View Full Version : Just another reminder for NYGM users running Longer Repair Times mod

06-18-06, 01:38 AM
I just want to remind everyone again about using the Longer Repair Times mod along with NYGM 2.0. LRT probably disables the antihummingbird feature in NYGM (conflicting reports), along with other possible NYGM features (known or unknown). LRT mod is not supported by or related to NYGM team in any way. I made LRT mod compatible with NYGM 2.0 as a service to SH3 players. If you are experiencing problems when running these two mods together, please do not blame or ask for assistance with your problem from the NYGM team. They are not officially supporting my mod at this time. I have made LRT mod compatible with NYGM to the best of my ability, but there are still some small compatibility issues. If you are concerned about losing any features in NYGM 2.0, then please reconsider using the LRT mod. Again, the NYGM team is not responsible for any incompatabilites or problems when running these two mods together. Thank you.

Also, if you are running any other mods with LRT mod (besides GW v1.1), you may experience gameplay problems due to the fact that the other mods may have overwritten LRT files during installation. LRT mod may or may not be compatible with other mods.

06-18-06, 07:50 AM
This is weird as I have read previous player reports of LRT cancelling out the anti-HB effect in NYGMv2. When I installed LRT I was expecting it. Perhaps this is just a fluke but I just answered Sober's question about this. I've got NYGMv2 + 15 or so mods then LRT at the end and the anti-HB effect is working for me. Both of these mods are so awesome that I cannot imagine playing without either one.
Sure wish you guys could find some common ground in this area.

Anyway, just my two cents worth and thanks again for coming up with this unbelievable feature. Just another example of how the devs dropped the ball.

06-18-06, 08:05 AM
I'm running the two and I start my 5th patrol today. I am having no major problems. I am enjoying the game play .... possibly more than ever before. I thought LRT might having shortened my torpedo reloading times...but I'm not so sure. If it did.... not really a big deal.

As for the anti-humming bird effect I don't know as I never "hovered" in place as part of the game play anyway.

Since Hemisent said it didn't cancel his I will try to hover in place today just to see for sure.

Speaking for myself only....I must say that the LRT has complimented the NYGM more than it has broken it.

06-18-06, 08:28 AM
Thanks for the responses. I just wanted to make it clear to everyone who is using the LRT mod with other mods that they may experience unexpected problems. I am glad the mod is working for you guys.


I don't know what to say about the fast torpedo reload times. I never experienced that once when testing LRT with either NYGM or GW. I wish I could help you solve your fast torpedo reload problem!

06-18-06, 09:28 AM
OK...as for the torp reloads it wasn't LRT at all.

:oops: I missed turning this realism setting on when I started this career. Fixed it and alls well.

As for the anti-hummingbird effect.....I just tried it and after 10 minutes submerged to 11m with speed 0....the boat was still at 11m.

So...I guess it is broken unless the sink rate is very, very slow...but as I said ...not missed....because I never try to hover in place anyway.