View Full Version : Wave heights in SH3C

10-07-06, 06:19 AM
What's the largest waves anyone's encountered using SH3C? Any screen shots? Is it ok to set a new wave height, or set to seasonal, during a campaign ?
http://users4.ev1.net/%7Etaragem/frauleinvomAmtsm.jpg (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fr%C3%A4ulein)

10-07-06, 08:12 AM
Yes, you can change wave height during a career, but I wouldn't recommend changing it during a patrol (although I think I have and it was OK).

I haven't played SH3 "for real" since May, but IIRC I had waves high enough to make a periscope attack unfeasible (I use the Seasonal setting and it was mid-winter).

Dunno anything about weather and the effects on wave patterns, but IMHO I think the Seasonal setting provides a nice variance throughout the year (ranging from 1x in summer up to 1.875x in winter). Remembering of course that adjusting the wave height is a fudge to overcome the limited maximum wind speed of the game, and to simulate greater winds presumably experienced during winter (I think that was the original argument for it anyway).

Sailor Steve
10-07-06, 12:46 PM

I don't know exactly how high the waves were, but I liked the effect.

I started using the 'Big Waves' mod even before it was in SH3 Commander. AILantic said he experimented with wind speeds up to 45 m/s, but it always defaulted back to 15, so increasing the wave height was the only way to go. I used the 'Seasonal' setting for a while, but came to the conclusion that even when it was using x1 during summer the crew still acted like it was a full-blown storm, so I was back to the problem of them refusing to fire guns in what looked like a calm sea.

10-08-06, 04:07 AM
Hi shegeek72,

I always use the 1.5 fold wave size setting:





mr chris
10-08-06, 05:09 AM
Wow Sailor Steve, SquareSteelBar nice pics of the weather:up:
I for one use the seasonal effect using SH3 commander.:up:

10-08-06, 11:50 PM
I was in a storm with 15m/s winds etc and using 1.25x wave heights and I've seen the entire bridge UNDER the water.....:o

Not much fun for the watch crew!! Would have to have had the bridge hatch shut. Their fatigue went psycho in no time - ended up diving to 50m to escape the wave motion and have a rest. This is exactly what Peter Cremer recalled in his book - having to dive due to being in a hurricane and having to have the bridge hatch closed to avoid being swamped!