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View Full Version : Is there a guide for the whizz wheel?

04-26-15, 01:49 PM
I tend to plot for course and speed on map and work AOB etc with the map tools but would like to see if using the wheel is a much faster aquisition of target firing on the go.

Is there at all a guide or info for the wheels that come these days in the mod packs I seem to have one overlay white one for the attack scope and a seperate map tool version. I have searched even with google for subsim info threads etc but none seem to point to a readme or guide, is there something definitive around for this?


04-26-15, 07:39 PM

04-26-15, 07:52 PM
I tend to plot for course and speed on map and work AOB etc with the map tools but would like to see if using the wheel is a much faster aquisition of target firing on the go.

Is there at all a guide or info for the wheels that come these days in the mod packs I seem to have one overlay white one for the attack scope and a seperate map tool version. I have searched even with google for subsim info threads etc but none seem to point to a readme or guide, is there something definitive around for this?


There are a number of Trevally tutorials in game taking you through the use of the RAOBF.

The actual mod is "Trevally Tutorial - All v0.2(for OHIIv1.3)" and you will also have to have "NewUIs_TDC_7_5_0_v18_ByTheDarkWraith" or similar version installed for the automation function.

If you are using "The Wolves of Steel" or "Sobers modlist", these mods are already included. Listed below is the "read me" from Trevally's Tutorial on how to access this in game.

Trevally Tutorials for TDW UI

Install with JSGME - ensure you un-install any previous versions first.

To use-

select "Tutorials" at main menu.
Click on the tutorial you want
Click on "Historical Mission"
If one is highlighted - click on it. If not, click on any
Click on "Start"

04-27-15, 10:04 AM
I am using wolves of steel mod base pack. I will check out all the info posted for me, and thanks very much for replying.

edit: does starting the tutorial though from ingame menu stuff while already playing mess everything up? Or is it advisable to run that some other way?

I have also noticed using wolves of steel mod there is no identify target for the torpedo man position, every other vid ive seen on full real settings seems to have this option.

04-27-15, 11:05 AM

04-27-15, 02:51 PM
thats a nice read. thanks.