View Full Version : Onealex torpedo depth.

11-26-22, 07:16 PM
Hi there i started playing this again and i can't help but the torpedoes in this are very annoying when you set a depth for your torpedoes they don't go to that depth they instead go to 40m i don't know why this does this hope someone can help me.

Thank you.

11-26-22, 07:40 PM
Hi there i started playing this again and i can't help but the torpedoes in this are very annoying when you set a depth for your torpedoes they don't go to that depth they instead go to 40m i don't know why this does this hope someone can help me.

Thank you.

Onealex mod includes the .hsie realism features which includes a torpedo solution/equation you need to do depending on the wind speed.

There's a hsie.ini file in your main sh3 folder that you can edit the failure rate of the realism feature https://i.gyazo.com/b84a0be375a4a702654f85f39a86e2a7.png

11-28-22, 12:19 PM
Onealex mod includes the .hsie realism features which includes a torpedo solution/equation you need to do depending on the wind speed.

There's a hsie.ini file in your main sh3 folder that you can edit the failure rate of the realism feature https://i.gyazo.com/b84a0be375a4a702654f85f39a86e2a7.png

Thank you im not used to this mod and have been kinda annoyed wit the torpedoes doing that.

11-28-22, 03:32 PM
The "fix" fixes the historical performance of the torpedo, but from a player's perspective, it breaks them... lol - The U-Boats were "Wolves Without Teeth" for a time, while the BdU tried to determine why their torpedoes were running deep and / or not detonating. Very similar to the US issue with their Mark 14 torpedoes...


Click on the title link on that page, and it will open a pdf the fellow wrote.