View Full Version : Danger from the Deep - An open-source subsim

10-26-05, 11:45 AM
Screens from the latest build 0.1.0 (playable!)

more at: http://dangerdeep.sourceforge.net/

Mike 'Red Ocktober' Hense
10-27-05, 09:02 PM
ran great on 1.7GHz celeron with radeon 9200 running WinXP...

menus just a bit slow... but no problem.

i just wanna congratulate you guys on the steady progress you've made with your sim from initial concept, the early versions, up to the latest...

i know how difficult such an undertaking is, and it's great to see this come to life...

good luck on it's completion.


11-07-05, 08:57 PM
I finally managed to get some time to register here :)
Thanks everyone for the encouraging comments regarding Danger From The Deep. It's an ambicious project, the idea is to have full single-player working in release 1.0, full campaign+custom mission editor, in 2.0, and full multiplayer support in 3.0 (players can make teams of uboats (uboats packs) versus convoys+destroyers).
As you can see, it's a medium/long term project, it's not a big team, but i don't think it can be more dedicated, we've working regularly. In fact, the best way to keep informed of the changes, is to get a CVS snapshot, but this means compiling it (easy on linux, not so easy on windows i guess).
Anyway, altough the project is opensource (GPL2 license - to those not familiar with it:
http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html )
the artwork, for the time being is restricted to Danger from the Deep only. This, for a very simple reason, we are a small team, and altough forking, and reuse of project sources+data is something we all agree on, the fact is that at this moment, the possibility of forking, and reuse of dangerdeep data by other projects, would divert developing resources from Dangerdeep, like artists, or developers, resources that if applied to Dangerdeep, could further improve it. So, at this moment, we think the best way to protect dangerdeep, and make sure its development continues, is to restrict the data files usage to dangerdeep.
Once we have a good user+developer base, the project isn't that susceptible to misuse or diversion of developer resources, and we can then release all the artwork under either the GPL2 license, or a CreativeCommons GPL compatible license.
That's pretty much it, development is going on as usual, if you feel confortable compiling sources, you might want to check out the CVS version, some things are changed already, heavy development going on as usual ;)
I'll write a post here when the nest release is done, or near release.
Once again, thanks for all the encouraging posts.

The Dangerdeep developing team

12-17-05, 11:51 PM
Holy Crapfish Bat-man!

That's a diamond in the rough!

I, of course, look forward to the multiplayer aspect!

12-18-05, 07:58 AM
Is it only for me that the web page doesnt work?
Screens look amazing :up:

12-18-05, 10:11 AM
Works fine now, must have been a temporarily down time.

12-27-05, 05:36 AM
Just thought i should post a status :)
Lots of new things, a new release should be out soon. New main GUI, new TDC screen(s), Thorsten did a hell of a job with the torpedo code, we now have all sorts of details on torpedos, like being able to preheat G7e torpedoes (electric torpedoes, you don't gain nothing in preheating dyhydronaphtalene powered torpedos, aka G7a), the preheating means that ranges and speed vary according to torpedo type, and torpedo batteries in fact. As an example, for instance, in a TIII G7e torpedo, with have a Siemens GL231/75 E-motor, with 2x 13T210 batteries, that, when not preheated, give an output of 83V/885A, 60KW a 1590U/min, and that when preheated, give an output of 91V/950A, 72KW at 1755U/min, this reflects in a range of 5000m at 30Kn (at 1700U/min) when preheated at 30'C, the temperature at which 13T210 and 17T210 produced the optimum output, and 3000m/28Kn when not preheated.
We now have 2 screens for the TDC, with an auto and manual mode. The issue is that, we're focusing in a realistic simulation, and we want to provide an auto mode for people not interested in setting up the torpedos. For the players interested in setting up the torpedos, all the data is available, and the TDC (Siemens S3) was modelled the most realisticly possible, as well as all the torpedo code. So, you will be able to set torpedos with an almost ludicrous detail.
You can't however change torpedo pistols, not only wasn't this practical, since it implied the removal of the torpedo from the tube, removal and assembly of the new pistol, and torpedo loading again, but you can find in Doenitz's autobiography, that he explicitly mentions his objections to changes of torpedo pistols, and that uboats when departing, had a mixed combination of pistols ready in the preloaded torpedos (this varies with torpedo types of course).
We however, depending with time of war, and torpedo type, have the different pistols types, (PiX G7H impact pistols (Pi2, 3, etc...), ZNX (ZN5, 6) magnetic pistols, and inertial impact pistols (innertial impact pistols were placed in the back of the warhead of acoustic guided torpedoes (TV G7e, TXI wasn't used operationally).
The damage calculation isn't realistic yet, it's something that will be worked still (remember it's an alpha version the game, under heavy-development), but, depending on the torpedo warheads, and the point of impact, torpedo guidance, and angle of impact, any number of actions can take place. We, for instance, have several different warheads, with their respective mixes, as an example, the SW39a, 50% trinitrotoluene, 10% hexanitrodiphenylamine, 5% amonium nitrate, 35% aluminium, etc....
So, the torpedo simulation will be the most realistic possible, and most features are already working.
Regarding the ocean, Thorsten implemented reflections, and the results look very realistic, specially when combined with the specularity, but overall, we want to achieve a "dirty" look, of nature's forces in action everywhere.
There are a couple of new models, but the convoys still need to be updated, and a rough/basic mission editor is being worked on too.
Torpedo settings are now stored on a torpedo basis, rather than in a per-tube basis. New binoculars screen is in place, as well as new UZO, the sea code was also changed a bit, so we have a more general sea condition. Full weather support will be implemented later, with varying sea + atmospheric conditions.
A new GHG is being worked on too (hydrophones, there was an thread in the dangerdeep development forums about it, it's mentioned in the project website), so we're going to have 3 hydrophones types, depending on uboat, and period of war (the GHG, the KDB, and the DB), as well, as, again, depending on uboat type, S-Gerät, and Nibelung passive/active sonars).
That's pretty much it, skins support is being added, so that 1 ship model, can have different camouflages/color schemes (depending on period of war and theater of operations), the saved games format was rewritten, to use XML, there was some infrastructure work being done, which might not be imediatly visible, but that is needed to support the features that are being added and the ones that will be added in the future, and that's pretty much it.
Hopefully a release should be out in a couple of monthes at most.
I would take this chance to ask for help on an issue. I'm having a bit of a hard time finding liberty ships, and victory ships blueprints/schematics/drawings, it would help me a lot having acess to some sort of 3 view drawings, or schematics of liberty ships, victory ships, and/or T1/T2 tankers. If anyone knows any website with this type of information, i would apretiate it a lot, since i'm wasting a lot of time trying to find this, and so far i've found nothing at all :/
Thanks in advance, i'll post here about the development status, in case someone is interested. Hopefully a release will be done in a couple of monthes :)

The dangerdeep team

P.S.: sometimes we might be a bit silent, but that's because heavy development is going on as usual, and there's not much time left to post status reports :)

12-27-05, 05:46 AM
I forgot one thing. Since we're trying to do a historically and technically correct simulation, which, in the end, might be a bit complex, one of the ideas that spawned, was of using some sort of collaborative network/multiplayer gameplay, in which a number of players would be in charge of different stations (like operating the hydrophones, the TDC, the engines, navigation, etc...). But network/multiplayer will still take a considerable amount of time, since the entire game infrastructure has to be in place, so logically the singleplayer gameplay would have to be in place first :)
In any case, what do you think about the collaborative gameplay mode?

