View Full Version : Does anybody leave on patrol in daytime St Nazaire?

07-11-05, 03:10 PM
Running SH3 1.4b with RUb 1.42 Seems like ever patrol leaves at night?
Is there any adjustments in files for departure times?
Lane :D

07-11-05, 03:14 PM
Running SH3 1.4b with RUb 1.42 Seems like ever patrol leaves at night?
Is there any adjustments in files for departure times?
Lane :D

I dunno, actually. I always assumed they were random? You could look in the Flotilla cfg, perhaps.

07-11-05, 03:20 PM
They are random. You can set them in your Patrols_0.cfg in the career folder, but if you happen to buy any upgrades for your boat after loading the game - expect it to get randomized again.

And yes, I've left St. Nazaire at all possible times of day :hmm:

Duke of Earl
07-11-05, 03:45 PM
I prefer to leave Nazaire in the early evening, right at dusk... gives me a chance to outrun the air patrols on the surface while I cross Biscay... course, that's no good either when they get night radar... :cry:

Cordialement, Duke of Earl

R Hardman
07-11-05, 04:33 PM
Left at all hours of the day and night.

07-11-05, 05:38 PM
Guy's and Gal's just must be my Luck Start new career V11C
7th flotilla St Nazaire U-586 LV Port 03:AM :D For AL23
have new Radar but think I will keep it off. and travel at night.
Start with SH3 Commander had new music and Radio messages
SH3 Commander must be working. :D
Thank's for your comments
Lane :D

07-11-05, 06:09 PM
i just left at 6am in the morning in summer- its a very beautiful port

07-11-05, 06:20 PM
I just left at noon.... and got sunk in Biscay as soon as I got far enough :(

07-11-05, 07:32 PM

Bay of Biscay that's were I just surface for night travel Valley of Death
for 65 U-Boats lost. during war. Just surface Watch crew U-586 my boat
better keep alert I guess patrol aircraft had radar and searchlights
keeping my radar off. Orders from capatin Max Volmer U-586 :x
Lane :D

07-11-05, 09:56 PM
Have departed at every hour. Love seeing the Hipper in 1940.
In 1942 I too strolled across the bay and had my rear handed to me by the air patrols. I was shelling a small trawler when the alarm came in. You must understand. I have never started a career in 1942 before!!!!
The trawler was unk by the bombers (PBYs I think) my flak crew was killed, 2 compartments destroyed and 4 others were flooding.
It dawned on me that it was now time to dive, LOL..
I crash dove (love that wave file) and barely saved the boat returning to St Nazerine without a kill for the first time ever in SH3.
Buried the lads at sea.
It ain't like 1940, is it?

07-12-05, 02:53 AM
I had a save west of St Nazaire file was bad or something keep getting
Error message when loaded it. delete save, and when back to St Nazaire
Start my career over patrol 1 April 1942 I got a daytime start time
09:08 am sure is nice harbor with all traffic moving inbound Warships and
all kinds harbor traffic. follow my escort to open sea, cross Bay of Biscay
at night on surface got jumped at night early morning approx 3:00 am PBY
took some damage before crash dive I think he saw me on surface the
moon was up so when moon comes up at early in AM I dive to P dept
and deeper for hyd check and wait till approx 8 pm to surface for my
night cruise west heading for AL23 which is a long way north of my
postion. crew is getting tired with the damage control work don't know
if they will make it may have to return to port via the ESC key :(
Must have SH3 commander sound files in gamaphone I hear Hilter
or somebody giving a speech. A long way to go on my first patrol
Lane :D