View Full Version : MAST HEIGHT!

04-11-17, 04:31 AM
Ok I am frustrated as hell...

I can sit like 500 meters from a huge transport but cant program the stupid torpedoes because my option for entering mast height only pops up once ina blue moon....

is this an option only during daylight?

I know what Im supposed to do, but I am fighting this stupid UI that buries the essential function deep in menus and pop up screens that I cannot access.

I just want the proper tools to do the damn job and I cant find simple commands anywhere.

I hit E to bring up ship recognition but the little tab for the recognition book never appears.

Help...ive been working at this for like 6 hours and cannot even begin to program my torps:/\\!!:/\\!!:/\\!!

Using TWO.

04-11-17, 04:41 AM
Warning , this picture can hurt your eyes...


The question is asked at least once a day and it's answered too in twos FAQ and tips section...

04-11-17, 05:09 AM
I appreciate the picture....but that little tab thingie doesn't always appear.

Sometimes 50% of the time it does not appear. That was my point.

(I read the FAQ and stuff BTW....Im not a newbie to SH...just #5)

If it aint there I don't know of a hot key to make it appear.

04-11-17, 09:53 AM
Hi cj
The tab thingie is the recognition manual that has the mast height you need once your target is identified.
Just grab hold of the tab thingie with your mose and pull it out.
Clicking on the mast height in the recognition manual will send the data to the TDC.
Use the E key as a shortcut and then pull out the the tab thingie to wherever you want to view it from.
Notice on the right hand side of the picture the lit icon.
You can leave the recognition manual open in case you need it again.
Just press the E key again and it will disappear open.

04-11-17, 02:43 PM
I appreciate the picture....but that little tab thingie doesn't always appear.

Sometimes 50% of the time it does not appear. That was my point.

(I read the FAQ and stuff BTW....Im not a newbie to SH...just #5)

If it aint there I don't know of a hot key to make it appear.

It should be there (100 % of time of course)...Since you have already went trough TWoS FAQ and tips documentation, I'm afraid that I cant offer you any additional advice...

04-11-17, 09:30 PM
Okay after some very frustrating repeat failures, I think the problem was with a bugged save.

The "tab' was present on my first attack attempt but when I reloaded to try and practice again it became very hit or miss if it became present.

( I assume since its a 'window' of sorts it somehow became stuck 'off screen' somewhere.)

Restarting the campaign has (so far) seemed to resolve the issue.