Mike 'Red Ocktober' Hense
01-10-06, 10:50 AM
i think it sounds great... more realistic... more immersive...

good luck :up:


01-10-06, 05:06 PM
Hi rconstruct, nice to see ya here!! :up:

Looking forward to the next release, woowww!! :D

Collaborative gameplay is no doubt very nice idea in a realistic sim, but I personally am not a big fan of multiplayer and enjoy much more the single player lone wolf style, like in Aces of the Deep.

The problem for multiplayer in naval games, specially in sub games, is that a naval battle might take very long in real life and a online match can't.... :cry:

01-11-06, 07:59 PM
You have a point there, regarding long games, but that would make it more immersive, and more teamwork dependent, which would be a good thing. But in any case, collaborative multiplayer, would be another game type, you could still have traditional multiplayer, altough, with the amount of systems to deal with, you would probably want to set at least some systems to 'auto' mode ;)
Ok, back to work, heavy development going on as usual, i'll post more status reports here later ;)

02-02-06, 10:34 AM
I forgot one thing. Since we're trying to do a historically and technically correct simulation, which, in the end, might be a bit complex, one of the ideas that spawned, was of using some sort of collaborative network/multiplayer gameplay, in which a number of players would be in charge of different stations (like operating the hydrophones, the TDC, the engines, navigation, etc...). But network/multiplayer will still take a considerable amount of time, since the entire game infrastructure has to be in place, so logically the singleplayer gameplay would have to be in place first :)
In any case, what do you think about the collaborative gameplay mode?

Hey, that sounds familiar! :-j

03-27-06, 11:54 AM
Is there a tentative release date for the next build yet?

04-07-06, 12:18 PM
Hey, that sounds familiar! :-j

:yep: DW has been a real revolution in the sim market. :rock:

04-08-06, 02:21 PM
The next release is a bit late, we've been working in the hydroachoustics, new sky code, hydrophones (hydrophones arrays + equipment (and their screens + characteristics obviously) depend on the uboat type, and period of war). The new sky code is already implemented, and working. The night sky still needs work however. There's major work going on with some of the infrastructure, work that had to be done in order to have better AI, and provide accurate detection characteristics, in relation to the equipment type that you can have (equipment that once again, depends on uboat type, period of war, etc...). There were also some fixes so that dangerdeep now builds (and runs) fine on x86-64 (and with gcc 4.1). Freebsd ports are also included, and there are more features (rangefinder "e-cards" for UZO and periscope), the sea code was changed a bit too i think, and well as the convoys code (new tanker is working already).
As for a release, it should be as soon as the new detection code and done, and the hydrophones are working.
Btw, a mission editor is in place too, but this is mostly for developers use. But, this is going to be a major release, at least if you compare it with our last release (0.1), there are tons of new stuff implemented (and being implemented).
Stay tuned, i'll post some news here as we approach a release ;)

Mike 'Red Ocktober' Hense
04-08-06, 02:54 PM
sounds good rc... yeah, whipping up this stuff aint easy :D


04-14-06, 09:43 PM
New release of dangerdeep is ready, release 0.1.1.
The hydroachoustics will be implemented in the next one, but part of the structural work that needed to be done to have the hydroachoustics is done already. We have a new GUI, the events graphics are all new, background music too for menus, a new TDC, based on some data from a S3 manual. New UZO screen, with rangefinder card, for both UZO and periscope (cyclable via tab key). New sky code (still needs some work, but it's better than the old one already), new per/torpedo information, in the torpedo management screen, with all the technical/historical information. Vessel preview, in the main GUI, the DDXML model format now has relationships implemented, for parent<>child relationships/constraints. Parallax angle is computed and displayed in the new TDC, better perlin noise generation working already, as well as improved (better looking and faster) ocean displacement mapping.
New XML based game save format, a mission editor was added too, convoys had some fixes done. The new kennebak class tanker is in the convoy lists already too. Sensor detection code was implemented (getting ready for the hydroachoustics, radar, and AI), and, last, but not the least, bug fixes, and most important of all, new SSE intrinsics, that cause a 1.5/1.6x boost in performance. Code now builds in MSCV too, and gcc 4.0/4.1, on x86-32 and x86-64. FreeBSD ports are available as well.
And that's it, linux and windows packages, and freebsd ports are available already, if i'm not mistaken. If you find any problems, plz post some info in the forums (http://ponto-dot.com/dftd/). You can get the packages at:
There's more new stuff implemented, but i'm too tired to remember everything atm. Enjoy ;)

Dangerdeep developers team

Theta Sigma
04-15-06, 02:02 AM
Is it updated beyond what I posted below, or did I get the current version?:


04-15-06, 09:16 AM
Well, a new release. If you can do a checkout and compile the code, you won't need releases anyway, and it's the fastest way to stay up to date with the development(s), but altough not a hard thing to do, it can be a real pain sometimes. So, there are lots of new stuff, since the last 0.10 release. If you're up to date with the cvs development(s)/build, then the release is just a matter of packaging everything, if not, then there are lots of new stuff/features, fixes, improvements. I forgot to mention btw, there were improvements in the shaders, and OpenGL 2.0 support. Anyone wnating to help, you can check the main page, http://dangerdeep.sourceforge.net , you don't need to be a programmer to help, there are lots of ways you can help us. Currently, only the sources are GPLed, the artwork is restricted to dangerdeep, altough for instance, the 2 soundtracks in dangerdeep, have their own licenses, since they were available at archive.org, with either creativecommons or public domain. We're having a bit of a headache with the sky code, and the hydrophones stations didn't make it into this release yet, but everything's pretty much ready for their implementations (they're dependent on uboat type, period of war, etc..., so different sets of graphics had to be made for each piece of equipment, and work is on its way to finish implementing the hydroachoustics code). So, another new release should be out soon, hopefully in a couple of monthes. Any tips/suggestions/ideas, are more than welcome, but please have in mind that this is voluntary work, with very scarse resources, and this is an alpha version, of what will become hopefully, an historically and technically correct uboat simulation. Hope you enjoy it ;)

04-15-06, 01:17 PM
I've just downloaded the new version, but don't have time to try it tonight (due to the fact that I have to write a Political Science exam).

However, I did have time to check the Vehicle Viewer - I really like that new Kennebec class tanker (better than any of the SHIII tankers actually). Also, I would just like to say that that low-res small tanker looks very AOD inspired. :cool: The AOD light tanker also inspired the Coastal Tanker SHIII kitbash which you can see in my signature.

There is one problem that I would like to ask about - there is a detroyer appearing in the vehicle viewer without any texture. (It is plain brown). It appears right before the high-res Tribal class destroyer. Is there a fix to get the texture to show up?

