View Full Version : (Req) ST Radar as upgrade for other subs than Tench

08-01-11, 01:31 AM
The periscope mounted ST radar is comes with the Tench Class in TMO, just wondering if anyone knows how to make it so it could be applied to any say August 44 to the end? Make an upgrade like the APR-1 RWR or other equipment.Would be nice to have, esp for Balaos and Gatos as some were able to procure this which was a big advantage.ST is mounted on the observation scope in TMO Tench class which would be fine but prefer attack scope.Anyone ?

08-03-11, 09:58 AM
The periscope mounted ST radar is comes with the Tench Class in TMO, just wondering if anyone knows how to make it so it could be applied to any say August 44 to the end? Make an upgrade like the APR-1 RWR or other equipment.Would be nice to have, esp for Balaos and Gatos as some were able to procure this which was a big advantage.ST is mounted on the observation scope in TMO Tench class which would be fine but prefer attack scope.Anyone ?
I thought it was in the UpgradePacks.upc, but both the stock and RSRDC versions have it as available starting 1 July, 1944. There must be something else controlling it, cause my current career is in October 1944, I have over 9000 in renown, and it isn't offered to me either. :hmmm:

08-03-11, 01:33 PM
My guess is since it's only available to the Tench, you would have to find that "sensor" file and add it to the other subs. They simply can't add sensors they don't have listed even if it's available. Seems you could copy the sensor file for the ST from the Tench to the Balao, but some other files may be needed....I'll look into it. Honestly, I've never even played with a Tench but once and I don't recall ST. Can you actually point the scope and get accurate ranges, I assume so, probably how part of the radar mod works.

08-03-11, 01:49 PM
ST radar appears on the tench because i hardwired it that way. Hard wiring it was the easiest way to do it, (and tench was the only excuse for a boat having it coming out of the gate) and i wasn't and still am not entirely sure it can be made to be a selectable upgrade option. It is alot of work.

Off the top of my head, you'll have to edit and change around the configurations on:

- every subs UPC file (this is a pain)
- equpiment upc file
- upgradepacks upc file
- US sub sensors dat file
- possibly all the conning tower dat files to make sure the nodes are correct.

You'll have to create two options. A normal periscope, and the ST periscope. And this is assuming you can get it to work as an upgrade option. It's can be bit tricky, as the game can be finicky. It's alot of work for something that might work, or it might not. So i never got around to trying to do it.

08-03-11, 02:34 PM
Well, I got one file right, but I did say some other files would come into play...:D

08-03-11, 04:23 PM
My guess is since it's only available to the Tench, you would have to find that "sensor" file and add it to the other subs. They simply can't add sensors they don't have listed even if it's available. Seems you could copy the sensor file for the ST from the Tench to the Balao, but some other files may be needed....I'll look into it. Honestly, I've never even played with a Tench but once and I don't recall ST. Can you actually point the scope and get accurate ranges, I assume so, probably how part of the radar mod works.

The ST is on the obs periscope, raise it and f a target is in short range(regular SJ has better range) radar contacts will show up I liked the Tench but dont use it much.Prefer to have ST upgrade for the Balaos and Gatos or any boat.Fluckey managed to get one for the Barb in later patrols and made great use of it.

08-03-11, 04:26 PM
ST radar appears on the tench because i hardwired it that way. Hard wiring it was the easiest way to do it, (and tench was the only excuse for a boat having it coming out of the gate) and i wasn't and still am not entirely sure it can be made to be a selectable upgrade option. It is alot of work.

Off the top of my head, you'll have to edit and change around the configurations on:

- every subs UPC file (this is a pain)
- equpiment upc file
- upgradepacks upc file
- US sub sensors dat file
- possibly all the conning tower dat files to make sure the nodes are correct.

You'll have to create two options. A normal periscope, and the ST periscope. And this is assuming you can get it to work as an upgrade option. It's can be bit tricky, as the game can be finicky. It's alot of work for something that might work, or it might not. So i never got around to trying to do it.

Thanks for the info duci, no clue how to fix it myself really but have poked around in the files while making minor changes(renown for torpedos etc) and the equip upc maybe it was i noticed ST radar. as an upgrade so was curious.Maybe someone will get it to work sometime, would be a nice upgrade.

08-03-11, 06:38 PM
The ST is on the obs periscope, raise it and f a target is in short range(regular SJ has better range) radar contacts will show up I liked the Tench but dont use it much.Prefer to have ST upgrade for the Balaos and Gatos or any boat.Fluckey managed to get one for the Barb in later patrols and made great use of it.

But does it give you range. I don't see how it would have any use, if you're that close with the scope up the contact should show up due to a visual. As I understand only one sensor works at a time and visual are sensors, so one would have to overide the other and I thought visuals got first priority. I can raise the SV and get a good range.

Now, if you can point it and get a accurate range somehow, be cool, just wondered if it worked that way now with the radar mod, as you have to scope a ship to use the radar mod. Seems the two would have a connection somewhere.

08-03-11, 08:14 PM
But does it give you range. I don't see how it would have any use, if you're that close with the scope up the contact should show up due to a visual. As I understand only one sensor works at a time and visual are sensors, so one would have to overide the other and I thought visuals got first priority. I can raise the SV and get a good range.

