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File Name: WB's Mission Orders Lite (Unknown Size) Download
Author: Wreford-Brown (Uploaded by Wreford-Brown)
Date Added: 10-13-09
Downloads: 2383
Grade: B-
This mod drastically reduces the number of radio messages you receive during the campaign to a total of just 229 which are all relevant to missions scripted into GWX or important to your decision making process (e.g. location of supply ships). WBNN is designed for GWX but will work with any mod.

This mod is fully JSGME ready:
Extract the 'WBNN Mission Orders Lite' folder into JSGME MODS and install.
This mod will replace all messages in your \Data\Campaigns\Campaign\messages_en.txt file.
I recommend making a backup of this file before enabling the mod.

Translation team:
Barbac - translated the French version of GWX 2.1 Mission Orders.
Alex - translated the GWX 3 Mission Orders messages.
Sans Barbac et Alex ce mod ne serait pas possible en francais. Merci Beaucoup mes amis.
Rango - translated the German version of GWX 2.1 Mission Orders.
mrchris - kindly volunteered his mother-in-law to translate for GWX 3. This makes him a much braver man than I am!
Ohne Rango und mrchris diesen mod wäre nicht möglich auf Deutsch. Vielen dank Meine Freunde.

Kpt. Lehmann and the GWX team - for taking a great mod and making it even better. They allowed the use of GWX messages and wrote the GWX manual from which most of the historical dates were extracted.
von hally - his well researched sinking messages mod is included in GWX 3.0 messages and this mod.
JScones - created SH3 Commander and JSGME and gave permission to use his original loading screen messages. He also adapted 'Newsmod' for inclusion in SH3 Commander.
bigboywooly - added the GWX specific messages for Aug 1939 and keeps tweaking the GWX scripted campaign to give us more missions to take part in.
danurve - put the GWX radio messages in the format/syntax of stock Silent Hunter III and for inspiration, constructive criticism, advice and assistance.
Beery - wrote the original 'NewsMod' for SH3 Commander and the historical info included in it.
Irishred, Sniper1, Rubini, Sansal, bigboywooly - the authors of GWX English radio messages.
Han 2007, JGS4PIPS, Nippelspanner - GWX German messages.
Alex - GWX French messages.
emaluzer - for his Radio traffic Lite mod which is contained in this mod. - historical quotes. - historical quotes.

In memoriam:
The Allied soldiers, sailors and airmen who fought and fight for our freedom. Lest we forget...

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A website this big uses a lot of bandwidth and needs a really powerful server to stay online day after day, for 20 years. Thanks for the support!

10-14-09 at 08:08 AM
Finally... TANK YOU!!!!
02-08-10 at 03:17 PM
WOW!! THis was the only complaint I had with GWX. Thank you for this!!!!

David I
01-15-18 at 04:02 PM

Thank you, thank you, thank you....

David I

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Based on ecDownloads 4.1 © Ronin
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