04-15-06, 02:12 PM
Regarding the models, i have to confess that i find UV mapping boring, and it takes a lot of time/work, because texture map size is limited (bigger texture maps > more video ram consuption, and we don't want to end up with a game in which a player needs a 512MB or 1GB card to play it), and on top of that, i have to do all the other screens/graphics/3d stuff, so i end up doing models between major tasks. So, we started with proxy graphics for everything, and then, we replace graphics/3d models, by new high res graphics / low poly models, as we focus on the features. The only definitive destroyer atm, is the tribal class. But for the next release, we're going to add a flower class corvette, a liberty ship, a victory ship, and a z38 narvik destroyer. Hopefully we'll go on like this, adding 3, 4 models per release (amongst the other features), and as soon as we finish implementing everything major (sensors/detection/AI/career/guns code), then we have more spare time, and can focus more in releasing more models, in (more frequent) releases.
That's it, hope you enjoy it, work is being done for the next release already ;)

P.S.: i forgot, do you have any information regarding that coastal tanker? That's one area take takes a huge amount of time/effort, doing research for merchant ships to implement, and i really wanted to add some variety to the game, by adding tons (pun intended) of different ships/models ;)

04-15-06, 02:57 PM
P.S.: i forgot, do you have any information regarding that coastal tanker? That's one area take takes a huge amount of time/effort, doing research for merchant ships to implement, and i really wanted to add some variety to the game, by adding tons (pun intended) of different ships/models

Unfortunately, I know very little about that design. :-? But one thing I can tell you is that an identical design appeared in Silent Hunter I, which had more detailed ships than Aces of the Deep. This leads me to believe that this is actually a Japanese design (in case you don't know, Silent Hunter I is US vs. Japanese). Also, if you look at some of the Japanese tankers I posted in the SHIV part of this forum, you will see some resemblences in some of the designs. Some of them are identical to Western tankers, but there are two in particular which are of interest here. Their funnels are closer to amidships, and are not connected to part of a split superstructure, as most tanker funnels are. Also, the superstructures are more bulky and solid, without the features of the sparse winged bridges on western tankers. This isn't conclusive, but these Japanese features appear similar to the features of the smaller AOD tanker of which we are speaking.

Theta Sigma
04-17-06, 09:55 PM
I posted some new screens on TOW:


It looks great. :)

Mike 'Red Ocktober' Hense
04-17-06, 10:01 PM
WOW... it has come a loooong way...

are those screenies from the latest release?


Theta Sigma
04-18-06, 04:49 AM
The second set is. :)

04-18-06, 06:20 PM
Thorsten just committed to CVS the test code for foam (for the wave's crests), and the ocean already has a working displacement model for bad weather (altough this is still going to take a while). I also noticed that i forgot to post screenshots in dangerdeep's gallery, illustrating some of the new features (btw, the TAB key cycles between subscreens, and in the torpedo management screen, if you click a torpedo, torpedo info appears in the notebook, all the technical details that a player would like to know, before making attack decisions ;))
Anyway, here are some (new) screenshots, also showing the development foam code:


Needless to say, the wave's crests foam code is the first test implementation ;)
Work already started on replacing sdl_mixer by openal, which should make our life much easier regarding soundfx, sdl_mixer is a bit limited to the number of features we want to add, it served its purpose, but now it's time to move on. Also, work already started on a couple of new models. That's it, i'll post development news here, as things get done.

Theta Sigma
04-19-06, 06:40 PM
It just gets better and better. :)

04-23-06, 10:00 AM
The water is really lovely, texture and specially COLOUR. I think it's the most realistic one I hve ever seen in a sim, even better than SH3's one. Keep the good work!! :D

04-23-06, 04:14 PM
The water is really lovely, texture and specially COLOUR. I think it's the most realistic one I hve ever seen in a sim, even better than SH3's one. Keep the good work!! :D

04-26-06, 02:58 PM
I'm trying to install the game on the latest Mac OS (Tiger). From what I've read on the dev site and elsewhere, it should be possible. There seems to be little or no documentation for doing this. Has anyone else tried and/or succeeded and is there any platfrom-specific documentation out there?

08-09-06, 05:26 PM
I see you've finished a new model of the Fort Sands class freighter - very good.:yep: Not only a nice-looking model, but also a good choice of ship as well. Not only is it a mass-produced freighter that would have been common after its production, but it is also quite generic looking and thus is representative of heavy freighters in general. Try not to make the same mistake as the SHIII Dev Team, who included ugly and boxy looking C2s and C3s which looked nothing like the vast majority of WWII-era merchant vessels and instead resemble a modern container ship with a midships superstructure instead of an aft one.:nope:

I also like the screenshots of your new Liberty Ship - no SubSim is complete without Liberty Ships.:up: I must have another try at the game to see if I can sink one later.

I guess you will be disposing of that extremely low-poly 'AOD' white freighter now that you have two of the same class.:lol: If I were you though, I would provide a high-quality texture for that O class DD you included in the latest version as it is a pretty good model for now.

Still working on the Z38 DD, Flower Corvette, and Victory Frieghter?

08-11-06, 02:50 AM
Work is underway atm in the Flower class corvette. Skins aren't supported atm, but, most models already have several textures/skins ready for implementation. I mentioned this, because, for instance, the Liberty ship models and the North Sands class merchants (aka the Fort Ships), there were actual geometrical differences between the variants, so, you had different ship configurations during the war (AA guns, closed cabins, etc...), so, what's going on is this. We build 3, 4 versions of the model, the ones that represent the most important variations, and then, for each variation, we make a couple of skins. The exception to this, is warships, for instance, the Flower class corvette. I noticed already that there are 3, 4 main ship configurations, with _tons_ of differences (they're still flower class corvettes tough).

On top of this, you had color schemes that were dependent on theater of operations, and period of war. So, to solve this, there will be dynamic skins in-game. A Royal Navy Flower class corvette, in 1943, in the mediterranean, will be a slightly different model, and a totally different color scheme, than a Canadian Navy Flower class corvette, in the north atlantic, in 1942.

This applies to all warships, there are skins in place already for the Tribal destroyer already, and in the uboat models, there are already 12 skins in place, for different theater of operations + periods of war. Add to this, model variations, not only uboat type variations, for instance, Type VIIC, VIID, etc..., and the different conning tower configurations, and there's lots of variety. One of the goals is, in the campaign mode, for you to have a uboat insignia as well.

As for the North Sands class, there are 4 variations. 2 variations, the 1941 and 1943 models, are relatively similar, altough they still have tons of differences in geometry, and obviously color schemes, but, the most relevant changes are in the other 2 variations. One was radically changed, to resemble a pre-war freighter, the Nolisciv (i think i got the name right), and the other, was a North Sands class, under the Royal Navy flag/colors (not Merchant Marine then, there were several flags as i'm sure everyone here knows), and this modification is a CAM-ship, complete with a Hawker SeaHurricane.

I noticed the RN, was in a hurry to solve the Fw200 Condor problem, and just took some merchant vessels and adapted them for this CAM-ship solution. I've seen already 3 different freighter types used as CAM ships, one of them, was very very similar to the North Sands freighter. So, altough i'm not 100% sure they adapted a couple of North Sands freighters for this purpose, from the photos i've seen, it looks just like a North Sands (there are other types as well, which i couldn't identify, some sort of coastal medium freighters, but a couple of CAM ships definitively look like North Sands freighters).

Anyway, about progresses in-game, the main developer just returned from Laboe and Bremerhaven, with hundreds of MBs of the U-995 TypeVII and U-2540 TypeXXI, so, lots of work going on, as usual. New control screen for TypeVII uboat in-place, new engine funcionality, etc...
This is still work in-progress, and in fact, this wasn't comitted to CVS yet because there are a couple of issues to solve.

