View Full Version : Mission types

05-12-18, 10:21 PM
Hi All,

I was wondering if in the campaigns there are more missions asides from "sink the tender, sink the sub with spetsnaz commandos and intercept the LS" as these are the only missions that keep on looping :hmmm:

05-13-18, 08:16 AM
There is a file where the triggers of the missions - and their types - are defined, you can take a look and change their spawning probability. I'm sure you'll find more info in the mod section.

05-13-18, 06:34 PM
Don't forget the port strike which triggers once you accrue enough victory points. But so far as I know it cycles between 4 types. Tankers/Tenders, Landing Force, Sub hunt and Port strike.

05-13-18, 10:53 PM

I'm missing that last one still.......I think I have done pretty well so far (up to 4 medals) and still haven't received the order to load TLAMs :hmmm:

05-14-18, 08:49 AM
There are strike groups and carrier groups as well.

05-14-18, 12:12 PM
there are also seal team insertions, both into ports and now onto oil rigs in the SCS campaign.

06-30-18, 05:42 PM
Ive been plating the Chinese 2000 campaign for 135 days at war and never have gotten an seal insertion so far

07-02-18, 09:11 AM
Don't forget the port strike which triggers once you accrue enough victory points...

As an aside, for the port missions you are instructed to sail within 100 miles (176 KYRDS) of the target(s) before launch. I've been lazy a few times and fired from well beyond 100 miles and still got credit for a successful launch.