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File Name: TheDarkWraith's New UI for SH5 v7.4.2 (68.40 MB) Download
Author: TheDarkWraith (Uploaded by Neal Stevens)
Date Added: 03-10-10
Downloads: 31570
Grade: A+

New UI for SH5
by TheDarkWraith

This mod will bring the several new UIs to SH5. Currently the list of UIs are:
- SH3 style
- SH4 style
- SH5 Enhanced

SH3 style UI consists of:
- familiar 3 dials (throttle/speed, heading/rudder, depth25/depth260).
- Officer shortcut bar with commands for officers.
- TDC. Each scope's TDC mode can be set to: no TDC, minimal dials, all dials
- Fuel, CO2, O2, and battery levels bargraph. Used to monitor levels of each. Current level displayed on bar graph.

SH4 style UI consists of:
- familiar 3 dials (throttle/speed, heading/rudder, depth25/depth260).
- TDC. Each scope's TDC mode can be set to: no TDC, minimal dials, all dials
- Fuel, CO2, O2, and battery levels bargraph. Used to monitor levels of each. Current level displayed on bar graph.

SH5 Enhanced UI consists of:
- TDC. Each scope's TDC mode can be set to: no TDC, minimal dials, all dials
- Heading bar integrated into the speed bar. Clicking the heading bar readout will reveal a heading/rudder dial. The dial is switchable from heading mode to rudder mode by clicking on the button under the dial. Clicking on the heading bar readout again will hide the dial (it retains the mode it was in when revealed again). Mousing into the heading bar readout and pressing the appropriate keys will set the ordered heading. You can press and hold the appropriate keys to keep changing the ordered heading. The appropriate keys (and all options) can be changed by editing \MODS\NewUIs_TDC_7_1_0_TheDarkWraith\data\Scripts\ Menu\ Mousing out of the heading bar readout with a new ordered heading will cause this ordered heading to take effect. The dial can also be used to set the ordered heading / rudder angle. A tooltip has been integrated to be shown when you mouse into the heading bar readout. It will either display the current heading or if you have requested a new ordered heading the current ordered heading. Once within 5 degrees of the ordered heading the tooltip will start to display the current heading. The heading/rudder dial can also be cycled on/off using a hotkey. The state of the dial (rudder or heading) can be switched via hotkey also.
- Officer shortcut bar with commands for officers.
- optional integrated levels that gives the user Fuel, CO2, O2, and battery levels bargraph. Used to monitor levels of each. Current level displayed on bar graph.

Common to all UIs:
- Option to enable heading display in Binocular view
- Added skwasjer's digital clock to top right

For those UIs that utilize the familiar 3 dials:
- The dials have two states.
- The first dial has the states of: engine order telegraph and speed.
- The second dial has states of heading and rudder angle (though angle displayed on dial doesn't match rudder deflection currently. Still sorting that out).
- The third dial has states of shallow depth and deep depth.
- To change states simply click on the button below the dial.
- The dials will expand when the mouse is inside them and they will contract when mouse is outside them (like zoom in/out). Individual zoom levels can be set for throttle, speed, heading, rudder, depth260, and depth25.
- User can lock out each individual dial (and each state of the dial) from zooming.
- The animation rate of the dials expanding/contracting can also be changed.
- The dials can be customized by using a different .dds file. See the readme.txt file in \Dials.

For those UIs that utilize the TDC:
- There are four versions of the TDC included - All dials, minimal dials, spread angle only, and no TDC
- All dials will take control of the functionality of the SH5 interface for a torpoedo solution (and associated controls in the SH5 stock UI are removed).
- Minimal dials just exposes the dials not exposed by the stock SH5 UI and also uses the stock UI.
- spread angle only just adds the spread angle dial to the TDC
- No TDC removes the TDC from the mod.
- The TDC interfaces have been included on the obs periscope, attack periscope, and UZO. User has option to disable TDC on each station mentioned.

There are four versions of the TDC included - All dials, minimal dials, spread angle only, and no TDC. All dials will take control of the functionality of the SH5 interface for a torpoedo solution (and associated controls in the SH5 stock UI are removed). Minimal dials just exposes the dials not exposed by the stock SH5 UI and also uses the stock UI. Spread angle only just adds the spread angle dial to the TDC. No TDC removes the TDC from the mod. The TDC interfaces have been included on the obs periscope, attack periscope, and UZO.
xxx = Attack, Obs, or UZO
To install All dials (for each scope):
In the options file set: xxxTDCMode = TDCAllDials
To install minimal dials (for each scope):
In the options file set: xxxTDCMode = TDCMinimalDials
To install spread angle only dial (for each scope):
In the options file set: xxxTDCMode = TDCSpreadAngle
To install No TDC (for each scope):
In the options file set: xxxTDCMode = NOTDCDials


Note to mod author:- Your mod was uploaded by Trevally. Please PM me for any edits.
TheDarkWraith's New UI for SH5  v7.4.2 by Trevally. on 01-12-13

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A website this big uses a lot of bandwidth and needs a really powerful server to stay online day after day, for 20 years. Thanks for the support!