Sonar code, GHG, KDB, BG in place, the sonarman is being worked on, an AI controlled sonar assistent, for players that don't want to learn the intrincancies of those devices (in fact, the GHG, KDB, and BG simulation was so accurate, that we ran into the problems that the Kriegsmarine had with those devices in WW2, particularly, flickering in the detection, caused by the phase misalignement of each hydrophone's sin function (which was caused by a not 100% acurate delay introduced in the strip line condensator array), and sidelobes, problems that seem to be present up to this day in passive sonar/hydrophone arrays equipment)).
Basically that's it, tons of heavy work as usual, but a new release should be out in a couple of monthes.

I take this chance to post here some screenshots, not everyone is familiar, or willing, to do a cvs checkout, and compile (and solve potential problems) code, so, here are some screenshots of the latest models.

http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/6298/shot1dg9.th.jpg (http://img214.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot1dg9.jpg)

http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/6775/shot2iq8.th.jpg (http://img51.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot2iq8.jpg)

http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/7057/shot3yv8.th.jpg (http://img51.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot3yv8.jpg)

http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/307/shot4sv3.th.jpg (http://img154.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot4sv3.jpg)

http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/6884/shot5qr4.th.jpg (http://img154.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot5qr4.jpg)

http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/245/shot6ip2.th.jpg (http://img154.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot6ip2.jpg)

http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/4107/shot7yb0.th.jpg (http://img154.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot7yb0.jpg)

http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/9641/shot8zc4.th.jpg (http://img221.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot8zc4.jpg)

http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/4357/shot9nu3.th.jpg (http://img221.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot9nu3.jpg)

The Flower class corvette isn't in-game atm, i still need to UV map it ( :sigh: )
One note about the Liberty ships, and North Sands freighters. These screenshots are from the different variants. This means that there will be more skins for each variant.
As for the CAM ship, same thing, there will be a couple more CAM ships, based on different vessel types.
This post is long already, so to finish it, any suggestions regarding more freighter types? I really didn't wanted to model C2/C3 freighters, these would be the type of models i would leave to the end.
What freighters/merchant vessels/tankers/whatever, are also representative of ww2 era, besides the Liberty Ship and the Forth Ships for instance?
Anyone recomends any particular freighter type from the 1930-1945 era ?
Any reference material for this would be more than welcome.
Thanks in advance.

P.S.: i hope it's ok the post of the screenshots thumbnails, i wasn't sure if i should just paste the url of the image, or the url imageshack referenced with the thumbnails...

P.P.S.: note the sea life incrustations in the hull, at and below the waterline. You can always use the clams as an aiming point for the torpedos eheheheh ;)

08-11-06, 09:33 PM
Finding good blueprints for WW2 merchant shipping can be difficult, but if you are going to make some generic vessels they can be composite designs of several historically accurate models. Of course you already know about uboat.net, but maybe I can recommend some typical deisngs from that site (as I have looked at every single merchant picture that is on there:o).

This is one example. Observe the ships in the following links, if you have a few minutes (I have not posted their images, as they would take up too much space). These vessels are not all from the same class, but they are all of an extremely similar design. They all have a straight bow, split mid deckhouse, tall thin funnel, lowered aft and forward deck instead of a raised forcastle, and a similar crane design (one thick mast in the centre, with four booms attached on either side). They are also all in the 4000-6000 GRT range, I think. These are the kinds of patterns which you would need to look for when making some generic merchants, IMO.

















Also, if I can throw in some more suggestions, you should add some coastal craft eventually. These could include two types of tugboats (a smaller harbour tug and a larger ocean going tug) and one or two fishing boats.

These are just some suggestions that I thought I could make - I realize that you have limited resources and cannot implement everything right away and have to make your own decisions about what to model and include. Just trying to help a bit.:)

08-12-06, 03:16 AM
Thanks for the uboat.net URLs, altough i know the site, i didn't know those particular urls, and i think i can adapt some models to look like some of those ships.
Regarding coastal boats, we'll get there eventually, i already gathered some data ;)
That's pretty much it, as you mentioned, blueprints are hard to come by, if anyone finds any blueprints/schematics of civilian pre-ww2 and ww2 era ships, that would be a great help (it's hard to extrapolate into actual geometry a couple of photos, and even with tons of photos as reference, schematics always help sorting out the details).
That's pretty much it, stay tuned ;)

11-04-07, 09:02 PM
Work is underway atm in the Flower class corvette. Skins aren't supported atm, but, most models already have several textures/skins ready for implementation. I mentioned this, because, for instance, the Liberty ship models and the North Sands class merchants (aka the Fort Ships), there were actual geometrical differences between the variants, so, you had different ship configurations during the war (AA guns, closed cabins, etc...), so, what's going on is this. We build 3, 4 versions of the model, the ones that represent the most important variations, and then, for each variation, we make a couple of skins. The exception to this, is warships, for instance, the Flower class corvette. I noticed already that there are 3, 4 main ship configurations, with _tons_ of differences (they're still flower class corvettes tough).

On top of this, you had color schemes that were dependent on theater of operations, and period of war. So, to solve this, there will be dynamic skins in-game. A Royal Navy Flower class corvette, in 1943, in the mediterranean, will be a slightly different model, and a totally different color scheme, than a Canadian Navy Flower class corvette, in the north atlantic, in 1942.

This applies to all warships, there are skins in place already for the Tribal destroyer already, and in the uboat models, there are already 12 skins in place, for different theater of operations + periods of war. Add to this, model variations, not only uboat type variations, for instance, Type VIIC, VIID, etc..., and the different conning tower configurations, and there's lots of variety. One of the goals is, in the campaign mode, for you to have a uboat insignia as well.

As for the North Sands class, there are 4 variations. 2 variations, the 1941 and 1943 models, are relatively similar, altough they still have tons of differences in geometry, and obviously color schemes, but, the most relevant changes are in the other 2 variations. One was radically changed, to resemble a pre-war freighter, the Nolisciv (i think i got the name right), and the other, was a North Sands class, under the Royal Navy flag/colors (not Merchant Marine then, there were several flags as i'm sure everyone here knows), and this modification is a CAM-ship, complete with a Hawker SeaHurricane.

I noticed the RN, was in a hurry to solve the Fw200 Condor problem, and just took some merchant vessels and adapted them for this CAM-ship solution. I've seen already 3 different freighter types used as CAM ships, one of them, was very very similar to the North Sands freighter. So, altough i'm not 100% sure they adapted a couple of North Sands freighters for this purpose, from the photos i've seen, it looks just like a North Sands (there are other types as well, which i couldn't identify, some sort of coastal medium freighters, but a couple of CAM ships definitively look like North Sands freighters).

Anyway, about progresses in-game, the main developer just returned from Laboe and Bremerhaven, with hundreds of MBs of the U-995 TypeVII and U-2540 TypeXXI, so, lots of work going on, as usual. New control screen for TypeVII uboat in-place, new engine funcionality, etc...
This is still work in-progress, and in fact, this wasn't comitted to CVS yet because there are a couple of issues to solve.

