View Full Version : [REQ] Red lights in conning tower only.

03-29-10, 11:47 AM
Hi all!

I have absolutely no idea whether this is realistic or not, but is it possible to mod the red night lights to only switch on in the conning tower?

03-29-10, 11:59 AM
I second this, and would add that the red lights should be user controlled actually. If thats possible, I'd love to see that.
The only place red lights were used were mainly in the control room and tower, and were switched on a little before the next watch was to go topside to prepare their eyes.

Also there were blue lights as well in other parts of the ship.

03-29-10, 01:23 PM
I believe blue lights are post war, as far as I know, U-boats were fitted with red and white only. Both red and white in the control room and tower, white only throughout the rest of the boat.

I've never seen blue lights used in U-boats, and to my knowledge, this is a modern practice (as red was found to have the opposite desired effect on the eyes).