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File Name: Better And Realistic Flotation v1.3 (215.6 KB) Download
Author: Arclight (Uploaded by Arclight)
Date Added: 03-15-10
Downloads: 16738
Grade: A+
Changes ship properties to put the results of a torpedo attack more in line with expectations. Aim is to make it possible to sink any ship without resorting to depleting it's HP; i.e. sink it by flooding.

Just to be clear, it's not about strict realism (what would happen in real life), but subjective realism (what we expect to see in the game).

Comes in 3 modules:

BARF full: flotation tweaks + flooding times increased
BARF lite: flotation tweaks only
BARF HP balance: changes HP to be more in balance with the mods objective

Just extract the contents of the zip to your JSGME 'MODS' folder and enable:

1. Either "BRF 1.3 full" OR "BRF 1.3 lite"
2. "BRF 1.1 HP balance" if desired

HP balance is optional, both for convenience and for avoiding possible incompatibility. Should another mod already mess with the .zon files for the ships, you can still use the core mod; ie. the HP balance is not strictly nescesary for proper functioning of the flotation tweaks.

Feedback is more than welcome, in fact it is needed to further this and refine the modifications.

More info and comments:

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A website this big uses a lot of bandwidth and needs a really powerful server to stay online day after day, for 20 years. Thanks for the support!

05-07-10 at 06:29 PM
Thank you very much Arclight! I know everyone using this MOD truely appreciates your time and efforts in making this MOD.
I have been using this MOD since the day you initially posted it.
This MOD greatly enhances the game play and I highly recommend it.
05-21-10 at 04:00 PM
Which of the above 3 options are most folks using? The feedback is positiove but do not specify which option is preferred.

07-03-10 at 07:01 AM
Thanks for your work and for this mod
03-17-10 at 04:45 PM
Thanks a ton, Arclight!
03-15-10 at 01:49 PM
very very nice.
make battles much more enjoyable.
was going to do it myself by time, so thanks for that.
03-20-10 at 02:51 PM
actually no mod work with me. i have jsgme, it said to me to create folder mods, didn t create, i made it my self. It can see the mods but they are not applied in game. plz help me
03-23-10 at 10:51 AM
Thanks for this, Dodo
03-29-10 at 02:04 PM
Ahh, Now I can sink a ship without it bursting into flames and slipping under horizontally (every time)!!
This had made a great difference. Many Thanks.
03-31-10 at 10:28 AM
Thanks for this....will give it a go later.
03-31-10 at 11:14 AM
04-06-10 at 11:13 AM
Hmm, how can I that it works??? Plz help!!
03-15-11 at 05:25 AM
What does exactly your mod ? I am asking because it's confusing to me. Maybe my English is not so good.
You wanna say that your mod solves the "hanging" of ships which took a couple of blows , they are tilted and seem to sink but they still are floating ? That is what you mean ? Cause I encountered this aspect and it was annoying. There were ships at 45 degrees , stopped and still refused to sink...Nasty. Please PM me if you have an answer.Thank you
07-26-11 at 06:46 PM
thank you
08-28-11 at 05:43 PM
Fantastic addition. No wonder ships werent sinking with 15 holes below the waterline
09-06-11 at 03:48 AM
im a omplete noob wen it comes 2 mods please can someone explain (in simpleton speak) how to download and were to put this mod? thanks!
12-17-11 at 07:42 PM
Awesome MOD!
12-20-11 at 08:34 PM
very nice , thanks alot
01-04-12 at 03:55 PM
02-03-12 at 10:03 AM
Great job.
02-12-12 at 11:48 PM
this should make life a lot more interesting for me.... and more hell for my foes
04-22-12 at 06:42 PM
Well Done Captain
05-02-12 at 08:38 PM
thanks man!
05-14-12 at 11:25 AM
`it's not about strict realism (what would happen in real life), but subjective realism (what we expect to see in the game).`

That`s what I call thinking too hard. Real life can`t be all that removed from what we might expect. The only thing that tends to be different is stuff sinks not always that fast. I`m not one for pretending I`m looking at realism when it`s not like how it would look. That`s just sort of deceiving yourself. I`d just do it like reality so it`s like looking back in time at the experience itself.

Oh great, now I`m thinking too hard!
oh nvm,
07-04-12 at 09:56 PM
Nice mod, keep up the good work. From all of us who benefit from your work
07-06-12 at 06:25 PM
thx for thys mod
D man
07-12-12 at 10:54 PM
It seems to not work for me, i hit ships but they still do not sink or flood
01-08-13 at 03:41 PM
Thank you, thank you, Thank you.
10-21-12 at 10:14 AM
Thank you for your hard work!

I could not find the folder to extract the mod to, and when I do a search for SH5 it is in my startup folder. So I hope it will work for me when I can figure out my current problem. Right now, when I click the icon to open SH5 I get the error message (widows cannot access the specified device path, or file. you may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.) When and if I figure this out I will let you all know if it works for me.

D man
11-05-12 at 01:08 AM
Problem fixed, for refernce, version 1.1 of SH5 will not work with this mod.
02-09-13 at 08:08 PM
Great Mod, Great Work... i've always hit a ship right in the keel and i was
But this mod saved me, now i can save my salvo shooting!!!

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