05-14-10 at 05:55 PM
Wow!! Don't download from here (it's way out of date for some reason).
Go to the new thread here or if you prefer it long hand.. <-- HERE!
05-15-10 at 02:25 AM
Where can I download the TheDarkWraith's New UI for SH5 v0.3.0 way because the FileFront does not work. Thank you
09-24-11 at 02:48 AM
Thanks Mod!!
08-16-10 at 08:21 AM
Nice mod thx.
10-05-10 at 01:44 AM
how the hell do i install it
10-30-10 at 12:00 AM
The links here don't point to a version 0.3.0 version of this mod

Wow!! Don't download from here (it's way out of date for some reason).
Go to the new thread here or if you prefer it long hand.. <-- HERE!
10-30-10 at 12:03 AM
There is no mod 0.3.0 at this location

Wow!! Don't download from here (it's way out of date for some reason).
Go to the new thread here or if you prefer it long hand.. <-- HERE!
01-30-13 at 03:44 PM
Hi, I have a problem with the installation NewUIs_TDC_7_1_0_TheDarkWraith. After using the paste JSGMEi do not have 3 dials, depth, telegraph sh3, sh4 old style. Please help me how to install them to be visible
07-21-15 at 08:21 PM
hi everyone!
I have a problem with this mod and i dont know if it happen to all of yours too and only at the version 7.4.2
Simply the sonarman DONT advise me of new hydro contacts.
i know that the submarine need to be submerged i know that the contact need to be inside range of 30000 metres.
when i go underwater dont advise me and when i go to the hydrostation MANUALLY and i CAN hear CLEARLY one of multyple contacts i CANNOT give the order to follow the selected contact.......the icon of the ship on the top left side of the screen that might turn yellow when you select a contact dont work!
i ve tried others mod like wolves of steel and everithing for some reason i decide to install only newUIs tdc and newUIs tdc real navigation......i think is a WONDERFUL mod and that Thedarkwraith made an a stunningly great work, really, but so this is my problem!
i ve followed perfectly all off the istruction for install using JSGME(correctly installed) but the problem still exist!
i appreciate that someone respond to me....thanks and sorry for the language i dont speak english so much
03-16-10 at 06:34 PM
03-12-10 at 04:58 AM
Finally SH5 are getting shape!. The periscope and TDC requires overhaul too.
Keep going guys!

03-12-10 at 04:58 AM
03-12-10 at 05:29 PM
Thank's for this great job.
03-12-10 at 11:57 PM
Greate Start!

Orders Bar - Plot Patrol Course causes CTD.
03-15-10 at 07:43 AM
I really want this mod to work but I can't get it to work for some reason. I used JSME but it doesn't seem to work...Can someone help a NOOB out...
03-15-10 at 08:07 AM
What a good Mod! Ubisoft should pay you some money for fixing a sick designed game!
All the best and Schiff ahoi!
Anton Hessler
03-17-10 at 08:26 AM
Thank's for this great job.
03-19-10 at 02:17 PM
no sounds in game like foot steps, ocean sounds, sub sounds. i am usin win7 to play. can someone please help me.
03-20-10 at 10:05 AM
Hello Guys!

Have a Problem, with this Mod!
When I click at the Button Crew menagement, it brings me back to the Desktop!
Use Win 7!
Please FIX the Problem!
At last it's a real nice Mod.

Thanks for them!

Greetings from me

03-22-10 at 03:38 PM
Same problems as 401. Using JSGME and other mods are running fine. However, I cant seem to get this one activated. Running Win7.
03-25-10 at 09:49 PM
I can't get this to work. after downloading it I copy the file in the MOD folder I have for SH5's JSGME. But when I run JSGME it is not there so I can't activate it. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
03-31-10 at 03:56 AM
04-05-10 at 03:26 AM
Great job as ever, go forward!

Cheers Ss-68
04-06-10 at 10:37 PM
what a **** mod..u go to select periscope on command bar and u start to lift up into the sky. Who needs a periscope when u have a lookout nest?? haha
04-11-10 at 02:37 AM
Man thats is the most of the very best Mods for SH5. Its a "must have"
04-11-10 at 03:11 AM
10-10-15 at 12:34 PM
Hi, I have a question: How do I change the language of dialogue? Is it possible? Regards
01-22-11 at 11:56 AM
I am having the same problem as azeotrope, Except mine does show up in JSGME. all my other 30 or so mods work fine. This one says it is installed but it's not. anyone know why? I even watched dark's installation video. Still nothing...
02-16-11 at 01:05 PM
THX MARRA cant wait to try looks real neat cheers.
01-23-13 at 03:47 AM
Great job

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