View Full Version : What is France trying to do?

10-08-06, 08:09 AM
French parliament Thursday, calls for five years in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros (57,000 dollars) for anyone who denies the massacres of Armenians under the Ottoman Empire,



10-08-06, 08:48 AM
No, they are not nuts, but it is a political message in the first, and an additonal tripwire for EU-Turkey negotiations. Chirac and France is strongly opposing the EU entry of Turkey. Since I also strictly oppose Turkish EU membership I support that French move, since it makes things more difficult and supports my goal of negotiation failure.

10-08-06, 08:50 AM
French parliament Thursday, calls for five years in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros (57,000 dollars) for anyone who denies the massacres of Armenians under the Ottoman Empire,



For you algerian genocide is the massacre of the 100 000 Harkis (who were on the french side) by the FLN (the algerian liberation army) after the cease fire?
At the end of the war, 27500 french soldiers were killed + 3000 french civilans and 250 000 algerians.

And what about the US army genocide in Iraq since 2003? It 's war the is civilain loss on the both side.
For the armenian genocide there was no war, just an ethnic epuration.

10-08-06, 09:59 AM
French parliament Thursday, calls for five years in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros (57,000 dollars) for anyone who denies the massacres of Armenians under the Ottoman Empire,



For you algerian genocide is the massacre of the 100 000 Harkis (who were on the french side) by the FLN (the algerian liberation army) after the cease fire?
At the end of the war, 27500 french soldiers were killed + 3000 french civilans and 250 000 algerians.

And what about the US army genocide in Iraq since 2003? It 's war the is civilain loss on the both side.
For the armenian genocide there was no war, just an ethnic epuration.

What do you mean by "civilian losses on both sides"? And what "American genocide in Iraq"?

And what do you mean by "just an epuration"? Are you sure the massacring of 600-800 thousand people deserves the word "just"?

What genocide is:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_on_the_Prevention_and_Punishment_of_the _Crime_of_Genocide

10-08-06, 10:59 AM
Galileo, why don't you come up with the evidence that we're actually committing genocide in Iraq (and I mean with reliable sources from mainstream media).

Btw, not only are you playing with fire but I have a ZERO tolerance policy for liars.

10-08-06, 11:42 AM
ben si vous avez aucune tolerance pour les menteurs mon cher mai, faudrait pas voir a melanger les genres et avoir 2 poids 2 mesures dans vos propos ciritques, dire qu'il y a eu un genocide du peuple algerien entre 1954 et 1962 c'est comme dire qu'il y en a un actuellement en iraq. Dans toutes guerre il y a des morts civils mais doit on les qulifier de genocide? y a pas de guerre propre, juste des guerres justes (celles que l'on gagne) et des sales (celles qu'on perd militairmeent ou politiquement).
Et puis si on veux commencer acauser d egenocide, si on parlait un peu des indiens d'amerique.
je femrerai pas ma geule devant des gros connards qui savent de quoi ils causent moi aussi.
Je vous la souhaite pas bonne.

10-08-06, 12:06 PM
I find that policy quite Stalinist. But I guess it suits France where you have the side of the communists and socialists versus the side of the nationalists/fascists and monarchists.

It's a sign of the point we've reached, if that's how you need to send a message.

I'd do it the other way, I'd offer a 45,000 Euro prize for whoever can come up with the best 'irrefutable' study about the genocide. But that's my way of doing things, at least it works with dogs.

The Avon Lady
10-08-06, 02:45 PM
ben si vous avez aucune tolerance pour les menteurs mon cher mai, faudrait pas voir a melanger les genres et avoir 2 poids 2 mesures dans vos propos ciritques, dire qu'il y a eu un genocide du peuple algerien entre 1954 et 1962 c'est comme dire qu'il y en a un actuellement en iraq. Dans toutes guerre il y a des morts civils mais doit on les qulifier de genocide? y a pas de guerre propre, juste des guerres justes (celles que l'on gagne) et des sales (celles qu'on perd militairmeent ou politiquement).
Et puis si on veux commencer acauser d egenocide, si on parlait un peu des indiens d'amerique.
je femrerai pas ma geule devant des gros connards qui savent de quoi ils causent moi aussi.
Je vous la souhaite pas bonne.
This post would make Gomez Adams go wild with passion.

