View Full Version : CTD using NYGM 2.0 Help please!!

06-21-06, 07:51 PM
To the NYGM 2.0 team:

The problem is that I can not sail through a certain area without always experience a CTD.
The Grid is AO73, and I´ve been experiencing multiple CTDs. I started a career and decided to sail through that grid instead of using the Channel near Kiel, hoping to catch fleeing Polish merchants in the Baltic and around the Norweggian cost. The only thing I caught is this bug.
At first I deleted my current career and started a new one, following the same way and path, but when I came across grid AO 73, between Kopenhagen and Malmö, the same CTD occurred.
I reloaded my saved game a couple of minutes before the time the CTD occurred but it happened again.:damn:
At first I thought it was time compression, so I turned it off. Then i decided to stop the engines and wait for a while, in order to avoid the fatidic time. Nothing happened, but when I restarted the engines, the CTD appeared:dead:.

I would like all of you to be aware of this bug to help other players avoid this frustration

Der Teddy Bar
06-21-06, 08:28 PM
I have replicated your issue when within range of Copenhagen.

I will investigate.

06-21-06, 08:36 PM

Thanks for your response, I took screeshots of the area a couple of seconds before this CTD.

I could send them to you in case you could not replicate it. Just tell me how to do it because my profile says I can not post attachements.

I will try to change the course and see what happends, since I do not think it is time related.

Der Teddy Bar
06-21-06, 08:52 PM

Thanks for your response, I took screeshots of the area a couple of seconds before this CTD.

I could send them to you in case you could not replicate it. Just tell me how to do it because my profile says I can not post attachements.

I will try to change the course and see what happends, since I do not think it is time related.Place your images at image shack and then insert the image into the post.


06-22-06, 12:37 PM
The CTD can be easily reproduced in grid AO73, when close to Kopenhagen and Malmo, approaching the narrow channel from the south.

Since none of the NYGM team has (knowingly) made any changes in this region, the problem almost certainly dates back to RUb. It is amazing that no one else (including me) has ever noticed it before - evidently most players want to get into the North Sea quickly and use the direct route.

I have carried out several tests. It appears that the CTD is caused by confusion within the program when two (or more) naval bases overlap. As soon as the player comes within 30nm of a port, parameters are stored; as soon as the player is 30nm when leaving from a port the parameters are also saved. When the player exits from the Malmo port radius, it immediately enters the 30nm radius of Kopenhagen. And vice-versa. This combination is very rare on the map, which is why the CTD has not been reported before. (That's the current theory, anyway - you can check it by drawing 30nm circles with the protractor around Malmo and Kopenhagen, and seeing when the CTD occurs.)

Simply removing Malmo (and the adjacent Helsingborg, which also overlaps with Kopenhagen) from campaign_RND.mis does not solve the CTD. Probably the file in \terrain\locations.cfg will have to have the entries for Malmo and Helsingborg also removed. All this will take some time to test, so the only immediate fix is to avoid going to square AO73.

I think it very likely that this bug will also affect any RUb-derived mod, although I am unable to test this. I would, however, suggest that modders should not casually add new ports and cities to SH3. There needs to be a justification.

The possibility of an inherent bug, dependent on a particular latitude and longitude, in SH3 cannot yet be ruled out.


06-22-06, 03:38 PM
For Stielber and Teddy:

Thank you very much for isolating this issue. I could not investigate anymore by myself because ,at a certain point, the saved game failed to initialize anymore, so this is the second career I lost, maybe a punishment for being so greedy about easy preys, (you know, confined environments, no enemy aircrafts). I got really fond of my previous crew and I miss them. I started a third career but I feel that I recruited my crew in a hurry.

I really hope you could solve this issue because I think I also had it with GW1.1, but I thought the cause was related to a file that enabled a white band around the officer´s helmet.

06-23-06, 01:59 PM
I've managed to stop the CTD by removing all references to Kopenhagen, Malmo and Helsingborg from the data\terrain\locations.cfg file. (This needs a careful renumbering/rearrangement job; don't try this at home, as the saying goes). The problem actually appeared to lie with the entries for Kopenhagen.

However, I do not intend to restore the entries for Malmo and for Helsingborg, in accordance with the philosophy that the SH3 map is not a school atlas. Entries should only be there to serve a purpose. Similarly, I have removed both ports from the campaign_LND.mis file, although Kopenhagen (a capital city) is retained there.

This will all appear in the next NYGM release.


06-27-06, 01:30 PM

I followed your advice and draw 30 km circles around Kopenhagen, Malmo and Helsinborg and this time I did not have a single CTD!!!:D . The trick is to start your course in the area covered by the circle around Malmo and follow on up to a blank area, where none of the three circles intersect. By doing that, you avoid any possibility of overlapping. You could see the moment when parameters are stored. After you reach this blank area, proceed to the north always avoiding the circle around Kopenhagen. The only inconvenience is that the blank area lies very near the shore, so it reminds the scene in "The hunt for the Red October" (3..2..1..Turn!!). After you reach the circle around Helsinborg just relax.
You can do this with 32x TC.
Hope this could help.