View Full Version : RUb 1.44 + Depth Gauge Mod 1.4

10-20-05, 07:06 PM
I recently installed RUb 1.44 using the JSGME installer, and then the depth gauge mod 1.4. I got a warning saying that RUb 1.44 had already cahnged the files, but went ahead anyway, because the gauges were not 400m ones. Don't know if there are any problems with this. Can anyone advise? I'm also using the crush depth tool.

10-20-05, 07:15 PM
In your case, you shouldn't use JSGME to install the 400m depth gauge... It might just be easier to do it manually.

10-21-05, 12:12 AM
I'm not sure which file the 400m depth gauge mod uses. There are two files that might be used to adjust gauges.

If it uses the menu_1024_768.ini file, plugging it in on top of RUb will disable some RUb content. Specifically...

1. The feature that limits weather reports to times when the boat is surfaced will be removed.

2. The unrealistic binocular crosshair will re-appear.

3. The LHS shortcuts bar (which was moved so that it didn't interfere with the view) will no longer be invisible.

If it uses the commands_en.cfg file...

1. The go-back views for the periscope and UZO will be disabled.

2. The removed keypad 'Enter' command (to prevent accidental torpedo firing) will be disabled.

10-21-05, 05:12 AM
I never manually install stuff, otherwise there is a risk I can lose track. I like the JSGME tool because I can use it as a management tool - and it's easy to undo any changes.

Thanks for that important information beery. I would not have known this. It would be good if RUb had the depth gauge mod integrated into it, because boats like the Type VII(41) could go deeper than 260m. They had a crush depth of 350m.

10-21-05, 10:07 AM
I never manually install stuff, otherwise there is a risk I can lose track. I like the JSGME tool because I can use it as a management tool - and it's easy to undo any changes.

Thanks for that important information beery. I would not have known this. It would be good if RUb had the depth gauge mod integrated into it, because boats like the Type VII(41) could go deeper than 260m. They had a crush depth of 350m.

If you use SH3 Commander in conjunction with RUb, both the Type VIIC and the Type VIIC/41 are automatically given their correct crush depths. SH3 Commander is the only mod that gets both the crush depths right automatically without the player needing to swap out files.

10-21-05, 01:20 PM
Thanks once again. I've not had time to try everyhting out yet, but I've now installed SHIII Comander 2.2 and RUb 1.44. I'm really impressed by all this.