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View Full Version : SH3 Commander and EnglishNames.cfg or GermanNames.cfg

11-13-05, 04:07 PM
Just a quick question, does SH3 Commander change GermanNames.cfg or EnglishNames.cfg ???

In any case, I've solved my crashes, have the Hospital Ship mod, and the Flottenbegleiter and was sure I had the entries in the cfg file above (as well as added to each nation required) but the entries were not there when I checked. Not blaming SH3 Commander just eliminating a possibility.

11-13-05, 09:55 PM
Nup. Only reads from them and then only if you have selected the "Use real ship names in patrol logs" option.

11-14-05, 03:36 AM
Ok thanks, sure I probably forgot or maybe something else changed them.