View Full Version : New release of OpenSSN

09-18-11, 02:13 PM
I am happy to announce a new release of OpenSSN is now ready for download. A lot of work has gone into this version to make the game more compatible on various platforms. OpenSSN should now work on FreeBSD, Linux, Mac and Windows.

Besides platform compatibility work, this version includes some fun new features, including:
Thermal layers, giving submarines new hiding places.
A new mission in which the player hunts a missile sub.
New depth controls and a depth meter showing thermal layers.
Improvements to the helm compass.
Improvements to the targeting system.
A first draft of the manual in Spanish.

The latest release can be found here:

For the next release I'm hoping to improve the AI and add some more missions. Are there fictional or historical missions you would like to see recreated?

09-19-11, 03:41 AM
Works well in Linux Debian 64bits :up:

Am I in a mistake or the manual is still the "old" version? I ask to start translating into Spanish.

More mission ideas... well, I always liked sneak into harbour-make photos missions....

Keep up the good work.

09-19-11, 06:33 AM
The PDF manual is still the old version. I'll try to update that before the next release. The complete, up to date manual is in the README text file.

Update: I've uploaded a new English version of the manual. You can find it on the project's download page:

The new manual is also available in our SVN source repository.

09-26-11, 10:08 AM
I know it has only been about a week since OpenSSN 0.8 came out, but we have been making a lot of little adjustments and feel there has been enough of an improvement in the game play and behind-the-scenes code to justify a new release. Some key new features are:

Three new missions, including recon, sub vs sub and subs vs convoy

Several improvements to AI, which allow enemy vessels to be much more effective. They hunt, they are curious and they set up their attacks based on their mood and role.

Submarines now change depth much quicker, making for shorter waits when moving between thermals or coming up to periscope depth.

The AI can now detect radar and active sonar and will react to these.
Submarines under AI control will change depth while on patrol.

Colours have more contrast on the sonar screen.

A manual page, icon file and (Linux) desktop file have been added.

The number of vessels on the map can now be much greater than before, allowing for more complex missions.

New submarines and surface ships have been added.

Not bad for a week's work. Special thanks to Vincent Cheng, who sent in some fixes and is working to get OpenSSN packaged for the Debian project.

On a side note, I think this is the first release that is really fun to play. That might sound like a nasty thing to say about our previous releases, but I think it's true. In the past I've been test-playing missions and it's been in order to test the AI or to make sure sonar is working properly.... It's felt more like work than a game. But as we got close to finishing the features for 0.9 I found myself going back and re-playing some missions just for the fun of it. And I've got to say, the new subs vs convoy mission and the subs vs subs mission were a lot of fun. So if you tried OpenSSN before and found it too slow or not evolved enough, please give it another try, it's getting better.

11-07-11, 07:50 PM
A new version of OpenSSN is now out. Version 1.1 includes one new mission and helicopters. Helicopters track and, if they get close enough, shoot at enemy submarines.

We've also made improvements to help OpenSSN compile cleanly on more systems. Check out the latest release at http://openssn.sf.net

11-30-11, 02:22 PM
I'm quite facinated! This is the first open source Sub Simulation that actually works on my computer. I've got version 0.7 up and running under WindowsXP. It's got elements of SSN21, Fast Attack and Red Storm Rising and it really works great! I'm downloading Version 1.1 now to see how well that works! :salute:



Oh, Oh! Seems I lack a way to compile it from the source code! I look forward to the next update then!

11-30-11, 02:32 PM
Sadly I don't have a Windows machine to build and test OpenSSN, so I rely on other people to submit Windows versions. Hopefully if word spreads about OpenSSN someone will step forward to keep the Windows package up to date.

11-30-11, 10:59 PM
Thanks, RedTyphoon! :up:


02-14-12, 03:24 PM
Thanks for your work. I am here to do the following developments :salute: