View Full Version : Break Surface Depths

10-12-05, 02:02 AM
Is anyone else confused about "break surface depths."

All the "break surface depths" in the game sit at around 45-50 feet. But whenever I look at pictures of submarines the sail, estimating the heights based on people standing on the deck next to the sails, it would appear that most SSN don't have a sail greater than 20-25 ft in height. Estimating of course.

Shouldn't the "break surface depths" reflect more the sail heights?


10-12-05, 04:58 PM
If I understand your question correctly, you're asking why the "break surface depth" is 45-50 feet when the sub's sail is only 20-25 feet high.

The answer, I think, is that you're right in your estimation about the sail height. The "break surface depth" is actually given in depth from the keel, or to the bottom of the ship. When you're on the surface, ~35 feet of your ship is still underwater (this is called draft), and when the very bottom of your ship is 45-50 feet underwater, your sail is only just broaching the surface.

Somebody else can probably explain this clearer than I can.

10-12-05, 06:28 PM
hm... that makes sense, forgot that the depth is keel depth.