 10k damage in one burst of hell..!! OMG..entire sub destroyed when peri' was hit by AA fire from a crippled Heavy Cruiser while I was at Periscope Depth. Hmmm...can we get a fix where WE are the only one's with this "awesomeness"?? :-)
09-01-16 at 07:06 PM
Muy buen trabajo El cañon gana mucho y la diversion tambien A mi no me falla y lo he puesto junto a torpedos ligeramente sub-nucleares. Compatible para mi SH-4 V1.4
03-16-17 at 12:14 AM
This reminds me of Macho Dragon mod for Skyrim . . .
11-28-23 at 05:00 AM
Well this is going to enhance my "Down Periscope" run while revisting this game.

DownloadsII 5.1.0 by CyberRanger & Jelle
Based on ecDownloads 4.1 © Ronin
Graphics by Danlisa

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