View Full Version : motor_diesel_LOOP

06-21-12, 06:57 PM
:salute: Iam using Open Horizons II full v1.9 and inside it there is motor_diesel_LOOP sound file, so the problem is that i want to change it with another motor_diesel_LOOP sound that i like, i know i have to place it inside Sound folder overwrite the file and enable the OHII mod, so i do it and i hear nothing in game inside diesel engine room.:hmmm:

Please someone can explain to me this issue:06:

06-21-12, 09:30 PM
...change it to mono, OHII use a 3D int. diesel sound setting (sh.sdl file).

06-22-12, 05:54 AM
Emmm..:timeout: Can you explain a bit more, didn't get what u wanted to say:dead:
I just want to change motor_diesel_loop.wav with another motor_diesel_loop.wav

06-22-12, 07:43 AM
another motor_diesel_loop.wav file should be single-channel sound (MONO), not two-channel (STEREO)

06-22-12, 08:45 AM
another motor_diesel_loop.wav file should be single-channel sound (MONO), not two-channel (STEREO)

for converting from stereo to mono, you can use any common sound editor, such as CoolEdit, WavePad, Audacity, etc.