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File Name: Command Keys 1.03 (9.5 KB) Download
Author: CCIP (Uploaded by CCIP)
Date Added: 02-28-10
Downloads: 6157
Grade: A-
Command Keys 1.0 for silent Hunter 5
By CCIP, Feb 28/2010

V1.03 - Mar 4/2010
-removed < and > shortcuts for object camera (buggy)

V1.02 - Mar 1/2010
-removed "Z" for silent running and "Ctrl+B" for battle stations. Use "special abilities" to activate these for now.

The purpose of this mod is to bring Silent Hunter 5 controls to be more in line with popular modded versions with Silent Hunter 3 and 4.
While there are some inevitable changes, I think this will help players feel more at home.

This is a very basic config mod, intended mainly for players' convenience as there is no quick, in-game way of changing control layouts.
Feel free to use or modify it as you like.

Recommended for use with JSGME (Jonesoft Generic Mod Enabler) - if you do not use that program, I highly recommend creating a backup of your original commands.cfg file first.

Primary key strokes

Move camera/character - ARROW KEYS
Raise/Lower Free Camera - Home/End

F1 - Help
F2 - Toggle External Camera
F3 - Toggle Nav Map
F4 - Systems Control Menu
F5-F12 Special Abilities
~ all stop
1-5 forward (slow - emergency)
6-9 back (slow - emergency)
- (main minus) - view to heading
+ (main plus) - heading to view

Enter - Time Compression 1x

W - Cycle Torpedo Tubes
Ctrl+W - Report Weather
Ctrl+E - Emergency Blow
R - Toggle Propulsion/Recharging
Ctrl+R - Return to Course
Shift+R - Report Maximum Range
Shift+U - Get Avatar un-stuck
P - Go to Periscope Depth

[ - Rudder Hard Port
] - Rudder Hard Starboard
' - Rudder Amidships

A - Hold Current Depth
S - Surface Boat
D - Dive
Ctrl+D - Report Depth Under Keel
C - Crash Dive
J - Deploy Decoys

I - Weapons Management
O - Crew Management
K - Captain's Control Panel
M - Radio Messages

B - Binoculars
X - Stopwatch

Ctrl+Z - Report Nearest Sound Contact
Shift+Z - Report Nearest Warship Sound Contact
Ctrl+X - Follow Nearest Sound Contact
Shift+X - Follow Nearest Sound Contact
Ctrl+V - Report Nearest Visual Contact

Attack Periscope: Ins/Del - Raise/Lower, Shift+Ins/Del - Raise/Lower Fully
Observation Periscope: PgUp/PgDn - Raise/Lower, Shift+PgUp/PgDn - Raise/Lower Fully

Numpad . - Turn off HUD

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A website this big uses a lot of bandwidth and needs a really powerful server to stay online day after day, for 20 years. Thanks for the support!

06-13-10 at 02:19 PM
Next/Previous Object Camera work around:

If you go to the External Camera (F2) before using "<" ">" Object Camera you will always return to Sub correctly when closing the External Camera (F2).

Hope this info is usefull...
10-05-10 at 07:48 AM
it didnt work i want to change rudder amidship so i replaced the rudder amdshp block with no result so i then replaced the whole file and nothing happened wat am i doing wrong?????
i really need rudder amidship cause i dont have a num pad
10-13-10 at 12:42 PM
Can this be enabled in the sub pen at the start of a new mission or would a fresh campaign need to be started again? Thanks.
convoy hunter
03-19-10 at 02:30 PM
some of the keys are wrong such as R does not recharge/normal porpolsion but it surfaces.
03-22-10 at 03:16 PM
03-24-10 at 05:32 PM
The CTRL-X key is bringing up a Script Debugging Tool. Something you dont want happening with enemy warships nearby.
04-27-12 at 02:14 PM
how can i get back my original keys??? :S pz send me a message

03-22-13 at 07:16 PM

DownloadsII 5.1.0 by CyberRanger & Jelle
Based on ecDownloads 4.1 © Ronin
Graphics by Danlisa

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