View Full Version : SH5 mission editor positions sub at 0 lat, 0 long regardless of assigned position

11-22-19, 08:56 PM
Currently playing TWOS v 2.2.9. Creating a new single mission in mission editor 2 and placed my sub at a position in the Gulf of Mexico. Starting the game I always end up at 0 lat and 0 long. The single mission has only one layer and the sub in the misage file has the correct lat and long. Driving me fubar. Guidance is very welcome.

01-05-20, 07:26 PM
Currently playing TWOS v 2.2.9. Creating a new single mission in mission editor 2 and placed my sub at a position in the Gulf of Mexico. Starting the game I always end up at 0 lat and 0 long. The single mission has only one layer and the sub in the misage file has the correct lat and long. Driving me fubar. Guidance is very welcome.

Fubar sitrep update; It has been two months, and I still do not know what is causing this problem. I was building a world wide traffic pattern that took into account what countries exported and imported. How passenger liners and freighters from all the major countries were scheduled and routed and also schedules and routes for tramps. I put several months of work into it and it was far from finished. As a single mission it all works, but I do not wish to start my patrol from a location in the Gulf of Guinea, 0 Lat, 0 Long. This location is far from shipping lanes and the liberty ports are **** holes.

I have started it all over again as a new mission and I hope to find whatever mysterious problem there is and fix it before I sink another six months into it. I will sitrep it again in a few weeks.

02-02-20, 07:57 PM
Sitrep three: it is all about the MissionDataType line inside the xx.misge and xx.mis files in the single mission folder of your single mission. It looks like, as you build a single mission, the size of the file gives you a number in the MissionDataType line. example: MissionDataType=304578432. If it gets too large it will punish you by sending you to the Gulf of Guinea, 0 lat, 0 long when you start the mission.

I set the MissionDataType=0 and I'm back in my home port when I start the mission instead of the "arm pit" of the world, 0 lat 0 long. Now I'm as happy as a sailor with a full bag of coin and a strumpet on every street corner.