View Full Version : Torpedo Fuel Remaining as % from activation?

07-01-17, 03:08 PM
I've seen mentions of 'Fuel Remaining' as a % when at firing point procedures and lining up a shot. But, I don't see it anywhere. I'm OK with the TTR, but that's after release. Isn't there an estimate of fuel to get the activation point?

07-03-17, 10:20 AM
If you've been watching Jive Turkey's stream (as I have), he does make a "fuel remaining" estimation for the sake of realism and entertainment.

But that parameter is not (yet) included in the game.

07-03-17, 01:13 PM
Curious as to where you're going with this?

07-03-17, 01:35 PM
So you'll have a idea how much range you got left before launch without having to look it up in the unit reference. If Ok for US subs with just 3 types if torps but once you add the soviet sub mod or when they release allied sub, it would be handy to have that information in game.

07-04-17, 12:34 PM
I was hoping to get an estimate of how long the torp will run after activation, for chase duration feel. Though I've got a new awareness of leaving the scene of short range activation's and would like to know how far to back off if it misses the first time. Yes, I heard it mentioned by Jive Turkey, though I'm just starting the campaigns. I'm still reading through all the stuff up front. It sounded like a pretty useful thing. I was hoping it would show up as a crude estimate in the TTR field but didn't see it, so thought I'd ask. Thanks for the help. I suspect it will show up eventually. They set their priorities though. Good for them. Having a lot of fun.