View Full Version : Show truth in 3D only?

Captain Nemo
08-24-05, 05:42 AM
A thing that I would like to see implemented is the option to be able to show truth in 3d only (not on the navigation map). My reasoning behind this is because when you are following a weapon you have fired in 3d you see and hear targets that might not really be there i.e. targets that you have marked in sonar and classified with low, medium or high boxes around them. You don't see targets that are really there unless your weapon is about to hit something and completely destroy it. Another example of this is when I have been surfaced and a helo is buzzing around my sub, at present in 3d you don't see the helo but if you go on the bridge or look through the periscope you do (as you would expect). Presumably the same applies to surface platforms (not played them yet but intend to in future). I know you can just switch on "show truth" but then it shows everything up on the navigation map and gives everything away, which I don't want. I just want to see things that are really there when following a torp or missile as though you had a real camera following the weapon.

I know some will say this is a cheat and that's why I would have this as an option that could be turned on or off.

What do others think?


08-24-05, 06:04 AM
3D is unrealistic even as it is. Real dudes should always play with 3D disabled. So it is not realism problem if option like that you mentioned would be available. I just don't know how it should work.
3D shows objects selected on NavMap. You can't select possible contact and see realone.

However, when you surface, you should get visual contacts, which you don't on sub (AFAIK). That's a bug.

Also link helos set most tracks they see to neutral ID, although they are unknown ID to them (and often hostile in real).

Captain Nemo
08-24-05, 06:49 AM
3D is unrealistic even as it is. Real dudes should always play with 3D disabled. So it is not realism problem if option like that you mentioned would be available. I just don't know how it should work.
3D shows objects selected on NavMap. You can't select possible contact and see realone.

However, when you surface, you should get visual contacts, which you don't on sub (AFAIK). That's a bug.

Also link helos set most tracks they see to neutral ID, although they are unknown ID to them (and often hostile in real).

I agree, from a realism viewpoint 3d is unrealistic. However, if you are going to use it to follow your weapons I feel there should be an option to show truth in 3d only so that if your torp or whatever passes something that is there you should see it. Having said that, I do take your point regarding showing 3D objects of possible contacts selected on the nav map.


08-24-05, 08:51 AM
However, when you surface, you should get visual contacts, which you don't on sub (AFAIK). That's a bug.

In the database, subs do not have a "lookout sensor" assigned, unlike surface platforms, so there will be no automatic reporting of contacts from the sail bridge.

I'm not sure if this is "realistic" or not, as the FFG, for example, has a lookout sensor, but also has a whole team on board dedicated to the watch station. Why would you ever be on the surface looking around anyway??? Unless you were poping off a manpad... :ping:

08-24-05, 10:02 AM
You should be able to manualy mark contacts from sail, at least. Periscope autocrew would be nice too.

08-24-05, 11:50 AM
Correct me if this is wrong. Im sure that when follow in a torp in £d just before it impacts you get to see the model of the target.

Or did i dream that? :hmm:

08-24-05, 12:20 PM
Sid, the problem with that is that there is no instrument connected to the firecontrol system on the sail bridge. You can manually mark the contacts, which is what the crew would have to do if they spotted something with the binocs.

I don't see it as a huge problem, because you can always use the scope, plus then you can get range from the statimeter (or however you spell it).

TLAM Strike
08-24-05, 12:26 PM
Correct me if this is wrong. Im sure that when follow in a torp in £d just before it impacts you get to see the model of the target.

Or did i dream that? :hmm:

Thats only if you have 'show dead platforms' enabled.

08-24-05, 12:32 PM
Ah that was it, thanks TLAM

08-24-05, 01:05 PM
3D is unrealistic even as it is. Real dudes should always play with 3D disabled. So it is not realism problem if option like that you mentioned would be available. I just don't know how it should work.
3D shows objects selected on NavMap. You can't select possible contact and see realone.

However, when you surface, you should get visual contacts, which you don't on sub (AFAIK). That's a bug.

Also link helos set most tracks they see to neutral ID, although they are unknown ID to them (and often hostile in real).

I agree, from a realism viewpoint 3d is unrealistic. However, if you are going to use it to follow your weapons I feel there should be an option to show truth in 3d only so that if your torp or whatever passes something that is there you should see it. Having said that, I do take your point regarding showing 3D objects of possible contacts selected on the nav map.


Usefull in multiplayer, you can pre-enable your torps when they are homing on decoys. :rock: :rotfl: