View Full Version : Curious

06-13-21, 02:43 PM
Considering giving Wolfpack a go. Curious about night surface attacks . Possible? Realistic? Possible get inside convoys, maneuver on surface , i.e. Kretschmer? Subsims usually are lacking in the ability to pull off this widely used method of attack. I've heavily modified SH 4 so its possible.

Onkel Neal
06-13-21, 03:37 PM
It is possible, but you do not have a birds eye view map with real time contacts to tell you when an enemy is close enough to spot you. And once you set off the fireworks, it can get pretty hot.

06-14-21, 08:27 AM
Lately I'm doing night surface attacks with no problem, but with a lot of tension. So yes, it's possible.

However it's not still too realistic. Right now nights are like afternoons, and you should be able to navigate closer to destroyers without they noticing you.

06-15-21, 12:17 AM
Lately I'm doing night surface attacks with no problem, but with a lot of tension. So yes, it's possible.

However it's not still too realistic. Right now nights are like afternoons, and you should be able to navigate closer to destroyers without they noticing you.

Ah yea that is what I was wondering. Do they have it at realistic levels, subsims always seem to miss out on making such a key attack method possible in a realistic manner.

06-16-21, 10:14 AM
Considering giving Wolfpack a go. Curious about night surface attacks . Possible? Realistic? Possible get inside convoys, maneuver on surface , i.e. Kretschmer? Subsims usually are lacking in the ability to pull off this widely used method of attack. I've heavily modified SH 4 so its possible.

Oh for sure, Thats my standard attack method; Maintain visual, Get head of the convoy, sink down and let the escorts and the first row pass over me, then come up to periscope depth and start plugging away at em.

After you've fired off all your torps, dive as deep as possible and just try to stay with the convoy as best you can until they calm down... then pop back up and finish em off.

Jonas Grumby
06-30-21, 12:57 PM
I have been doing night surface attacks since release.
You can easily get within 1000 meters of the escorts without being detected. Captain Dick O'Kane used night attacks as much as possible with great success. I also believe it was Kriegsmarine policy to remain surfaced. I also use the Fast 90 method and really do not have to identify ships. Convoy course and speed can be ascertained visually with ease while on the surface. After firing you turn and burn and you are well out of detection range upon first impact. I am the world famous Tommy Guns and I can show you how it's done if we ever get on a sub together.

Onkel Neal
07-01-21, 10:57 AM
Very cool. How about a video demo, that would be super.

les green01
07-01-21, 02:21 PM
most accounts i read they didn't id the target they be using kiss and only time they use a scope at night was if there was a full moon i would love to have a first officer to fire the eels on the surface giving me the option of sitution awarness