View Full Version : Mod problems: RFB 2.0 & RSRDC

01-07-12, 08:37 AM

After playing SH3 with GWX for a few months I've decided to give SH4 a go. However, I'm having trouble installing RFB and RSDC. I've tried installing them together and individually but still get problems.

With RFB I get a CTD on the very first loading screen, along with several warnings along the lines of "There is a new (not implemented) page: <PageChooseLoadSave> !". This is with no other mods installed in JGSME and with the April 2010 patch.

With RSRDC I can at least run training and single missions, but whenever I try to start a new campaign it CTD's when I try to start the game. The Windows error log just says there was an error with SH4.exe.

If anyone can help I'd be really grateful! I'm using the version downloaded from Steam with the U-Boat missions installed.


01-07-12, 10:10 AM
OK, first we need to know the basics, like what version of SH4 we're dealing with? I'm going to assume 1.5. Secondly, what OS is running on your PC? I'll assume Windows7.

If you're not updated to v1.5 of the game, and you're trying to run the latest RFB and RSRD, that's the problem right there. Also, be sure you have the proper version of RSRD for RFB. How are the specs of your PC? How much memory do you have? If you have more than 2gigs, search for the "4gig patch". This utility allows programs to use more than 2gigs of memory, and has eliminated alot of mysterious CTD's for alot of folks, including myself.

As for your OS, if you have W7, do not install the game in the x86 file. Create a new folder on your C drive, and install the game there. Be sure your SH4 desktop icon points to SH4exe, and not SH4gui. Right click the icon and check off the "run as administrator" box. If all else fails, completely uninstall the game taking care to remove ALL files, and reinstall. Redownload the mods again, and reinstall via JSGME.

OK, after posting I realised you do have the 1.5 version of the game. I'm not familiar with Steam, but I'll give you the same advice I give others. If you could afford it, buy the Gold edition on DVD. No more potential problems from Steam.

01-08-12, 03:56 PM
Thanks for the reply Fish! I tried reinstalling everything and running the 4gb patch and all seems well now, although I still get CTDs when using the radio for some reason.

Thanks again!

01-09-12, 10:56 AM
Just a thought here; are you useing any radio mods? Sometimes if an event is missing, or out of order, you'll get a CTD. If the game looks for a specific event (news broadcast, ect.) at a specific date and time, and it's not there, crash city:wah:

01-09-12, 07:11 PM
I think it's still in the downloads for SH4, but Digital Trucker made a Radio Station Manager that checks all the files for the radio mods, and lets you know what's porked, either a bad file, (usually a spelling error or wrong punctuation), or if a file is missing. When unzipping some of the radio zipfiles, I would get an error when it got to certain points, and have to skip them, and then make note of the file(s), and manally extract them one at a time to get the specific ones out.

01-26-12, 09:55 PM
Ahoy fellas, I'm in the middle of a patrol southwest of honshu in the yellow sea. My lookouts spot a Large merchant heading my way at about 20 degrees AOB. Perfect, periscope depth, battle stations. Ok so this is going to be a chip shot for some easy tonnage right? wrong. I take my series of range/bearing readings at the allotted 3 minute intervals to get average speed estimate and course. Course 243, speed 5.5 knots, send to TDC, locked. I position my boat for a 70 degree impact angle, a couple fish set with impact fast, a couple magnetic slow. The only place I wanted this guy to go after 2 months of unsuccessful patrol was straight down. Four torps would more than do the job. torpedo gyro angle nearing zero, up periscope for one last range and bearing.... wait a second... 4000 yards??!! WHAA! This guy is literally right in front of me, I even pinged him at 1000 yards. ok so re-check range with tallest mast (merchant base height in RFB 2.0) on stadimeter, 2500???!! WTF!!?? double check ID, checks out, I got the right ship, a Large Merchant. OK so what is going on with this MOD! I quick ping, range 1100, bearing 350, AOB 95, torpedo gyro 004, I gotta shoot now! Spread shots 1 through 4 one degree interval. Fire 1-4! off to the races, 4 fish in the water and screaming home. Looking good, looking good, clunk, dud, clunk, dud, torp 3 miss, torp 4 miss. He begins evasive maneuver and spotlights center on my periscope :damn::damn::damn::damn: I mean I had this guy locked dead on, how could this happen?! I'm getting so frustrated with this crap, I have half a mind to go back to stock 1.5 can anyone please help me with this?

01-27-12, 08:34 AM
Welcome to a taste of what the real Skippers and crews went through! Early on in the war through mid 43, the Mk.14 torpedo was plagued with problems. They ran 12 feet deeper than set, and the warhead exploder was faulty as well. RFB models these failures, and the result is what you described. All of us RFB users have gone through it.

To increase your chances early on, set torpedoes as shallow as possible. Set them to slow speed, and try to attack at angles other than the optimum 90 degrees. Another thing to remember is to open the tube doors before firing, because the slight delay that results will cause you to miss.

Here's some info that you may want to read, so you know just how much of a problem this really was: http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7hIKqiJPVkcAihFXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE1Y2RhYTl hBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA01TWTAwNV8xN zI-/SIG=126o90vgp/EXP=1327700618/**http%3a//www.reocities.com/Pentagon/1592/ustorp2.htm

01-27-12, 09:39 AM
I understand the Mk14 issue very well now. After expending almost all torpedo stores on one merchant and not scoring anything but duds, deep runners, and gyro failures, I steamed home with steam coming out of my ears. Once back at Pearl, I outfitted my boat entirely with Mk10's for 100 renown a piece. You get what you pay for, I suppose. As for the faulty stadimeter and inability for the scope to lock on, what do you suppose caused that? The seas were a little choppy, but not enough to wash out my scope and lose my target. I've got orders now to patrol the Japan Sea, it's November 1st, 1942. If I'm going back to the wading pool I'm bringing a torpedo I can rely on.

02-06-12, 10:51 AM
Fire 1-4! off to the races, 4 fish in the water and screaming home. Looking good, looking good, clunk, dud, clunk, dud, torp 3 miss, torp 4 miss. He begins evasive maneuver and spotlights center on my periscope :damn::damn::damn::damn: I mean I had this guy locked dead on, how could this happen?! I'm getting so frustrated with this crap, I have half a mind to go back to stock 1.5 can anyone please help me with this?

If you downloaded this mod to get historically accurate play, the problem with the dud / missing torpedoes is??

You need to read about the sub that fired TWELVE fish at a target dead in the water and every torpedo either passed under the target or bounced off the hull as a dud.

A lot of work was done to get the failure rate historical at different firing angles. If you want to know what the solution to this, read some history on it. The skippers came up with a not so easy solution that worked comprised of 3 steps.

Not being sarcastic here. Part of the fun is learning the history and about the "conspiracy" of the boat skippers to do exactly the opposite of what fleet headquarters SOP told them to do in order to get more hits and reduce the number of duds.

The ranging issue is something entirely different and do not have a solution for that one.

As for the crashes when using the radio, Same recommendation. Get radio Station Manager. CTD's will go away.