Now, if you can point it and get a accurate range somehow, be cool, just wondered if it worked that way now with the radar mod, as you have to scope a ship to use the radar mod. Seems the two would have a connection somewhere.

Well the radar contact shows up on the map, can measure the distance that way and it can detect targets out of visual range, its a great tool to have.

This is from the TMO files:

[UpgradePack 6]
ID= UpackSTRadar
NameDisplayable= ST Radar
FunctionalType= UpFTypeSensorPeriscope
UpgradePackSlotType= AdvPeriscope
UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptionCurrent= NULL, NULL, 0
UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptions1=1944-07-01, 1944-12-31, 3000
UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptions2=1945-01-01, NULL, 1500
IDLinkUpgradePackElements= ObsPeriscopeST

08-04-11, 01:09 PM
This is from the TMO files:

[UpgradePack 6]
ID= UpackSTRadar
NameDisplayable= ST Radar
FunctionalType= UpFTypeSensorPeriscope
UpgradePackSlotType= AdvPeriscope <-------Sub upc file has be altered which can be a can worms unto itself
UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptionCurrent= NULL, NULL, 0
UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptions1=1944-07-01, 1944-12-31, 3000
UnitUpgradePackIntervalOptions2=1945-01-01, NULL, 1500
IDLinkUpgradePackElements= ObsPeriscopeST <----- reference to equpiment.upc which makes calls to 3d nodes/objects
Notes=STRadarNotes <------ localization.upc. Just ingame descriptions.

And meaningless without alterations to the supporting files.

08-04-11, 03:24 PM
Now, if you can point it and get a accurate range somehow, be cool, just wondered if it worked that way now with the radar mod, as you have to scope a ship to use the radar mod. Seems the two would have a connection somewhere.

The ST radar has a very wide arc - about 20 degrees, so it's good for range, but not so good for differentiating ships on a similar range which are spaced more than 20 degrees apart from the ST radar's point of view, unless you can handle the radar and can 'read' it.

The ST radar cannot be pointed from the periscope. I tried making it so it was slaved to the periscope, but it doesn't work. You can however operate it from the radar station, but think of it like two independantly rotating devices. You control where the ST periscope is 'pointing' by moving it from the radar station, but the periscope will still be pointing at its own bearing.

One of the best uses of the radar periscope is to calibrate the stadimeter:

(For a single target)
Pop the scope up,
Go to radar station, take range reading from the radar range unit by lining up the arrow to the pip,
Go to periscope and note where the range pointer is pointing,
Activate stadimeter and measure from ANY part you like - deck, mast whatever - it doesn't matter as long as you keep using the same part,
Set the split image and click off,
Ddrag the mast height round until the range indicator pointer is back to where it was after the radar reading.


The stadimeter is now perfectly calibrated to the height of whatever part of the ship you measured from and you can now switch to the attack scope. Works for any ship.

You can also use this to good effect to gauge whether a ship is a small meidum or large variety, by comparing the results of the stadimeter with the relevant mast height to the actual range.

08-04-11, 03:43 PM
I was not aware the ST on the Tench had this much functionality.I figured it just sent out radar emissions when the scope went out and detected anything in range.

Duci listed the files need to change, Im trying to learn but may be out of my range right now, unfortunately.

08-04-11, 03:48 PM
And meaningless without alterations to the supporting files.

I figured that , just found it and trying to learn some things on my own so can eventually fix it.Just hate to make changes without knowing for sure what I am doing.

Quick question.I was considering changing the AHEAD EMERGENCY guy can make the sub pick up 23 knots for a time as the Barb did.I looked in the special abilities but dont see a speed setting but this:

;--- active abilities -------
[SpecialAbility 10]
AbylityActsIn= CommandRoom
SkillRequiredLeadership= 0
SkillRequiredMechanical= 0.7
SkillRequiredElectrics= 0.7
SkillRequiredGuns= 0
SkillRequiredWatchman= 0

The duration and cooldown having anything to do with it? little confused.

08-04-11, 04:19 PM

Play with that number in a test mission. Of course to do that, you'll need to fix whatever submarine upc file you use to test it, so that it comes equiped with a crewman that has this ability when you start a single mission.

08-04-11, 04:48 PM
I figured that , just found it and trying to learn some things on my own so can eventually fix it.Just hate to make changes without knowing for sure what I am doing.

Quick question.I was considering changing the AHEAD EMERGENCY guy can make the sub pick up 23 knots for a time as the Barb did.I looked in the special abilities but dont see a speed setting but this:

;--- active abilities -------
[SpecialAbility 10]
AbylityActsIn= CommandRoom
SkillRequiredLeadership= 0
SkillRequiredMechanical= 0.7
SkillRequiredElectrics= 0.7
SkillRequiredGuns= 0
SkillRequiredWatchman= 0

The duration and cooldown having anything to do with it? little confused.

Do what I do, get two ahead emergency men and activate both, you can hit 23kts. Yep, Barb said she hit 23.5 knts escaping from the famous harbor attack...Eugene was a nut. Funny you mentioned that, I was just sitting on the head reading about that same attack and I have a few groups like that along the China coast in shallow water that weave through the small islands, with escorts hard to get at, have to plan well.