View Full Version : Toughening Battleships?

08-24-05, 03:54 PM
Is it just me, or do battleships in SH3 seem a little too vulnerable to torpedoes? For example, I don't think a torpedo strike could so easily detonate the main magazine. For one thing, it's buried deep within the ship, and secondly, a torpedo hit would probably just flood it, not cause it to explode.

Look at the Yamato, for example. It took 13 torpedo hits, as well as several air-dropped bombs, before it sank.

I've tweaked the Zones.cfg, and removed the "ammo" cargo from the fore and aft ammo bunkers, as well as heavily strengthening the fuel bunkers. Now battleships take more torpedoes, slowly flood, and then slide under or capsize.

I'm going to keep playing around with the Zones.cfg to see what I can find out. I'd like to tweak it so that under-keel torpedo detonations are much more deadly than side-strikes. Right now they don't seem to do much damage.

Duke of Earl
08-24-05, 05:05 PM
I think this worthwhile.. BB's need more toughening up.. this mod project seems to be headed in the right direction... I only hope the .cfg edits don't cause problems with other ships...

Cordialement, Duke of Earl

08-25-05, 03:33 AM
Bear in mind the Royal Oak and the Barham were sunk by only 3-4 torpedos.

08-25-05, 04:05 AM
I HOPE Ubisoft is watching and taking notes, because from the past few months obverving the forums, it's quite obvious that we are interested in not only submarines, but ships as well, and a game which could focus on naval warfare in general is just begging to be released. If I were there, I'd be lobbying for making a sim which would include all dimensions of naval warfare, albeit I accept it to be in only one theater of war operations (Atlantic for exampl).

Until than, we are stuck with modifying ships that are meant as tonnage dummies, not accurate warship simulations. :dead: