View Full Version : Magnum Opus vs Open Horizon II?

Admiral Von Gerlach
07-14-11, 07:27 PM
I have been on shore for a long time and am now catching up on what is new which is a lot. I wanted to ask if there are major differences between Magnum Opus and Open Horizons and what they might be? i plan to try them both but wanted to ask for advice if anyone has a moment or two to make a post about it? thanks and thanks to the huge efforts to achieve so much.

07-14-11, 07:38 PM
The name for the topic incorrect. MO - a collection of mods in different directions, but does not affect the campaign. OH II - a mod that modifies the campaign. Changed the task of missions, new units. Compare these two mods just will not work. They have a different purpose.
These mods complement each other rather than compete with each other.

07-15-11, 03:48 AM
The name for the topic incorrect. MO - a collection of mods in different directions, but does not affect the campaign. OH II - a mod that modifies the campaign. Changed the task of missions, new units. Compare these two mods just will not work. They have a different purpose.
These mods complement each other rather than compete with each other.

In which case, would someone be kind enough to point out some of the mods which are compatible with Open Horizons II, for instance can I use Magnum Opus with it, and if so, in which order should they be installed? Thank you in advance.

Admiral Von Gerlach
07-16-11, 11:50 PM
that is great to hear..the reason i posted the topic that way as I saw some mods that had versions compatible with both OH and MO, hence my thought was that they were diverse streams of development. thanks for the clearing up.

07-17-11, 03:26 AM
I believe TDW has stated that he intends to incorporate OHII into MO for its next release.

I am assuming that will also include numerous updates to existing mods in MO too thus making it a pretty substantial update. :yeah:

07-17-11, 07:26 AM
I believe TDW has stated that he intends to incorporate OHII into MO for its next release.

I am assuming that will also include numerous updates to existing mods in MO too thus making it a pretty substantial update. :yeah:

That would be a correct assumption :yep: