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File Name: MightyFine Crew Mod 1.2.1 - Updated 03-22-2010 (2.41 MB) Download
Author: Heretic (Uploaded by Heretic)
Date Added: 03-07-10
Downloads: 39573
Grade: A+
This is a mod for the crew AI to make them behave more realistically. Currently, it addresses only the bridge watch and control room crew. Future versions will include changes for other crew members for surface and submerged cruising, surfaced and submerged battle stations, being attacked and/or damaged, and damage control.

This mod is an improvisation using animations that were not made for the uses I'm putting them to. Because of this, there will be occasions where things don't line up perfectly and you'll see more clipping. The game has no collision detection so crewmen will sometimes walk through each other. I've tried to add timing logic to minimize this, but it's still going to happen more often than not.

There are no animations for climbing ladders or going through hatches, crewmen teleport. I have added animations to try to make that transition a little less jarring. It's a workaround. Don't expect too much.

I think some of the stock heads are gamey or just look too old, so I changed them. Some of the changes no longer fit with the storyline, ie the eyepatch. I changed the WO only because his head was too big for a hat. Either ignore the inconsistencies or use the stock version.

You can choose from stock or alternate heads. Beards are provided for each option. You can start out with beards or you can choose the no beards option to start your patrol and switch over to the beard option whenever you think appropriate. I'd eventually like to make the beards 'grow' over time. In the meantime, it's a manual process of swapping out one mod version for another.

forum thread:

1.2.1 Released 22 March, 2010
Fixes to remove conflicts between strategies

1.2 Released 21 March, 2010
Redid the timing logic to make it more dependable. Changed the bridge watch to use different waypoints and animations, getting everyone using binoculars and opening up the front area for the player. Added command-based actions connecting crew behavior to the player's commands. Added sound effects for the crew in the control room.

1.1.1 Released 15 March, 2010
Tweaked the timing logic so crew shouldn't stack up as much. Removed beards on the Fore Quarters crew for Stock w/ no beards option. Changed uniforms for gun crews.

Additional Uniform and animation tweaks. Added animation sequences for going on/off bridge watch. Changed 4th Bridge Watch to E-Motor man since PETTY01 is flak crew. Added INIT strategies to handle starting conditions. Added additional versions for alt character heads and beards.

CR_HA - Added animations for watch sequence. Set uniform for submerged station.
CR_HF - Added animations for watch sequence. Set uniform for submerged station.
CR_SO_01 - Changed head again - alt version.
CR_CHIEF - Changed head and uniform - alt version
QRF_WATCH - Changed head - alt version.
QRF_Petty_01 - Removed from bridge watch.
QRF_WATCH - Added animations for watch sequence.
TRA_EE_PORT02 - Replaced petty_01 at bridge watch.
TRA_LOAD01 - The 'gunner' uniform changed.

1.0 Initial release
Uniform and animations tweaks. Added 4th man to Bridge Watch. Removed pointing animations from bridge watch. WO moved off UZO. Head transplant for XO.

CR_CHIEF - Added officer cap. Changed uniform to overalls.
CR_HA - Added hat,leathers,binocs. Changed watch animations.
CR_HELM - Added hat.
CR_HF - Added leathers, binocs. Changed watch animations.
CR_SO_01 - Changed head. Added officer cap.
CR_VALVE - Added hat.
DER_DE_CPO - Changed cap from officers version to petty officer.
QRF_Petty_01 - Added to bridge watch. Added hat, leathers, binocs.
QRF_WATCH - Moved off UZO. Added binocs.
MightyFine Crew Mod 1.2.1 - Updated 03-22-2010 by Trevally. on 02-08-13

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A website this big uses a lot of bandwidth and needs a really powerful server to stay online day after day, for 20 years. Thanks for the support!

05-14-10 at 06:10 AM
AWESOME MOD!!!!!!!!!
05-14-10 at 11:21 AM
Thanks!!! Its real GOOD!
06-16-10 at 05:28 PM
Real added german helmet for the deck gun crew
06-22-10 at 12:35 PM
Great mod another big improvement to the game
03-24-13 at 07:59 AM
Amazing. Thank you!
10-12-10 at 05:55 AM
10-12-10 at 10:54 PM
10-28-10 at 04:37 PM
Flawless victory.
03-18-10 at 01:22 AM
when its done its going have to go right next to the mona lisa!
03-24-13 at 04:15 PM
08-01-10 at 02:48 AM
03-24-13 at 08:44 AM
03-09-10 at 06:36 AM
03-09-10 at 05:35 PM
03-11-10 at 04:29 AM
03-11-10 at 04:35 PM
03-12-10 at 03:55 AM
03-13-10 at 08:59 AM
Excellent fashions, to the author of many thanks.
03-14-10 at 05:37 AM
YEAH! Each relase is like a christmas present

Thanks a lot!
03-14-10 at 06:29 AM
supi ... thx
03-14-10 at 10:16 AM
Good job Heretic
03-14-10 at 01:51 PM
Great mod,thanx Heretic
03-23-10 at 03:45 PM
03-20-10 at 03:06 PM
good job thanks
03-23-10 at 04:10 PM
Excellent. Heretic thanks a lot!
03-24-10 at 05:30 PM
03-25-10 at 02:35 PM
thank you.
04-24-10 at 05:58 PM
thank you
03-28-10 at 07:14 PM
03-29-10 at 06:51 PM
simply: thank you

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