View Full Version : NYGM Feature revisited #1

Der Teddy Bar
09-02-06, 05:34 PM
Random variable speed for all ships and convoys.

This feature where NYGM took the stock game's "it is a merchant then the speed is always 6 knots and it is an escort the speed is always 14 knots" and “it’s a slow convoy so it is always 6 knots, it’s a medium convoy its 10 knots” and created variable way point speeds based upon the ship's class and the convoy's designation of slow/medium/fast.

NYGM took the convoy's starting and way-point speeds and then programmatically altered them randomly by +/- 1 kt or +/- 2 kts (for VERY FAST convoys a possibility of +/- 4kts ), but must not exceed limits of SLOW- min = 4 kts, max = 8 kts; FAST- min = 6 kts, max = 10 kts; VERY FAST- min = 8 kts, max = 15 kts.

The NYGM Random Speed feature makes every encounter unique and where it requires requires a manual TDC user to check and recheck the targets speed and encourages the player to use multiple torpedo spread to ensure a hit.

The NYGM Random Speed feature also adds a new dimension to finding a convoy when within 24 hours a convoy could be anywhere within a 96 kilometre radius. Making the player 'hunt' for his convoy and not just have it delivered to him.

Random Waypoint Radii.

We had also programmatically changed the great majority of the waypoint radii to increase further the difficulty of finding convoys and other moving ships.

It should be noted that the ship waypoints are normally about 100 kilometres apart. Convoy waypoints are for the most part many 100's of kilometres apart. As such, unless the player is sitting right on top of the exact waypoint when the ship/convoy reaches it, then player will never see or even experience the ship/convoy actually changing speeds, that is, to the player this will be transparent.

To recap the NYGM changing of speeds…
1. Removes the turkey shoot of “oh it’s a slow convoy so it is always 6 knots, it’s a medium convoy its 10 knots etc” or “it’s a merchant then the speed is always 6 knots and it is an escort the speed is always 14 knots”
2. Simulates different weather conditions effects that allowed a convoy to make better or worse speed something that doesn’t occur in the game
3. Simulates different ships & convoys on the same path i.e. better than creating 4 instances on the one convoy path for each speed possibility
4. Adds a new dimension to finding a convoy when within 24 hours a convoy could be anywhere within a 96 kilometre radius. Making the player 'hunt' for his convoy and not just have the convoy delivered to him.

As you can see, 4 GREAT game play features that make SHIII more exciting and alive :up: