View Full Version : Diluvion kickstarter

06-25-15, 10:05 AM
Okay so it's more an actiony game than a sim, but still an interesting looking sub game that could be some fun. They're in the last week and only need another 5.2k to reach their funding goal.

You can check it out here (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1075607244/diluvion)

I really like the art direction, and the sonar revealing mechanic is pretty sweet looking.

06-25-15, 01:04 PM
Looks like a realy nice game.
I hope it gets founded.

06-25-15, 04:26 PM
It looks very nice!

06-26-15, 03:06 PM
Diluvion developer here. Just wanted to say thanks for the feedback and backing everyone! Also, let me know if you have any questions about the game. Thanks!

06-26-15, 04:53 PM
Diluvion developer here.

Oh snap- I swear I'm not a plant guys!

But seriously, love the work you're doing- and glad backers have picked up again. I was starting to worry a little bit during the lull last week.

02-06-17, 06:40 AM
Diluvion is out... already finished it!


Yes it's more of an action/adventure game than a sim but it has a fantastic story and graphics and some really clever ideas and it's very submariney! There are still a few rough edges so if you find you get frustrated easily it might not be your cup of tea but the devs have already released a patch that fixed the biggest issues with the camera and controls so if you like sub sims and Elite style exploration/trading games, this is kind of a steampunk underwater marriage of the two. Well worth checking out.