View Full Version : [REQ] correct wardroom in sh-5.

03-03-10, 08:20 AM
Please if someone could correct the wardroom in sh-5. The top bunk needs to be removed from the current one. And maybe some pictures on fold out the table with some stuff on it. Would also be cool if i could sit there myself. Here is a picture of the real one anyone could work with. Also more information is found on this thread regardiing the wardroom.



03-06-10, 01:36 AM

I wanted to bump this thread, as the correct wardroom would enhance the atmosphere greatly :yeah:

I think it's not too hard to mod for an experienced 3D-modeller, as you basically just have to remove one bunk from the game's 3D-model...

03-06-10, 06:10 PM
Yeah not just the bunk. It would be cool if they had some stuff on the table as well. Maybe a book or some plates and glasses or something.,

03-07-10, 05:53 PM
why did'nt make it yourself? :up:

03-07-10, 08:07 PM
That picture is from Type XXI U-2540, so the interior is a bit different. I don't know if the interiors varied a bit between different boats even if they were the same type, but heres a link for Type VIIC pictures: http://www.uboatarchive.net/U-570Photographs.htm

Theres a picture of the ward room in there. I might try modeling that, if its possible to do that, since I have some experience in it. Would be great if there were good interior pictures about U-995, but no, theres no picture of the wardroom >.<

EDIT: Ok, made a mistake and looked at 2 different pictures quickly and didn't notice they were different: http://www.adjunct.diodon349.com/Uboats/U2540photos/U2540_ward_room.jpg thats the picture of the Type XXI U-2540, the one in the first post is from Type XIIC/41 U-995. Stupid me.

03-09-10, 12:29 PM
Is someone still looking into this? I mean it should not be that hard but i dont know anything about the tools to model the interieur yet.

03-09-10, 02:13 PM

03-13-10, 07:49 PM
Since nobody seems interested in doing this one could someone tell me what it takes to give this a go myself?

03-14-10, 12:10 AM
yes, I am dieing to sit in my wardroom! someone teach me how to use one of the 3d modeling tools I saw in the forums, so I can try and make it for everyone! (not to mention moding the other stuff to make it so u can sit down there, look around, etc) And, also, I watched Das Boot last night, and noticed there's a lot more LIGHTS in side the sub, alot of redbulbs and white bulbs in pairs throughout the cammand room, and alot of BLUE bulbs through out the rest of the sub, and noticed they mostly seem to use the blue bulbs to either designate nighttime for the rest of the crew, or also during combat operations, cause a row of them turned on in the torpedoe room when they were about to launch that salvo at the convoy. don't know if thats' accruate to real u-boat procedures or not, but it looked really cool.

Also noticed the huge lack of food stuffs in the boat too, she's too clean and empty looking, she needs crates of fruits and boxes of canned stuff, and loafs of bread stuff here and there!

if anyone else is suriously taking on the wardroom project, see about making it so I can scoot from side to side to look down both corridors towards the command room and to the torpedoe room, and include some reading materials, like books and period newspapers, Something worth reading and gives atmophere to it.

03-14-10, 03:46 PM

Kretschmer the IV
03-14-10, 03:51 PM
Flakmonkey has done a nice wardroom. He could "just" copy and paste it for SH5? :hmmm:

03-14-10, 03:57 PM
If you mean the SH-3 wardroom i think this is hard to do.

03-14-10, 07:45 PM
Could someone help me out with this one? I would be happy to give it a go myself but i simply dont have a clue how to!

03-14-10, 07:53 PM
I don't think anyone has figured how to do anything with the GR2 files yet.

03-14-10, 07:55 PM
I guess. But as soon as someone does i see if i can look into this. I mean lets face it , the wardroom in stock sh-5 looks the same as any other bunk in the officers quarters. This MUST be modded!

04-13-10, 05:45 PM
Is this work dead? I,m not sure who said it but i,m sure someone said they found a way to work the GR2 files

04-19-10, 04:19 PM
I asume this mod had been completly abandoned?

05-24-10, 04:17 PM
Hello could someone tell me if somebody is still working on this?