View Full Version : Sub Vs Sub Combat

08-12-10, 04:26 PM
Has anyone managed to get enemy subs into game, so when you encounter one it will dive, attack and stuff, i dont keep up with the larger mods so i dont know weather or not someone has actually done this..

also if you create a single mission would the enemy subs attack you if you attacked them and would the dive aswell.

if not then please let me know and then just ignore the topic

08-12-10, 04:46 PM
i am thinking of a thread i read where they said all enemy subs in SH4 are just eye-candy and don't do anything. Usually just in the harbor.

Although who knoes what a dedicated modder could do?

08-12-10, 04:47 PM
hmmm, well im sure we'll find out sometime tomorrow, everyones either in bed or working or at school depending where they live lol, so i guess we just wait to see what they say

08-12-10, 04:54 PM
hmmm, well im sure we'll find out sometime tomorrow, everyones either in bed or working or at school depending where they live lol, so i guess we just wait to see what they say

If you want sub vs sub fight play multiplayer or SH5.

08-12-10, 05:01 PM
sh5 has sub vs sub, bastards. lucky folks

oh before i forget could i have the other carrier models if thats ok, i want to try and model one my self using a few as a template if you get me.

08-12-10, 07:47 PM
Fall of the rising sun has subs at sea however they are on the surface,Jap subs,German but like i said they sail on the surface and don't dive easy targets.

08-12-10, 09:22 PM
If you want sub vs sub fight play multiplayer or SH5.

So, it could be possible to fight against another human controlled sub with SH4 ?:DL

Damn, i must try it as quickly as possible, but...Does it need to build a complicated scenario to achieve such a goal ? (i mean that a very interesting sub vs sub fight would be a german typ VII against a gato class subs, for ex.).

Is there any people, here, interested by this kind of duel ?


08-13-10, 04:47 AM
i myself have wanted a duel in game i think it makes the game more playable and makes you take more precautions knowing there might be subs out there lol.

so i would like to see if this is achievable in game or not.

and sorry bout the launguage

08-13-10, 08:04 AM
I did some work on the ai subs, but it's still buggy. The modifications break normal gameplay. The ai subs go submerged, follow waypoints and shoot, but they are almost undetectable by other ai units.

As for a multiplayer duel. I could be wrong, but i don't think the players can hear each other on the hydrophone. That makes a duel pretty tricky!

08-13-10, 09:05 AM
nice :yeah:

im currently looking for a decent enough ww2 recorded sub patrol that involves sub vs sub conflict, so i can try to do a few single missions, also might do some battleship confrentations.

John Channing
08-13-10, 10:02 AM
Look for USS Batfish patrol reports.

The only submerged Sub vs Sub encounter that ended with a sinking was in the ETO and involved U864, a type IXD2 U-boat, which was sunk by the British Submarine HMS Venturer.


08-13-10, 11:08 AM
And even then the Venturer could only track the U864 well enough for a firing solution because the U Boat was snorkelling at the time.

WW2 technology just was not advanced enough to allow fully submerged sub v's sub combat.

08-13-10, 11:35 AM
:cool: In MP, all player subs show up on the navigation map. So, you have the horizontal location of your target ... but not the depth. Also, the water is clear enough to use your periscope to visually see your target ... and lock him up. Surface battles are also possible.