View Full Version : Are waves the right height?

11-27-05, 09:34 AM
Always looking for the most realistic experience, are waves the right height in SH3?
If not then I will install the big wave mod.

11-27-05, 10:09 AM
They feel about right, except in shallow waters. But there are so many factors that go into waves that if you had truly realistic waves, all the computing power usedby SH III would go into making waves.

I'm not sure, tho, cause I'm used to wind speeds in knots, not m/s...

11-27-05, 10:34 AM
I was thinking more about storm waves, remember in das boot, that little boat was going up and down water mountains!
Then again that was just a movie.

I`ve never been in a REAL storm in SH3, so i`m not sure if I need to mod this.

11-27-05, 12:31 PM
I´m using Big Waves to 1´5/1. Jumping on the waves. For me is OK :rock:

11-27-05, 01:09 PM
I was thinking more about storm waves, remember in das boot, that little boat was going up and down water mountains!
Then again that was just a movie.

I`ve never been in a REAL storm in SH3, so i`m not sure if I need to mod this.

In SHIII 15m/s winds are the max. IRL, there are no restrictions.

Oh, and I´d like to see winds like 20-25m/s in SHIII. :)

11-27-05, 08:24 PM
Maybe I'm being too demanding but it never seems quite real to me in a storm as the boat seems to rise and fall steadily no matter what the weather, I'd like to see it CRASH down in heavy seas, with waves swamping the deck. For example a ship will "ride" up a high wave but "crash" downwards with a huge splash. That just doesn't seem to happen for me, I don't feel the need to shout yeee-haaaa like they do in Da Boot, even with the wave mod. What do people think??

11-27-05, 08:29 PM
Maybe I'm being too demanding but it never seems quite real to me in a storm as the boat seems to rise and fall steadily no matter what the weather, I'd like to see it CRASH down in heavy seas, with waves swamping the deck. For example a ship will "ride" up a high wave but "crash" downwards with a huge splash. That just doesn't seem to happen for me, I don't feel the need to shout yeee-haaaa like they do in Da Boot, even with the wave mod. What do people think??

I totally agree with you! :up:

11-27-05, 11:11 PM
I never used the big wave mod as such, but I started using SH3 Commander a couple of weeks ago (finally got a version that didn't give me CTDs) and it has an easy drop-down box to set wave heights - I have been using 1.25x and experimenting with 1.5x wave heights, and I get a pretty decent feel for storm waves, water sweeping up over the bridge crew and stuff when at 15m/s winds.

Might want to give it a try - it also does some other cool stuff like putting "real" ship names next to your victims in your logs, making it easy to adjust the deck gun reload speed, generating a very cool personnel file for your kaleun, letting you experiment with different fatigue models, do some extra crew management stuff, etc. Very cool little program - kudos to the modders :up:

11-28-05, 07:39 AM
hmmm...that does sound interesting. I always wanted to keep my SH3 as 'clean' as possible.
But I think I`ll give commander a try. :up:

11-28-05, 12:26 PM
I already use commander, it's a very good program, wouldn't be without it, I love the huge waves but still feel the "crash" down isn't there, any one who's been in a storm will know what I mean, you tend to lose your stomach contents because the bow comes down off the wave so fast. :-?

11-28-05, 12:27 PM
By my calculation, 15 m/s is about 30 knots. That's... Let me get a book... Force 7? Wow, the weather this winter was ****tier than I realised.

Anyway, according to Bowditch, the maximum theoretical height of a wave at force 7 is 20 fts. To get 90% of the wave at that height, you'd have to have that near gale going on for 21 hours in an area of unlimited fetch. To get that (90% of wave at 20 fts), you'd need at least 150 nm of fetch, and that's for an unlimited period of blowing. How high's the conning tower on a VIIB?

You're also supposed to get "Sea heaps up and white foam blown in streaks along the direction of the wind". But again, an accurate wave simulator would use more system ressource than all of SHIII.

