View Full Version : What about Harbour modding ?

08-23-06, 04:27 PM
I know that rubini changed the shape of la Spezia, but what about the Buildings? Did anyone ever try to include new structures like a large Dock as The Normandy Dock in St Nazaire or Sth like that ???

Sailor Steve
08-23-06, 05:10 PM
Not that I'm aware of; but it sure would be nice if someone who knew how could go through and make all the harbors look like they really did, especially Brunsbuttel.

Now THAT would be a super mod!

08-24-06, 09:12 AM
I assume you refer to graphic rebuilding as compared to simple editing? As of now it is easy enough to change which of the standard base types used or the surrounding city scenes in mission editor but none of what is available in the game will make anything realistic per say.
While that would be much appreciated it would do nothing for game play.


Cdre Gibs
08-24-06, 10:06 AM
Lets see.
Option 1:
You can have a port thats functional but will in no way resemble the real port (of the day) in SH3 from which to depart. This port will not match the terrain of the surrounding area and maybe a navigational nightmare to enter/exit from. It wont be able to hold the correct amount of shipping and what shipping it does have will not be docked at true and correct docks an warfs and there will be no infostructure of any kind.

Option 2:
You can have a port thats both functional and TRUE (to the real port of the day) in SH3 from which to depart. This port will match the terrain seemlessly and will indeed come with correct naviagional makers and channel's. It will also be able to hold the correct amount of shipping docked at the true an correct docks and warfs with the correct infostructure.

Geee thats a hard choice for game play....hmmm I think I'll have option 1 thanks!


09-06-06, 08:03 AM
I've search a little when the terrain editor was release ( i have corrected the Brest coast).
Harbour's design are store in dat file but if i remember well, i wans'nt able to open it :cry: :cry:

AS it is some month ago and as i have been out of the community for a while it may have changed.

does someone have newer information?

09-15-06, 07:33 AM
any news concerning these questions?