View Full Version : The Hector Depth charge

07-30-06, 02:12 PM
Just finished reading, Convoy, By Martin Middlebrook, a great read:know:
He mentioned in book,
The Germans, however, would not get away totally unscathed. Beverley, having narrowly escaped destruction from torpedoes fired by U-616--her erratic, zig-zag course and high speed saving her--gave U-228 a severe depth charging which caused a small leak in the U-boat’s hull. The destroyer’s ASDIC then picked up another contact: U-530, commanded by Kapitänleutnant Kurt Lange--at 39 believed to be the “second oldest captain in the U-boat fleet”--and hunted her for over two hours, subjecting her to a depth charge barrage that knocked out lighting and caused leaks in the boat's pressure hull. Fortunately for the submarine, the sole Mark X depth charge--a one-ton torpedo-like affair nicknamed "Little Hector" that almost certainly would have given the coup de grace to the already wounded undersea raider--malfunctioned, the firing mechanism failing. Beverley subsequently lost contact with U-530--which then escaped--and depth-charged U-600 soon thereafter, but did not score a "kill."

07-30-06, 02:15 PM
The British chose the opposite path, equipping their DEs (actually Captain-class frigates) with two 3,000 pound Mark X depth charges in December 1944. The unique Mk X depth charges contained 2,000 pounds of explosive and were intended to combat the newest deep-diving German submarines.


Dont fancy meeting one of them on my travels

07-30-06, 03:36 PM
BTW the Beverely was a Brit dd..:up: 1943

07-30-06, 03:48 PM
BTW the Beverely was a Brit dd..:up: 1943

Sounds like a good book
Wonder if those DC are modelled in the game :hmm:

Nah - phew lol

Sailor Steve
07-31-06, 08:27 PM

One of the things I remember reading was that the main effect of the massive warhead was to increase the kill/crush radius from 25 feet to 30 feet.

For all the effort it really wasn't much better.