Sonar code, GHG, KDB, BG in place, the sonarman is being worked on, an AI controlled sonar assistent, for players that don't want to learn the intrincancies of those devices (in fact, the GHG, KDB, and BG simulation was so accurate, that we ran into the problems that the Kriegsmarine had with those devices in WW2, particularly, flickering in the detection, caused by the phase misalignement of each hydrophone's sin function (which was caused by a not 100% acurate delay introduced in the strip line condensator array), and sidelobes, problems that seem to be present up to this day in passive sonar/hydrophone arrays equipment)).
Basically that's it, tons of heavy work as usual, but a new release should be out in a couple of monthes.

I take this chance to post here some screenshots, not everyone is familiar, or willing, to do a cvs checkout, and compile (and solve potential problems) code, so, here are some screenshots of the latest models.

http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/6298/shot1dg9.th.jpg (http://img214.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot1dg9.jpg)

http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/6775/shot2iq8.th.jpg (http://img51.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot2iq8.jpg)

http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/7057/shot3yv8.th.jpg (http://img51.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot3yv8.jpg)

http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/307/shot4sv3.th.jpg (http://img154.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot4sv3.jpg)

http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/6884/shot5qr4.th.jpg (http://img154.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot5qr4.jpg)

http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/245/shot6ip2.th.jpg (http://img154.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot6ip2.jpg)

http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/4107/shot7yb0.th.jpg (http://img154.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot7yb0.jpg)

http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/9641/shot8zc4.th.jpg (http://img221.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot8zc4.jpg)

http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/4357/shot9nu3.th.jpg (http://img221.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot9nu3.jpg)

The Flower class corvette isn't in-game atm, i still need to UV map it ( :sigh: )
One note about the Liberty ships, and North Sands freighters. These screenshots are from the different variants. This means that there will be more skins for each variant.
As for the CAM ship, same thing, there will be a couple more CAM ships, based on different vessel types.
This post is long already, so to finish it, any suggestions regarding more freighter types? I really didn't wanted to model C2/C3 freighters, these would be the type of models i would leave to the end.
What freighters/merchant vessels/tankers/whatever, are also representative of ww2 era, besides the Liberty Ship and the Forth Ships for instance?
Anyone recomends any particular freighter type from the 1930-1945 era ?
Any reference material for this would be more than welcome.
Thanks in advance.

P.S.: i hope it's ok the post of the screenshots thumbnails, i wasn't sure if i should just paste the url of the image, or the url imageshack referenced with the thumbnails...

P.P.S.: note the sea life incrustations in the hull, at and below the waterline. You can always use the clams as an aiming point for the torpedos eheheheh ;)

Those look great! Where can you download this at?

11-05-07, 03:14 AM
Those look great! Where can you download this at?

11-06-07, 06:20 PM
Those look great! Where can you download this at?

Okay, I downloaded it. It looks great, but it crashes when you go to run the game.:roll: I tried running it in all the different modes, but it crashes. It does run doesn't it? It looks so beautiful.:lol:

11-07-07, 12:36 AM

Lots of work lately...
Well, it should run :)
What graphic card are you using, and what OS? If you're using windows, i'm not sure the packager made an static binary or a dynamic one, with all the necessary dll's (fftw3, libSDL, libSDL_image, etc...).
99.9% of the problems reported are related to ATI and Intel cards.
ATI problems because aparently they have a bug (this applies to OSX ATI drivers as well - the OSX maintainer was trying a build and couldn't solve this, and after posting at apple's opengl/developers mailing list, it was confirmed that ATI drivers have a problem with GLSL syntax).
On windows, there was a problem as well. Altough the GLSL shaders were (and are) 100% correct, and GLSL validation tools reported a 100% correct syntax (GLSLvalidate from 3dlabs, Apple's GLSL validation tool), the shaders just fail to compile.
The solution to this problem is, if you can start dftd, at least to get to the main menu, to disable GLSL shaders and HQSFX in Options>Misc.
If you can't, you should have a configuration file, i'm not sure where this is placed in Windows, perhaps one of the windows users can help? Documents & Settings/Username/dangerdeep ?
If you find that file, it's a text file, you can just replace use_shaders = "yes" to "no", same for water_shaders, and hqsfx (periscope blur effects, some other graphics details).

The other problems are ATI not supporting some older cards, and the game requires at least OpenGL 2.0 to run. Newer generations have OpenGL 2.1 support, on Apple they have OpenGL 2.0 iirc, but still, ATI is a neverending source of problems.

As for intel onboard graphics. I don't think they support OpenGL 1.5. The minimum requirement to run dangerdeep with fixed pipeline, is OpenGL 1.5. To run it with GLSL shaders, it's OpenGL 2.0.
So, you can try to check your driver information to see if the OpenGL version matches. As we all use nvidia, atm it's what's 100% foolproof - it's a voluntary project, done in our spare time, and we just can't support everything. If some C/C++ developer with OpenGL knowledge, and an ATI and/or Intel card, wants to check it out and try and see what's wrong, we would apretiate it.
I hope this helped. You can check out our forums at dangerdeep.net as well, perhaps you can find some help there, there were a couple of threads related to ATI as well.

Since i'm here, just an information > work is underway in the new physics, new boyancy is implemented, altough it still needs work for uboats (to be able to control ballasts and trim tanks, flood tanks, blow tanks, etc... as well as a screen/station for this). Work is underway in the soldbuch screen, which is the initial part of the career mode, some work done also to support insignias, uboat and flotilla.
And new models, J, K, L and O class destroyers, as well as 2 new CAM ships, HMS Empire Faith and HMS Empire Lawrence (totally unrelated to the CAM ship based on the North Sands class we have). Work is finished to support per-uboat type bridge models & camera settings, so things are moving, slowly, but moving ;)

That's it, stay tuned.

12-24-07, 06:54 AM
I changed the config to not use the shaders and now it works :up: but I can't force the game to run with shaders on my radeon x1950 which should be opengl 2.1, that's a shame, because it looks very good. Keep up the good work.

america person
02-14-08, 05:29 PM
This looks very cool and am downloading now

Guess the current release is .30?


02-19-08, 08:57 AM
I changed the config to not use the shaders and now it works :up: but I can't force the game to run with shaders on my radeon x1950 which should be opengl 2.1, that's a shame, because it looks very good. Keep up the good work.

Kriller2, download the freeware program glview (http://www.realtech-vr.com/glview/). It will give you precise and very detailed information on the status of various opengl 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.1 driver compliance.

I have a x1950pro with catalyst 7.10 installed on my system, and glview tells me that the drivers are 100% opengl 2.0 and 33% opengl 2.1 compliant.
Of the opengl 2.1 specification, the drivers implement only one function (GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object) while the other two funtions (shading language version 1.20 and GL_EXT_texture_sRGB) are not yet implemented.

Its a pity that the developers of danger from the deep didn't take into account that ATi has not yet implemented full shading language 1.20.
Thats why the game crashes on Ati cards and you have to disable shaders.
Now if they could provide backwards compatibility with shading language 1.10 (which is fully supported on the opengl 2.0 specification) Ati cards wouldn't have problems.

03-17-08, 09:15 AM
Yes it looks good from the screenshots, I downloaded it but it partially runs, I can select options from the main screen, I can get the gauges and map screens but once I select another view it crashes.

I have an on board graphics card and running Windows XP core-duo, 4 gig of ram, perhaps my card isn't up for the job, I hope to get e new and faster PC in the near future.


