View Full Version : Help! Mission editor spawns ships on top of each other

10-15-10, 11:49 AM
When using the mission editor for SH5, no matter what I put into the mission (one ship, or even my sub) when I play the mission, two ships are always spawned on top of each other. This has the effect of damaging every ship in the mission before it begins. What am I doing wrong in the editor? Thanks.

10-15-10, 04:21 PM
2 things:

first, the game will always spawn a random number of ships in port so if your placing ships in port then a mission may work fine many times then suddenly keep getting ships spawning on top of each other. i have had some missions where i gave up and just put a ship somewhere else to avoid it.

second, did you validate the mision?

if you validated the mission and all was ok then its likely you have a game corruption issue. if its mod soup related that can be corrected easy enough if not then you might need to reinstall.

lastly: have you opened the mission files (with windows notepad) and checked to see if two ships are supposed to be spawned (as in a mission creation issue) or if only one ship per location is listed then its game related and not mission related.

10-16-10, 12:19 PM
I've had that happen with my sub.

The only solution I have found is that you can dive and only one of the two will dive. Then they seperate.

Nuts, but it works. For other ships, perhaps zoom right in on the unit on the map and make sure it is just one.

Double your pleasure, double your fun, with double good double good, double sub game!