View Full Version : NYGM and assigned grid

The Munster
08-20-06, 02:05 PM
Please forgive me if this Q has been posted before but I have done one patrol with this mod added and renown equates to tonnage so... is there any point of going to your assigned grid and patrolling it for 24 hours ? The only reward you get for doing this as far as I can see is you get to see your assignment log writing turn from blue to green. Don't get me wrong; it's a wonderful mod and I'm not knocking it as such but this intriguement starting lurking in the back of my mind whilst chewing tobacco on the bridge returning to base :shifty:

08-20-06, 02:22 PM
You are not punished for not going to your patrol grid, but its realistic if you go anyway. I like NYGM in that way because if my sub runs out of torpedoes, fuel or gets badly damaged i can just return to port without being punished.