11-28-05, 12:37 PM
By my calculation, 15 m/s is about 30 knots. That's... Let me get a book... Force 7? Wow, the weather this winter was ****tier than I realised.

Anyway, according to Bowditch, the maximum theoretical height of a wave at force 7 is 20 fts. To get 90% of the wave at that height, you'd have to have that near gale going on for 21 hours in an area of unlimited fetch. To get that (90% of wave at 20 fts), you'd need at least 150 nm of fetch, and that's for an unlimited period of blowing. How high's the conning tower on a VIIB?

You're also supposed to get "Sea heaps up and white foam blown in streaks along the direction of the wind". But again, an accurate wave simulator would use more system ressource than all of SHIII.

Clever bugger!! :up: Seriously I guess you're right, be nice though :)

Sailor Steve
11-28-05, 10:48 PM
Oh, and I´d like to see winds like 20-25m/s in SHIII. :)
Timetraveller said that he originally made the winds much higher, but it only worked in individual missions. As soon as you saved a career it defaulted back to 15 m/s.

I've been using 'Big Waves' set at 2x since the day it was released. SH3 Commander also incorporates this now, and at 2x you get those huge crashing waves, and spend a lot of bridge time underwater.

11-29-05, 01:50 PM
Yeah I noticed sometimes the whole bridge and my poor lookouts spend a few seconds holding their breath underwater!
Did this really happen?

11-29-05, 02:00 PM
CptGrayWolf wrote:
Yeah I noticed sometimes the whole bridge and my poor lookouts spend a few seconds holding their breath underwater!
Did this really happen?

I just recently finished the Heinz Shäffer's U-977, and if remember correctly he said that one time the waves were so huge, that the boat, when it's bow rushed down the whole boat just dived because the depth rudder in the bow was trimmed for surfaced and the angle became more vertical compared to the surface. it was perhaps more than 30 seconds that the crew had to hold their breathes until LI got the boat trimmed again. Someone can correct if I remembered wrong....

EDIT: no it was propably more than 30 seconds for sure. The DEPTH for the boat was 32 meters or something like that.

11-29-05, 06:35 PM

Damn, think I got water in these again!!!

11-29-05, 06:46 PM
EDIT: no it was propably more than 30 seconds for sure. The DEPTH for the boat was 32 meters or something like that.

That's 100 fts. I don't think someone could survive just being ducked at thirty meters (Decompressions and all that)... If so, it's amazing. Could you check the numer?

11-30-05, 03:05 AM
Etienne wrote:
Could you check the numer?

Sure, no problem. It was a book from a local public library, but I can check it. Wan't to be sure my self.

I don't think that decompression would be a "big" problem. THe italian Gianluca Genoni has dived to 133 meters without scuba gears and it's a world's record I think. So that is a 100 meters deeper than in this U-Boat case.

11-30-05, 04:38 AM
Decompression and that only works when you spend some time at a certain depth... scuba divers go really deep (I think the world record is something crazy like 200m or so!) and they dont do any decompression, because they just go down and then up.

Anyway I have also read about watch crews being submerged for some seconds, this one must have been really scary!

12-01-05, 11:14 AM
So I wen't and checked the numbers from the Shäffers "U-977"

It happened pretty much as I told earlier, there was a terrible storm going on and Shäffer was one of them on the bridge. They used to yell warnings everytime a huge wave was about to crash down on them so everyone could prepare for it...When the boat was submerged, he (Shäffer) wandered how much longer they would have to be under water and he wanted to shout "Alle Maschinen stop!, anblasen!" but couldn't of course. He hoped that the LI would be alerted and knew what to do and fast. Finally, after long time the bridge surfaced again, all machines were stopped and compressed air hissed into divin tanks. The hatch opened and the LI grinned to his captain and asked if everyone was still there and alive. The boat went to 32 meters and six tons of water rushed in the boat through the valves during the dive.

He (S) said also that it wasn't unusual if the boat would dive to 15 or 20 meters in storms....

12-01-05, 04:46 PM
Here ya go, the Beaufort Scale.
