View Full Version : All Weather Gun Mod

02-25-12, 08:17 PM
I know there is one out there, and it says that it allows you to use your guns even in a storm/gale like the real boats did. Is this true? Is it historically accurate to allow your crew on deck in a raging storm with 15m/s winds to engage a target?
I know we all WANT to be able to gun a ship instead of frigging around trying to get an accurate range on that fatass tanker while at periscope depth. But...was it actually POSSIBLE to man your 88 in a storm?

Sailor Steve
02-25-12, 09:58 PM
First of all there is the confusion about what constitutes a storm. Winds of 15 m/s? That's Beaufort 7, roughly 30 knots, and waves 4 meters high. The game doesn't allow for anything higher than that, but with SH3 Commander you can set the wave height so it can be double what it normally is in the game, reflecting 30 m/s winds and 11 meter waves.

You can modify the state for gun use yourself. Go into the folder Data/Submarine/ the u-boat you want to change. Scroll down to this part(I chose the Type VIIb, but it's the same for any boat):

StormConditions=7,0.1;max wind speed [m/s], max rain intensity [0,1]

I changed mine to look like this:

PeriscopeDepth=13;meters 12.5
SnorkelDepth=13;meters 12.5
StormConditions=11,0.4;max wind speed [m/s], max rain intensity [0,1]

Now my crew can man the guns in winds up to 11 m/s. I'll man flak gun in that maelstrom, but the deck gun is right out.

You can set yours to 15 if you want, but bear in mind that the clothes are tied to it as well, and they'll never put on their wet-weather gear.

As for actually doing it? They did have lines to keep men from going overboard, but in reality a u-boat was a very unstable gun platform except in calm conditions. In a storm you wouldn't be able to hit anything. High risk for minimal return.

02-26-12, 06:32 AM
I agree with Steve....the mod is not an accurate representation of real life conditions but I offer it because there are players out there who prefer using a deck gun if at all possible.