10-08-06, 03:06 PM
For you algerian genocide is the massacre of the 100 000 Harkis (who were on the french side) by the FLN (the algerian liberation army) after the cease fire?
At the end of the war, 27500 french soldiers were killed + 3000 french civilans and 250 000 algerians.

And what about the US army genocide in Iraq since 2003? It 's war the is civilain loss on the both side.
For the armenian genocide there was no war, just an ethnic epuration.
Theirs been more French Genocide than the US armies had wars.

Lets start here:
the Vendée


and here:


10-08-06, 03:48 PM
Hmmm, now I realise just how long ago it was I did GCSE French... :hmm:


The Napoleonic wars have ended!! We're in two societies that France is also a member of!! I go to MacDonalds and eat French fries! (probably made in Sheffield :damn: ) Are we going to start burying the muskets now? :ping:

10-08-06, 03:57 PM
Hmmm, now I realise just how long ago it was I did GCSE French... :hmm:

What the hell is GCSE? In my day it was CSE & GCE are hang on they merge them together didn't they.

Are we going to start burying the muskets now? :ping:

I know a place you can get hold of some. ;)

Onkel Neal
10-08-06, 04:41 PM
French parliament Thursday, calls for five years in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros (57,000 dollars) for anyone who denies the massacres of Armenians under the Ottoman Empire,



For you algerian genocide is the massacre of the 100 000 Harkis (who were on the french side) by the FLN (the algerian liberation army) after the cease fire?
At the end of the war, 27500 french soldiers were killed + 3000 french civilans and 250 000 algerians.

And what about the US army genocide in Iraq since 2003? It 's war the is civilain loss on the both side.
For the armenian genocide there was no war, just an ethnic epuration.

Whoa! Find an example besides the US. The three people who posted ahead of you are not Americans.:shifty: Why answer their criticisms of French politics with something about the US?

10-08-06, 04:52 PM
wow..the Pope certainly seems to have started something with his historical research speech....this should be fun..no idea where we'll end up tho

10-09-06, 06:06 AM
As pointed by Skybird, such law it's mainly a political signal for Turkey, and those who want this country in UE; under this side, it has my full approval.

I hate any denial of historycal facts but, under a different point of wiew, I doubt this sort of laws could work fine, on the long run.

Their main limit is that just few facts become "selected and protected truths" by that way; sort of political choice, related to the culture and history of each country, or community of states.

World's history has countless unpleasant memoires, but people has different ways to call them; opposed versions related to a political orientation (as often happens in my country), or to a national image to support against foreigners.

10-09-06, 06:16 AM
Galileo, why don't you come up with the evidence that we're actually committing genocide in Iraq (and I mean with reliable sources from mainstream media).

Btw, not only are you playing with fire but I have a ZERO tolerance policy for liars.

Well said.:up:

10-09-06, 10:05 AM
French parliament Thursday, calls for five years in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros (57,000 dollars) for anyone who denies the massacres of Armenians under the Ottoman Empire,



For you algerian genocide is the massacre of the 100 000 Harkis (who were on the french side) by the FLN (the algerian liberation army) after the cease fire?
At the end of the war, 27500 french soldiers were killed + 3000 french civilans and 250 000 algerians.

And what about the US army genocide in Iraq since 2003? It 's war the is civilain loss on the both side.
For the armenian genocide there was no war, just an ethnic epuration.

genocide by the US ? so the US have been planting all the roadside bombs have they most iraqi death are from insurgents and AQ operative not from US troops

10-09-06, 01:39 PM
This thread is all over the place. Barking at the moon, calculus, underwater basketweaving, and gang symbols.

I'm going to put in a place-holder and come back to it.

10-09-06, 02:56 PM
It'll go to Islam soon...

All roads lead to Islam... :damn: :yep: :damn:

10-09-06, 05:46 PM
It'll go to Islam soon...

All roads lead to Islam... :damn: :yep: :damn:
I just deleted a 23 pages long essay about the ottoman empire. I deleted it just for you! ;) Friends again? :lol:

10-10-06, 12:02 AM
Skybird, you just made a sacrifice for world peace....you are a noble man! :up:

10-10-06, 09:59 AM
Skybird, you just made a sacrifice for world peace....you are a noble man! :up:

Some of the world leaders could learn from Skybird.