View Full Version : SH3, GWX, and Leather Jackets

12-05-11, 06:42 AM
Hi, Can anyone help me with getting leather jackets on all of the bridge crew? I am using Fubars Leather Jacket but it doesn't appear on the Captain. Any suggestions?

12-05-11, 07:25 AM
You're the Captain!!

If you mean they don't appear on the Dude in front of you (who's the Watch-Officer) on the Bridge...well simply remove him on the Crew-Management screen from his position on the Tower into one of the free compartments. And put him back on!

If that doesn't work, post the mod list!

12-05-11, 07:30 AM
I want all of the officers on the bridge to have leather jackets including myself. I can't seem to get that to work.

frau kaleun
12-05-11, 08:26 AM
You can't see yourself in the game - the player/commander simply doesn't exist as a viewable object. Everyone you see standing on the bridge is a member of your crew. But you *can* get the entire watch crew in leather u-boat uniforms (either grey or black) using Rap0r's Uniforms V2.0.

Thread here:


Download available here:


12-05-11, 08:40 PM
I tried just installing Raptors leathers and was able to get them to work but the insignias and ranks don't show up now. Any suggestions? This is the only mod I am currently installing. Thanks again.

frau kaleun
12-05-11, 09:13 PM
I use his "no medals on crew" patch so honestly I don't know what's supposed to be there without that, and what's not.

If you can take a screenshot of the crew maybe that would help? Someone will know even if I don't. If no one else pops up, you can try sending Rapt0r a PM, he is active on the forums.