View Full Version : Reflexions about sink time and torpedos

09-24-06, 04:30 PM
Each new simulator is quite difficult and challenge for a new player ,"Green" in the rules and skills for the first steps ,the process of learning take his time. After expended several hours and sometimes a lot of hours, the "Green" or Rookie is transformed in a veteran or expert of the game.
In this moment he find the game too easy and near of "routinary" and he search new alternatives to make the difference and make this one more challenge.

Like the first times learning to drive a car and then after the test with the driving license in hand, we can say thatīs a phenomene natural.
But less natural is to make after ,the drive process more challenger to have a good dosis of adrenaline.

Then come the search of the "mod" and the aparitions of words like "Realistic", "Accurate","Difficult" ,"Real","War Ace","Real submarine","Vainille" ,"Chocolat" ,"Strawberry",etc,etc.
The idea is a good one, to complement,expanded and improve the weakest points of the standard game SH3. And the results are quite good in many of the new features and updates.

But other story is the theme sink time and torpedos.

If you have read some books or articles in the abundant literature from theme U-Boats ,Battle of the Atlantic, Silent Service and others you find many references about the theme sinking of targets and torpedos.
Sink time from a torpedo hit is very "variable" and can depend of many factors like

Impact point
Protection system of the target and his structural resistance
Load of the target
Weather conditions(Bad weather and sea in general wortest the results of the damage)
Damage of the impact (Fire, flooding ,hull colapse, desintegration,etc)

A ship loaded with iron ore can sink in 20 seconds , a ammunition ship exploded and desintegrated in thousand of fragments ,a tanker can burning two or more days and rest a float or exploded and sink in two minutes cuted in half, a troopship or ex passenger ships can rest a float one hour or more , or sink in 10 minutes. There are thousands of variables.

A factor primary in the destruction by torpedo hit targets was and is the fire.
The flooding and sink was a secondary natural condition after the destructions caused by the fire.

The way to aproach the damage by the Mods is in general a work with the flooding of the compartiments of the ships.
Make the ships to sink after flooding and not by points.
Nothing to say here, thatīs logic and accurate.

But thatīs minus logic to expend a torpedo with a good hit and wait 40 minutes or more to comprove the sink of a 2500 t cargo.
Then ,with the patiente "under rude test" maybe we launch a second torpedo, a third ,four, etc.
A ship of this nature in general had sunk in no more of 10 minutes or minus, despite the point of impact and his cargo.

Thatīs something natural , limited by his structure and after the explossive effect of the torpedo warload.We can not expected to survive a Missile hit in the engine of one F-16 or MiG-29 for 40 minutes.

The point, this system by flooding is accurate as base of depart but not so realistic in the consequences and after.Certainly there a lot of limits by the architecture of the code SHIII and all parameters cannot be changed.

And the problem , that make the SHIII still more out of reality ,because actually few commanders of U-Boats had the "luxe" to wait so longtime to comprove the sink of a target.
Thatīs specially true in attack convoys ,under the stress of be discovered in the next seconds by the escorts.

Personally ,I finded in this point the so called "Vainille" more realistic in the theme sinking.
I have read about instant "sinkings" , but I have never see that in the standard SHII, yes, maybe the icon ship was marked at sink in the tactical screen , but the target see from the periscope or from the conning tower was still afloat, maybe burning or cut in half.And he take sometime to dispared under the surface.All this details are quite accurate and be comproved with the books, photos,notes and articles.
Some Mods included for that a message in the style "Target destroyed" or something like that.

The reduction of the explossive warload effect of the torpedos or the efficience of the shells of the cannons is also not the right way to make the game "More realistic".

The aproach maybe must be done after the actually conditions finded in the U-boats in WWII.

-Dud torpedos ,but also by mechanics ,not right heated torpedos(Electric), sea conditions, bad conserved and humid, erratic path,etc
-Dud shells(Mechanics and condition)
-The effects of the sea condtions , thatīs a primordial point of depart.
-A rework of the fire consequences in a hit target and his conection with the flooding.
-The stability and consequences for the artillery platform in aiming the target

Are this parameters open to rework ? Thatīs another story....

09-25-06, 09:14 AM
If Im understanding you correctly.

Yes the damage models and sinking times can be modified.

You might want to look into SH3Commander which can help with this sort of thing.

Also try asking in the modding forums.