03-29-08, 07:56 PM
It looks very promisng, but crashes after I get to the missions screen... just vanishes without triggering a trappable error.... I do OpenGL programming and my nVidia card supports OGL 2.1, checked with glview as kriller2 has posted.

I had some interest in basing a OpenSource Pacific Theatre WWII sim (like SH4) on the engine (with completely different graphic resources of course) but I think I'll wait until the next version release...

Keep at it guys! :up:

04-06-08, 07:11 AM
Hello, everybody! Did anyone had problems with account registration on Danger from the Deep (http://www.dangerdeep.net/forums/) forum? I filled in an application form, recived a mail, where was a phrase about effect that an admin ought activate my account and nothing more. That was on the third of april, today - sixth of april. Is it usual? I tried to send a PM to rconstruct but still nothing...

Kapt. Q
06-20-09, 04:59 AM
Is DftD still an on going development or has it been abandoned? The forum over there doesn't work and the news stops mid last year.

06-20-09, 07:44 AM
Is DftD still an on going development or has it been abandoned?
it's still active, look

Warner Von Shultz
08-04-09, 11:04 PM
The Forum is not functions. Don't know if it ever did though.

08-05-09, 04:50 AM
Oh yeah, what's happened to the forum ?

08-05-09, 06:30 AM
The Forum is not functions. Don't know if it ever did though.
Like other open source projects they now also use the advanced communications services from SourceForge, all the project stuff under one roof.


Warner Von Shultz
08-05-09, 07:24 PM
Thanks, I'm glad this project is still moving fullspeed ahead!

08-19-09, 06:07 PM
New site from Danger Deep ?


Version 2.0 plays well for me ( noob )
and version 3.0 is a littel trikky 4 me il don't get it working.

I like the sea graph. at most.

08-27-09, 08:02 AM

anyone know's how to load new submarine .3ds file to danger deep.

any help will be great.



08-27-09, 04:56 PM
New site from Danger Deep ?


Version 2.0 plays well for me ( noob )
and version 3.0 is a littel trikky 4 me il don't get it working.

I like the sea graph. at most.

Thanks for posting. I'm following thiws one too.

08-31-09, 07:09 PM
Anyone else get a crash to desktop right after the mission selection screen ? It happens so fast that I can't even catch any error.

09-01-09, 03:17 AM
same for me. CTD

09-08-09, 02:25 PM
Just to let everyone know the project is still alive and well. Code cleanups, .3ds not supported any more (exclusively dangerdeep's file format now), OpenGL/GLSL cleanups, test branch in svn with OpenSceneGraph, new terrain tests (data based, with procedural refinement, plus full bathymetry - yes, you will have to consult bathymetry charts or risk collision with underwater terrain features), valves screen in SVN (but untied to ballasts and trim tanks, although static and dynamic diving are already working, but 99.9999% of the boyancy/diving/valves work is done already). New models under way, as well as physics refinements for models, and some other surprises.
As for the forums, we decided to just concentrate on all the goodies that sourceforge.net offers developers, makes life easier.
The crashes, the only problems that were reported were with some ATI cards, but the best is to wait for 0.4 release, and then submit bugs (to the new bug tracker, we're working on that, and integration of bug tracker with SVN).
Also lots of eye candy going to be added as well, and i'm crossing my fingers for a new procedural sky generation system, but i'm not sure this will make it into this release.
The ship's recognition manual will be reworked, we had access to a 1943's manual, so some things need tweaking to maintain historical coherency.
That's it, stay tuned, i'll post news (and screenshots) as things get ready.

09-09-09, 05:34 AM
Good to hear from you, sounds good. Looking forward to some screenshot goodness :)

09-09-09, 02:48 PM
Ohh great :yeah:

I was already going to post here my concern bout the prolonged silence and no updates in the web (The forum is also down??) and this is now very reassuring :up:

Looking forward to see 0.4 :shucks:

09-10-09, 04:22 AM
oh, good to know.........looking forward to 0.4

09-10-09, 04:42 AM
I am delighted to hear danger deep submarine, was in silent for some time but not dead. Eagerly waiting for next update release.

09-10-09, 06:50 AM
Nice to hear that things are still happening with this :yep::up:

09-12-09, 09:58 AM
I'm also waiting for 0.4!! :up::rock:

09-15-09, 03:36 PM
Just to let everyone know the project is still alive and well.WE-HE-HE-HEYYYY :woot: :DL :rock: and any other goofy smilies you can think of :88)

S**t :nope: Gotta get even _more_ drunk now that it's official that the _real_ submarine simulator is still alive and well :ping:

09-16-09, 10:18 AM
If I may voice my opinion. The devs seem to be focusing too much on graphics (eye candy). You guys should simply get going on the gameplay. Graphics are constantly getting better and better so you guys will spend months and months trying to keep up. It will never end.
Forget about the graphics, get to work on aircrafts and AI instead of pretty clouds.
Having said that, I also want to thank you guys for wanting to bring us a new subsim. :up:

10-28-09, 09:16 PM
Just to let everyone know the project is still alive and well. Code cleanups, .3ds not supported any more (exclusively dangerdeep's file format now), OpenGL/GLSL cleanups,

That's great news - I have been playing 0.2 as I have never been able to get beyond the dreaded red screen (no shaders or reg fixes didn't help, debug shows that 0.3 defaults to Microsoft OpenGL never finds the Radeon like 2.0) on my last two PCs with ATI cards. Please put out a pre-alpha 0.4 when you can, I bet there are many of us that could never get 3.0 to work. We'll be happy to contribute bug reports and the like - My new ATI 3870 is dying to get wet :D

10-29-09, 06:39 PM
I can't wait to get a version I can actually play ! Every time I select a scenario, it crashes to desktop on me. :DL

11-02-09, 05:15 PM
I am going to have to agree with IanC; It also appears to me that the developers are placing an undue amount of effort on the production of "pleasing" graphics.

I wouldn't dare tell the developers what they should or shouldn't do with their project. It is after all their own endeavor, with which they may do what they please. And I would only encourage such an attitude on their part, as that is the essence of open source software, and of artistic and technical creation in any shape or form. But as a member of this community and a fan of subsims, there are certain opinions that I wish to express in regards to their progress on this interesting and promising piece of software.

Over the years us subsimers have experienced a great deal of disappointment with the small number of game titles made available to us. And it has only been recently that certain development teams have begun to listen to the community as a whole and implement those features that we so strongly crave in a game. I am referring specifically to Ubisoft and their production of the recent Silent Hunter installments. This has been a massive step forward. I can only imagine the potential that a community based subsim could have, if only more of us were willing to come on board and take upon us the vast responsibilities available in such a project.

My advice to the developers of Danger from the Deep is simple. Leave the graphics alone and focus on creating a game that works, with the features that gamers want. You are a talented group of individual who have coordinated a production that no other group before you has been able to. The subsim community is chock full of individuals who are more than willing to offer their graphical expertise to a game that shows the promise of enjoyable and realistic play. There is evidence of this in nearly every mod available for Silent Hunter II - IV. The talented people in this community have a real knack for turning lead into gold. Provide a good foundation and leave the rest of the work for them.

Another piece of advice I would like to share with you is again related to graphics. I believe that it is imperative that you offer players a way to adjust the graphical demands of your game. As it is, my current computer is seemingly unable to run this game due to its hardware requirements. In keeping with the spirit of open source software I think it is important that you offer us a game that can be run on sub par systems.I don't know this for sure, but I am willing to bet that the majority of us Linux users are running on somewhat dated hardware. I know that I am.

