View Full Version : DW Analyzer

10-08-05, 02:14 PM
Where to get it?

I see it mentioned and that Ludger made it but where is it for download?

10-08-05, 02:19 PM
It's not available for download. ;)

10-08-05, 03:28 PM
What is "DW analyzer" and where it has been mentioned?


10-08-05, 03:42 PM
Best way would be to send PM to Ludger and ask. I'm still not entirely sure if it's for public now in current version... And it's rather complicated, nothing you would want to just take a look, it took me few hours to understand what is happening there, set tests and get it to work... This is what it lookes like:

http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/493/dwanalyzersmall2dn.th.jpg (http://img72.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dwanalyzersmall2dn.jpg)

10-08-05, 03:47 PM
Well I have sent PMs to Ludger of late and he has been kind of quiet.

10-08-05, 05:06 PM
:o I sure hope that one becomes available to the public. :o

Very :cool:

10-10-05, 11:36 AM
He didn't reply to me too, but he said he's really busy in his last mail... Will read again what he wrote to me about Analyzer, or maybe will consult with someone becuase with my english I'm still not sure if what he wrote to me mean that it's fully public (but I guess he would relase it then !!?), or rather available for confirmed game modders, or maybe still private... :hmm:

Well, read:

I remember that you said it's not for public, then I want to ask you....

Yep, I said this because of 2 reasons,
a) it is illegal to modify someone's code without permission
b) I didn't want to see people exploit DW's weakness or any childish
complains about simulation flaws in the forum....

a) is resolved, since Sonalyst knows about this tool/modded simengine, and granted (a limited) permission, since they know about my positive intend....

b) is not a problem for me any more, since SA should have plenty of time to think and fix any sim flaws right now ;-)

It's still not clear to me, but I assume if it was fully public, he would relase it himself ?? :-?