View Full Version : Question about Crew Audios Overlapping

03-12-19, 02:34 PM
I've made attempts to shorten and/or silence some of the crew audio in an attempt to reduce the chances of critical reporting being overrun with non-critical reporting...helmsman being a good example. Helmsman calls out that my vector is on course or my speed is so-n-so knots right over sonar crew trying to report a contact status. Is there a way I can look at the file that prioritizes the audio rankings so I can see what I need and don't need..??

Thank You Kindly

02-14-20, 02:08 AM
I only a few files....warning that I'm 50 feet from the floor, Icebergs ahead, minefield ahead, and incoming torpedo. The rest of the comms falls short for me since all the recorded events trip over each other. The added bonus is that I can hear the wonders of the sea while in combat and be distracted by the unity engine that KF used, along w/the superb artwork and sea world they constructed. I delete the audio I dont need, and I made my own torpedo warning alarm...it grabs your attention right now. So yes, those that play the game via the scopes and maps appreciate the extra silence. I don't need a reminder for tubes being reloaded or weapons empty....what course I ordered or contact bearing....Im good w/ just the warnings. I should try the game w/crew audio muted to see what happens when trouble is inbound.