View Full Version : Questions about IFF and masts

08-17-05, 04:33 AM
Hi guys

I am making some missions with the editor and I need some info about two things.

First: What is IFF checkbox for airplanes and helicopters. Manual says it's identification friend or foe. That's all fine but what does that realy mean and how to use this option???

Second: Is there any way to know what masts are raised on a sub when creating a triger? In particular, I want to know if the submarine has radio antena raised above the water.

08-19-05, 01:28 PM
Answer to first : IFF (IRL) means that an aircraft sends out a signal that identifies it to others having a way of reading that signal. If he sends the right code he will be seen as friend, if not then its an enemy (very simple explanation). Result in game, if the aircraft is part of a friendly or neutral then the AI wont attack it, if not then the AI will attack it and put it on the Link as enemy.

Answer to second : not yet. But hopefully this will be included in future patches.

08-19-05, 01:30 PM
Just to add another part onto this....

Why is the IFF only available to the aircraft :hmm: :hmm:
Other things have it too