View Full Version : Submarine Torpedo Fire Control Manual

Bill Nichols
07-26-05, 02:17 PM
For those of us that prefer to play at 100% realism!


Mike 'Red Ocktober' Hense
07-26-05, 02:21 PM


07-26-05, 03:21 PM
Wow thanks!
I know what I'll be doing tonight! :up:

07-26-05, 03:31 PM
quite a story. Looking forward reading it! Maybe on a mission with a IX !!!

07-26-05, 03:37 PM
This is very cool sir. Thanks

07-26-05, 05:03 PM
Outstanding find! Now, I have to fix my printer for this...

07-26-05, 09:23 PM
WOW! This is very cool!!!

Thanky Bill! :rock:

07-26-05, 09:42 PM
Excellent Bill. Thanks for the link. :up: ~S!~

07-27-05, 06:39 AM
Awesome stuff.

07-27-05, 08:05 AM
OAH! COOL! :ping:

07-27-05, 09:11 AM
GREAT! Thanks, Bill! :up:

07-27-05, 01:48 PM
Very nice !

Thanks !

07-29-05, 04:55 PM
(Just to put this back to the top of the list) ;)

07-29-05, 09:01 PM
Thanks so much for this.

Great reading.


07-30-05, 10:56 AM
This was a good read.

In particular, I noticed that they plug the range, bow angle, speed, and bearing into the TDC and then put the scope down. The TDC then maintains a generated bearing to target. The solution is verified when the Attack Officer raises the scope and the target is where the TDC said it would be. Otherwise, he "indicates a zig of...".

I JUST started using the SHIII realism levels where I have to start entering torpedo solutions manually and I'm having a hard time implementing the procedure in this real life manual. I know how to plug the various numbers in, but I can't find the button to start the "tracking". I also don't see a dial that shows the generated bearing to where the target "should be" when I raise the scope. It seems like every time I lower the scope, the TDC just "freezes" where it is (i.e. the numbers are in, but there the TDC isn't tracking). Any 100% realism veterans know how to use this thing, or was that a feature that U.S. subs had and German ones did not?

07-30-05, 11:20 AM
Hmm, I just can assume that this "tracking" feature is not implemented in the WWII TDC´s, the manual is from 1952, so roundabout 10 years of Targeting Technology later.

You can do the tracking by yourself, just pinpoint the position determined by scope on the map every 3min 14 sek and plot the targets course. After three or four plottings try to assume the next position of the target.

If distance and relative bearing of the assumed position matches with that what you see in your scope is right, so you have correct target data. The heading and the speed of the target. Just take the distance between two plots, and multiply by ten, then you have the his speed in knots. That´s why 3min 14sek above.

Then you just look the AOB from your map, enter it into the TDC, and wish the eels a good journey.

Lage steht, Aal ist im Wasser. Personally, on 100% realism, I get Uber-results with this method. :rock:

Okay I am in 1940, so I assume I´ll get my ass busted soon enough by some uber DD´s for sticking the spargel out of the water every 3 mins :huh:

edit due to tingefrouble

07-30-05, 04:18 PM
DerKaleu, hmm... It's the US Navy manual but you are playing with german TDC which is quite different than one used by americans. Your 3 minutes 14 sec. system is rather interesting. I do the same but just with 3 minutes intervals.

07-30-05, 06:23 PM
Well I used exactly 3 mins also before, but then I learned that 3:14 is more accurate, with 3:14 data I score the hits mostly where I aim them to. With only 3 minutes the fish struck the target more in the stern section or even missed it when I aimed for the enigne room.

Concering the TDC question. I personally don´t know how the USN TDC was designed in WW II, it´s quite a time I commanded a Gato in SH1 ... Anyway our Kraut subs don´t have this feature, so we have to "adjust" the procedures in the book a little ;)

07-30-05, 06:48 PM
Well, thanks to this Navy manual, I'm hooked on manual targeting. I've realized that finding that TDC data (range, speed, AoB) IS the game. That being said, I still can't hit the broad side of a C2! Seriously. I think I have passable target data, and then the fish go pass 1,800 km astern of the target. Any pointers? With the realism turned up a notch, I can't BELIEVE they put a guy like me in charge of this boat. I think I'm gonna let my XO take over. I'll go help load the torps.

07-30-05, 06:57 PM
Maybe your data is ok... just the position of your scope is not updated in the TDC... if you have manual data entry for the TDC you have to klick on the little checkmark on the notepad to update the scope bearing for the TDC... otherwise your fish miss.

07-30-05, 07:10 PM
Thanks! That's exactly what the problem was. I just scored my first manual targeting hit on a C2 (night surface attack at 2500m). The fish was aimed at bow of the ship but hit at the stern, but I assume that's my own fault for estimating something wrong.

Prior to this, I had assumed the periscope bearing was mechanically linked to the TDC at all times. Nope. Turns out you have to click that little unlabeled checkbox before you shoot.

07-30-05, 07:18 PM
Prior to this, I had assumed the periscope bearing was mechanically linked to the TDC at all times. Nope. Turns out you have to click that little unlabeled checkbox before you shoot.

Partially your assumption was right. It depends in what mode your TDC is. If the button in the TDC Screen (F6) is red, then the TDC is in Auto Mode and does only accept data entry from the note pad, but the bearing of the scope is automaticly locked to the TDC and needs no update.

If the button is green, you are in manual mode, you can enter data to the TDC by setting it manual via the TDC Sreen or through the notepad. In this case the scope is unlocked from the TDC and you have to update it before the shot.

Just check if the Schusswinkel/Firing Angle (FA) is somehow realistic. If the target passes from left to right the FA must be greater value than your bearing to target, if the target passes from right to left the FA must be of lower value. Just a rule of thumb.

07-30-05, 07:25 PM
Makes sense. Actually, that's a great tip and helps a lot.

07-30-05, 07:45 PM
Of course, on my second try, the target speed for a small merchant kept showing as 21 knots. By playing around with the bow angle and range, I was able to get speed down to 9 knots (which still seemed fast). Sure enough, the torp passed just barely in front of the target.

07-31-05, 05:05 AM
With the timing feature of the TDC I also mostly get strange speed results, so i stick to the method, plot the target on the map and calculate the speed from the distance between the plots. I once hat a tug running at 44 knots. Must have been some kind of uber-tug :rotfl:

07-31-05, 10:15 AM
Remember also that if your tube is not open, the torp will fire 3 seconds later then you planned, perhaps then lagging the target by that amount of time.

It is standard proceedure on a torpedo attack to open the tube(s) just before firing to have it ready to fire on command.