View Full Version : Enemy Subs Under Sea Floor

07-05-17, 04:11 PM
Anyone else encountered this?

Was tracking down a Whiskey

It was stuck under the sea floor


I could get a fix on him using active sonar if I was close enough

Launched 4 torps at him, all exploded when they tried to go beneath the sea bed to hit him

He also launched at me a few times
It was odd seeing his torp wakes hug the sea floor


His torps also exploded when they tried to go above the sea floor

Anyone else or just me??

07-06-17, 04:22 AM
I have seen this too occasionally, as well as the invincible Oscar on the sea floor

07-06-17, 05:31 AM
I think what happened here is he dived while the camera was elsewhere, and the terrain tile underneath him wasn't active.