View Full Version : Custom Mission Causes System Reboot

02-25-06, 06:24 PM
I've designed a rather simple mission that causes my system to reboot.

I design missions in steps. Add one unit at a time and appropriate triggers, test, add more, test add more until the mission is completely built then test some more. This mission is about a third of the way thru the process. It currently contains the essential units less some Japanese naval forces.

It is designed to be either single or multiplayer. The task for the US player is to transit the Tsugaru-kaikyo strait in Northern Japan and for the chinese player to sink the US sub.

The controllable units are a Seawolf and a Chinese Kilo. Both units have waypoints set with tactics so that the mission should work in Single Player too. There are goals set for each to kill the other. The one caveat is that the US sub will not get any points for sinking the kilo unless the kilo attacks the US sub. This is accomplished thru the doctrine language in the kill Kilo goal where the goal trigger only fires if the kilo attacks the US.

In every instance where the human is controlling the Kilo when the kilo attacks the Seawolf eventually the game causes my PC to reboot.

Since no other scenario reboots now that I set dw's affinity to just a single CPU there must be something weird about the scenario.

I'd like for others to run this thing a few times and see if it reboots your PC's. Or maybe you just see something in the design that you know screws up DW. If you're interested in helping out PM me and I'll send you a zipped up version of the mission.

As an aside this isn't the only weirdness in DW scenario design I've seen.

In another scenario I've since given up on a Japanese P-3 would launch from the Jap airbase in the scenario and attack a Japanese DD. Every single time. P-3's would keep launching until the DD went down. I kept an example replay of the incident after watching the replays with truth on about 10 times running the mission. I even contacted Sonalysts and offered to send them the scenario and the replay file (which I still have if anyone is interested) but they completely blew me off.

DW's scenario designer isn't right - and I've been designing scenarios with it's equivalent on 688i, Fleet Command and Sub Command without problems for a pretty long time now.

02-25-06, 08:46 PM
Could just be a quirk

I haven't had my system reboot due to DW ever.

Had a few crashes to dektop and got the memory offset.

Send your scenario to shkvalruATyahoo.com, replate AT with @

If I get time I'll look at it.

The editor is fine. Maybe you have something in your hardware setup?

02-25-06, 09:02 PM
The editor is fine. Maybe you have something in your hardware setup?Well since no scenario that came packaged with DW has ever caused a reboot the possibility the problem is with my hardware is remote.

How do you explain the AI killing it's own units?

Mission sent and the replay of the mission where the AI kills its own units.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Come on guys. It can't just be me.

TLAM Strike
02-25-06, 09:23 PM
How do you explain the AI killing it's own units? Units can be scripted to attack their own side. :know:

The rebooting, I havn't a clue about... :huh:

02-26-06, 07:35 AM
The editor is fine. Maybe you have something in your hardware setup?Well since no scenario that came packaged with DW has ever caused a reboot the possibility the problem is with my hardware is remote.

How do you explain the AI killing it's own units?

Mission sent and the replay of the mission where the AI kills its own units.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Come on guys. It can't just be me.

It is just you :P

AI "killing own units" is probably a matter of them killing enemy units while you think they're friendly... Nationality doesn't matter, it's what side you've set each platform (airports counts as platforms) to.

As for reboots, I assume you mean "the computer just reboots while the mission is running" ? If so, it's probably a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Screen_of_Death that you don't get to see unless you unset the option of automatically restarting when it happens.

As the wikipedia says, it's a driver or similar that contains an error that is obviously somehow triggered by the event causing the problem. If it happens the moment the torpedo hits, I'd suspect audio drivers first. The bluescreen can usually tell you more about what file causes the problem.

02-26-06, 09:28 AM

With truth set to ON! I have a replay that shows a japanese P-3 killing a Japanese DD.

I ran the scenario 10 times with identical results. The P-3's launched repeatedly from the same base, attacked the DD and kept returning to base and relaunching until that DD was dead.

There was no special scripting.
The AI was not told to attack it's own units by doctrine language or thru scripts.

UPDATE: Sonalysts DW has a problem with HT P4's.

Setting Affinity for DW to one cpu or the other solved most of my DW stability problems and eliminated the reboots I was having with SA supplied missions. With the mission in question after turning hyperthreading off at the BIOS level - voila - no more DW reboots with that mission.

So Sonalyst has a programming problem with HT CPU's....

Too bad they don't listen. It's a shame to have to TURN OFF a process that makes a PC more efficient.

02-26-06, 03:40 PM
Well werewolf I'm sorry but I have an HT P4 and I don't get reboots with DW whther Affinity set to 1 or 2 CPUs.

What side are your DDGs and P-3s set to. Doesn't matter if they are Japanese in origin it depends on whether they are bot set to side 1 or side 2

Have you sent me the file to look at? Kind of got a lot to do at the mo but no worries.

02-26-06, 06:20 PM
Well werewolf I'm sorry but I have an HT P4 and I don't get reboots with DW whther Affinity set to 1 or 2 CPUs.But I do and turning off HT at the BIOS level cures the reboot problem.

What side are your DDGs and P-3s set to. Doesn't matter if they are Japanese in origin it depends on whether they are bot set to side 1 or side 2All Jap units are side 1.

Have you sent me the file to look at? Kind of got a lot to do at the mo but no worries.Sent it last night as noted in previous reply.

02-27-06, 01:27 PM
Just had a look at the mission.

No reboots and I noticed no surface vessels, had a look in the mission editor and the only units are P-3, Seawolf and Kilo.

I really can't help much further other than to say I don't think it is inherent problem in DW and its editor per se, but maybe a conflict between your system and DW.