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Download File (Click for description) Date Downloads Comments
Downloads  Open Horizons II v2.5 : This campaign mod aims to make your SH5 experience more enjoyable. The war has been extended to 1945 with the addition of two new campa ... [more] (140.86 MB)   Pinned File 08-07-11 46523 153
Downloads  Equipment_Upgrades_Fix_1_4 : Forums Thread: Equipment and Upgrade Fixes - by TheBeast 3:06 AM 11/19/2011 ... [more] (59.82 MB)   Pinned File 04-04-11 23914 62
Downloads  MCCD "More Crew Commands by Dialog" MOD : Athlonic's MCCD "More Crew Commands by Dialog" MOD (for Silent Hunter 5 v1.2.0 Ready) Version : 1.04 Version : 1.04 MFCM (compatib ... [more] (2.97 MB)   Pinned File 03-26-10 22713 67
Downloads  MightyFine Crew Mod 1.2.1 - Updated 03-22-2010 : This is a mod for the crew AI to make them behave more realistically. Currently, it addresses only the bridge watch and control room cr ... [more] (2.41 MB)   Pinned File 03-07-10 39697 113
Downloads  SH5_New_Mines_and_Subnets : SH5_New_Mines_and_Subnets (3.59 MB) 02-04-25 6 0
Downloads  Captain Class Frigate : This mod adds two ships to British roster: - Captain Frigate (Type GMT) - Captain Frigate (Type TE) These are American Evarts and ... [more] (265.2 KB) 01-16-21 303 1
Downloads  Shorter External Transfer Cooldown : Only for TWoS v.2.2.9 and later. This mod reduces the time it takes for the external torpedo transfer crew ability to cool down from ... [more] (8.2 KB) 11-16-18 287 1
Downloads  Historical Torpedo Ranges and Speeds : Only tested with TWoS. This mod changes the torpedo ranges and speeds of the various versions of the TII and TIII torpedoes. The ... [more] (25.0 KB) 11-12-18 303 0
Downloads  Realistic Default Equipment (1939 - 1942) : This mod removes the FuMO-29 radar, FuMB-1 radar detector, and BOLD-1 decoy systems from your u-boat. While, in-game, the radar and rad ... [more] (30.3 KB) 10-04-18 130 4
Downloads  My Favorite AA gun AIs : You may notice the Stock AA guns aim poorly. Well not anymore! After a bit of testing, here are the most deadly AIs for each type of AA ... [more] (8.2 KB) 09-03-17 908 2
Downloads  All Equipment Free&Now For Stock : This Mod unlocks all Stock game equipment at all times and makes it all free. You can now select the latest equipment that will work on ... [more] (4.5 KB) 09-03-17 2183 5
Downloads  VIIC41 Sub Mod For Stock By thadgar : This Mod makes the "TypeVII C41" the only sub available in the entire Stock game. You must start a new Career. *** All credit goes to ... [more] (4.8 KB) 09-03-17 756 7
Downloads  All Subs Extra Torpedoes : Moldycheese's All Subs Extra Torpedoes Mod This mod gives all subs a total of 800 torps (400 front and 400 back) and reduces the reload ... [more] (34.4 KB) 08-01-17 1881 14
Downloads  OHII v2.5 - No Stupid Tonnage Bar_Free Style Campa : OHII v2.5 - No Stupid Tonnage Bar_Free Style Campaign v0.1_NewUIs v7.5.0 Older version for use with sobers mega mod . (1.47 MB) 07-15-17 578 0
Downloads  Iron Crosses Disabled for No Tonnage Bar_Stock map : Iron Crosses Disabled for No Tonnage Bar_Stock map_by Sober For use with sobers mega mod (272.1 KB) 07-15-17 134 0
Downloads  Room_QR1_Update_2_byTheBeast : SH5 Room_QR1_Update_1 by TheBeast @ 4:39 PM 11/23/2016 PURPOSE: Update the Radar Display to prevent Player Submarine Radar blip from s ... [more] (17.3 KB) 11-23-16 180 0
Downloads  Radioman_BlackMay_CTD_Fix_byTheBeast : DT_Radio_Black_May.aix Stock Game Script fix byTheBeast @ 1920 11/20/2016 Purpose: Correct stock game Script Error that was causing CT ... [more] (3.0 KB) 11-21-16 132 1
Downloads  EUFv2_0_Tpye_XXIII_Snorkel_v0_2 : EUFv2_0_Type_XXIII_Snorkel By TheBeast 11/19/2016 PURPOSE: This MOD adds the Type-XXIII Snorkel to Silent Hunter 5 for EUF 2.0 and wil ... [more] (204.3 KB) 11-19-16 312 0
Downloads  Airstrike-Change : Ahoy fellow captains. Did you ever feel that the Atlantic felt like being in middle of an International Airport landing strip? Well th ... [more] (1.0 KB) 11-17-16 415 0
Downloads  AutomatedPatrolSearch_0_0_1_ByTheBeast.rar : Automated Patrol Search Script v1.0 ByTheBeast 9:13 AM 11/16/2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Th ... [more] (2.4 KB) 11-16-16 464 1
Downloads  Ge_Jet_Aircraft_v_0_2.rar : This MOD provides the German Ho-229B and the Me-262A jet aircraft imported from SHIII to SH5. I added both Planes to the following Air ... [more] (13.90 MB) 11-15-16 187 5
Downloads  sobers mega mod reward points : ShipSunk_DefaultShip Event:RewardMorale( 1.0 ); Event:RewardSkillPoint( 3 ); ShipSunk_Destroyer Event:RewardMorale( 2.0 ); Event ... [more] (507 Bytes) 08-26-16 376 0
Downloads  sobers mega mod VIIB campaign start mod v2 : sobers mega mod VIIB campaign start mod Start the campaign with a VIIB . (8.4 KB) 04-25-16 647 2
Downloads  Room_QR1_1.rar : This MOD contains some changes for QR1 that we were working on 2 years ago and some new changes. After working with this MOD over the ... [more] (92.52 MB) 04-20-16 489 6
Downloads  [REL]SOAN filter fix for TDW NewUIs with TDC_7_1_0 : This serves as a backup repository for the tiny patch(probably obsoleted already but anyway). here is the original discussion thread. ... [more] (629.8 KB) 04-18-16 81 0
Downloads  SuperTurm_FX_SubFlags_v0_0_1d : Super Turms Sub Flags and FX 0.0.1c Super Turms for SH5 - Added MG-34 Machine guns for Deck Watch. These are the guns in the Conning ... [more] (22.87 MB) 04-11-16 557 6
Downloads  sobers mega mod_TWoS Enh_sobersTerrainShips V3 : For use in sobers mega mod . (94.1 KB) 04-02-16 284 1
Downloads  SOB_HUS_RPM Inertia autoscripts V2 SH5 : SOB_HUS_RPM Inertia autoscripts V2 SH5 (2.3 KB) 03-29-16 157 0
Downloads  Wos campaign fixes for sobers mega modV2 : Wos campaign fixes for sobers mega modV2 . They will not work together or seperately in any other way . Use the latest MEP file to lo ... [more] (24.86 MB) 03-29-16 331 2
Downloads  SH5_Playable U-FlaK_0.1 : For the first time in SH5, this mod will add new playable submarine type (U-FlaK). If ... [more] (8.62 MB) 02-23-16 866 4

DownloadsII 5.1.0 by CyberRanger & Jelle
Based on ecDownloads 4.1 © Ronin
Graphics by Danlisa

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