I believe that the real subsimmers, those of us who have been at this for a while and are in it for the fun and the realism, are more than willing to look past some cosmetic issues for a game that functions well. In this day and age the majority of games rely on dazzling graphics to lure in players, continually sacrificing integral parts of ejoyable gameplay. Nevertheless, I enjoy eye candy as much as the next guy, so I hope I don't get any flak for these comments.

At any rate I must congratulate the developers of Danger from the Deep for keeping it together for this long. I trust that in time you will have reached a level of completion that will offer the community a great game to play. I hope that you are all reading these forums and taking notes on what we would all like to see this game become. And I hope that I have not been out of place or too forward in stating my opinions on your work. I wish you all the best of luck and above all that you have fun with your project because, after all, that's what this is all about. :)

11-14-09, 04:49 PM
I agree at 1000% with kgsuarez!!!!

Good graphics is nice, but not essential of game. For me the graphic level is good and I don't need better. Remember SH2/DC - look on graphic and on playablity...

Let us help you - fans of the series SH have given extra work or these games and producted thousand mods, for example:
* the uboot campaign on Atlantic for SH4 (not available in original game),
* playing as surface ships (not available in original game)
* playing as Japanese submarines (not available in original game)
* new ships, debris, planes, buidings (not available in original game)
* 3D view of uboat interior (not available in original game, cancelled project)

The potential is gigantic and is waiting to use it.... but you are a chief or a captain...

When can we expect release date for version 0.4+?

12-05-09, 12:33 PM
Totally new to this and could use a little help.
Just loaded DangerDeep and cannot get it to run.
Using a MacBook Pro with OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, 2.2 GHz dual core processo and the NVIDIA GeForce 8600 M GT graphics card.
Everything loads and expands. I get the circular icon and then the little 4-option resolution screen. "Launch" is highlit, but when I click on it nothing happens. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Used to run Aces of the Deep 15 years ago and loved it, including the voice commands.


12-05-09, 05:43 PM
I can't wait to get a version I can actually play ! Every time I select a scenario, it crashes to desktop on me. :DL

Me too. Thought it might be my old rig with the ATI card. So I got a new one with an Nvidia................and still get the CTD.

12-07-09, 10:53 AM

I work on GF7900GS and DotD 0.3 work correctly at first 20-30 minutes playing scenario.

12-07-09, 03:15 PM
Thanks for the post, Antar. Any thought as to what would cause the game simply not to be there? Am I missing something obvious?

12-08-09, 02:08 AM
On project site autors add changelog (at least!!!).

Changelog DotD site:

01-04-10, 01:42 PM
Finally got it to work on literally about the 20th try.
Didn't realize that you have to drag the round icon to the desktop,
at least in OS X you do.
Hope this helps somebody else.
Well done so far. Anxious to see more developments.

01-28-10, 09:21 PM
That's great news - I have been playing 0.2 as I have never been able to get beyond the dreaded red screen (no shaders or reg fixes didn't help, debug shows that 0.3 defaults to Microsoft OpenGL never finds the Radeon like 2.0) on my last two PCs with ATI cards. Please put out a pre-alpha 0.4 when you can, I bet there are many of us that could never get 3.0 to work. We'll be happy to contribute bug reports and the like - My new ATI 3870 is dying to get wet :D
Great news - I just loaded the latest SVN version 3232 and the Intel fix has also fixed the Radeon problem I was having - no more crashes to red screen. I do get a crash to menu on the historical training mission but the single mission seems like it will work fine. Off I go to test :-)
I am running vista sp2 on i7 with ATI 4870

01-31-10, 04:42 PM
This project looks exciting. However, I am not able to get it to run either, and I dled the 3235.26 svn. According to the blokes on their IRC channel (#dangerdeep at freenode) it's a problem with my graphics card (ATI x700, a little old I know, but not so bad really, runs SH III just fine). Hopefully, they'll make their game a bit more compatible. I couldn't even get the game to start, just got the standard windows "this program has caused an error and needs to close" window. I could provide, nor find, any log or error information to help. I've been considering doing a Linux boot for awhile now, for several reasons, and this adds one more, I guess. If I can get it to run under Linux, it's obviously not a gfx card problem, rather a win xp problem (xp sp3).
Still, this game looks very promising, and in depth. Hopes are high. I agree completely with the above post that the devs should focus more on gameplay than graphics, especially to the extent of making it more backward-compatible so one doesn't have to have a flashy-new machine to run it.

02-14-10, 09:07 PM
I just installed Danger from the Deep the other day, and I'm having a bit of time getting it to stay running. I have a Intel Celeron D 356 3.3 ghz machine with 512 megs RAM. I'm running WinXP Pro SP3 and an ATI Radeon Express video card at 1024x768. I can enter the main menu just fine but when I try to launch a scenario it closes back to the desktop.
Here's the version of DFTD I installed: dangerdeep-setup-



02-16-10, 07:40 PM
The devs have specifically told me to ignore the v0.3.0.0 version as it's at least 2 years old ... go to their IRC channel, #dangerdeep at freenode, and ask where to get the latest build ... or PM me, as I may still have the bookmark, I'll have to look ... and not certain if it's ok to post it publicly ...:salute:

02-16-10, 08:15 PM
The devs have specifically told me to ignore the v0.3.0.0 version as it's at least 2 years old ... go to their IRC channel, #dangerdeep at freenode, and ask where to get the latest build ... or PM me, as I may still have the bookmark, I'll have to look ... and not certain if it's ok to post it publicly ...:salute:

Thanks! That's okay if we have to wait a little, doing work that nice needs time. :DL


02-18-10, 12:01 AM
Does DFTD still require an absolute adherence to the OpenGL shaders? The video electronics in my laptop won't handle the really *SHINY* shaders, and even had trouble running DFTD on the Radeon 9700 in my desktop machine. If I can't load a mission how am I supposed to see the work they've done? :-?

02-18-10, 11:02 AM
The devs have specifically told me to ignore the v0.3.0.0 version as it's at least 2 years old ... go to their IRC channel, #dangerdeep at freenode, and ask where to get the latest build ... or PM me, as I may still have the bookmark, I'll have to look ... and not certain if it's ok to post it publicly ...:salute:

I don't really understand this policy from the devs of an indie, open-source piece of software. At a moment when their latest stable version is 2 years old, when they are seeking help on the net, when they progress at snail's pace, to keep their work closed seems 100% counterproductive to me. On the contrary, if they opened their team/code/effrorts, if they did a little PR work here and in other groups of talented programmers and modders, I think they would receive the support they need, the fresh blood to their project.

But it's just my opinion and they may have their own reasons (which, I repeat, I don't understand).

Anyway, I wish them the best of luck and I really hope to see DFTD completed someday.:up:

02-18-10, 01:12 PM
I was just at their website last nite, and they appear to updating it more regularly, including links to the current builds, which appear to be coming out fairly regularly.

02-18-10, 02:18 PM
I'll have a look over there again. Last time I checked in was maybe five months ago, didn't seem like there was much information that would help with my card issues and kinda gave up. :salute:

02-19-10, 11:02 AM
Latest builds are here.


02-20-10, 05:53 PM
Thank you, cherbert. :salute: I'll have a look-see later this weekend. Do they have a forum up and running, by any chance?

03-13-10, 06:19 AM
ah, have to try. thanks cherbert! :up:

03-14-10, 04:00 AM
I think:

- they should open up a thread here

- exploit what is already available rather than doing everything from scratch themselves (eg Lurker has written excellent campaign files - they could use those)

-facilitate modders from the SH series to make conversions of their own work for dangerdeep, and this is another way for them to spread the workload as well as generate enthusiasm

03-15-10, 10:37 AM
Cool, the newest Win32 release works for me without CTD (all other versions lead to a CTD).

Looks very promising on the first glimpse. Maybe they can demonstrate UBI how to make a Subsim.

03-16-10, 08:15 AM

has someone testet dangerdeep in 64bit ubuntu 9.10?
I only get the music an a brown screen with empty boxes?

command was:
test@jupiter:~$ dangerdeep --language de --res 1280x1024 --nofullscreen
Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
Render: ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series
Version: 3.2.9252 Compatibility Profile Context
GLSL: 1.50
[Good] :-) OpenGL Version: 3.2.x
[Good] :-) Found 8 Texture Units and 16 Image Texture Units
[Good] :-) Support for vertex buffer objects
[Good] :-) Support for framebuffer objects
[Good] :-) Support for non power of two textures
[Good] :-) Support for fragment shaders
[Good] :-) Support for vertex shaders
[Good] :-) Support for shader objects
[Good] :-) Support for texture compression
[Warn] :-\ Support for 16bit floats
[__main__] <1729849824> ***** Log file started *****
[__main__] <474> ***** OpenGL Information *****

OpenGL vendor : ATI Technologies Inc.
GL renderer : ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series
GL version : 3.2.9252 Compatibility Profile Context
GL max texture size : 16384
GL number of texture units : 16
GL number of lights : 8
GL number of clip planes : 8
GL maximum viewport dimensions : 16384x16384
GL depth bits (current) : 24
[__main__] <508> shader compiled successfully, log:
[__main__] <508> Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware.

[__main__] <525> shader compiled successfully, log:
[__main__] <525> Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware.
[__main__] <527> shader compiled successfully, log:
[__main__] <527> Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware.

[__main__] <528> shader compiled successfully, log:
[__main__] <528> Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware.
[__main__] <530> shader compiled successfully, log:
[__main__] <530> Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware.

[__main__] <530> shader compiled successfully, log:
[__main__] <530> Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware.
[__main__] <532> shader compiled successfully, log:
[__main__] <532> Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware.

[__main__] <532> shader compiled successfully, log:
[__main__] <532> Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware.
[__main__] <534> Loading...
[__main__] <535> Textures with non-power-two sizes are supported and used.
[__main__] <545>
[__main__] <624> Danger from the Deep
[__main__] <624> Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Thorsten Jordan, Luis Barrancos and others.
[__main__] <624> Version 0.3.0
[__main__] <624> ---------- < NEW > THREAD ----------
[__main__] <764>
[__main__] <3104> ---------- immediate exit ----------

03-16-10, 10:51 AM
030 did not work... I tried the dangerdeep-svn-3321.46.zip from HERE (http://kawaii.indexof.co.uk/dangerdeep-latest/)

Runs smooth on 1920x1200 even on my old 8800gtx... Would be nice if elements of the interface (and/or ships) could be customized outside the exe like in SH3...

Maybe some SH3-Modellers would even offer their work to be included (of course only self made models because its opensource).

Would love to see dangerdeep evolve!

03-16-10, 01:58 PM
danke / thanks

so gehts / thats it :salute:


03-26-10, 03:05 AM
I've finally been able to play Danger From The Deep, in Linux (Ubuntu 9.10 32bits), and I can say that the game has a lot of potential, but I've encountered some problems regarding changing resolution. Also, a lot of things that are present in the menu are not available in this stage of the game. But anyway, I am optimistic about the future of this project and I respect a lot what those guys are doing.

07-29-10, 04:09 PM
Hi everybody.
As many avid subsim player, I am tired by the behavior
of ubisoft with their SH series games.
I am following dftd since a long time, and I have to agree
with the comments made above.
However, I will attempt to give attention to the project
this way.

I will pay 200 Euros to any one who will be able to put
in a 3D, spherical world in Danger From the Deep :arrgh!:
(as opposed to the flat world of SH 3, 4 and 5).

I will try and reach the developers on their forum too.
Those who are interested, get in touch with them.

Regards :sunny:

09-29-10, 10:40 AM
This looks great. I would love to combine an open source sub sim with FlightGear, an open source flight sim.

04-11-11, 01:34 PM
Hi guys,

I've been away from this forum for a LONG time, but thought I should post this message.

I was just browsing through eBay (UK) looking for u-boat stuff and this game is being sold there - fully boxed with screenshots etc.

Here's the link:


It says there is only 1-day remaining but no doubt other copies will appear.

I thought it was open source and not available commercially?

If this is indeed the case I'll edit/remove this post. I just thought the developers and any potential purchasers should be aware of a possible scam. I can't find a contact for the team behind the game, so hopefully they will see this message.



Capt. Morgan
04-11-11, 02:07 PM

I thought it was open source and not available commercially?

If this is indeed the case I'll edit/remove this post. I just thought the developers and any potential purchasers should be aware of a possible scam. I can't find a contact for the team behind the game, so hopefully they will see this message.



IIRC, the GNU license permits commercial sales providing the source-code is also made available. Like a lot of things on ebay, this sale isn't outright illegal, just kinda' slimy. So far no one's been dumb enough to bite.

04-13-14, 12:04 PM
Can we appeal to the developers or modders to resume this. I just installed it on windows vista 32 bit and I am amazed at the grapgics. The sonar station does not work and could use some menu for changing the substations so its easier to move around, similar to sh2 of which i played my heart out. i just hate for this to go to waste. anyone else?

Nothing since 2011 on their site.


08-06-14, 07:44 PM
Believe it or not, it is still in development, even though they have not written anymore blog posts (the last update to the project was June 2014). You just need to build from the source code is all.

If you are using linux you have to run it with the --data argument or else you will get a segfault:

build/linux/dangerdeep --datadir data

08-06-14, 08:04 PM

08-07-14, 07:06 AM
Believe it or not, it is still in development, even though they have not written anymore blog posts (the last update to the project was June 2014). You just need to build from the source code is all.

If you are using linux you have to run it with the --data argument or else you will get a segfault:

build/linux/dangerdeep --datadir data

Welcome to SubSim :sunny:

08-07-14, 10:14 AM
Thankee kindly for the welcome :)

08-07-14, 10:37 AM
I hope they keep going with this it looks promising! :)

08-07-14, 06:27 PM
I hope they keep going with this it looks promising! :)

Yeah, i hope they hurry up and get 0.4.0 to work, the beta has working sonar and cool OpenGL 3 effects, but is rather glitchy (historical missions don't work, no splashes when firing the deck gun, no explosions)

08-07-14, 07:02 PM
Hmm, it doesn't work for me... I just get a red screen with some old timey music playing...

08-07-14, 07:35 PM
Which version are you using, and what OS?

08-07-14, 07:36 PM
Which version are you using, and what OS?

Win 7 with 0.3.0.

08-07-14, 07:38 PM
Hmm, try running in command prompt and see if anything comes up...