View Full Version : Towed Array question.

11-03-09, 09:30 AM
Quick question.... the lengthspan of the towed array has no effect on detectable signal strength right?

A towed array of 25 meters should be able to pick up the same amount of contacts as when it is fully extended right? The setting controls how far behind the array is towed right?

11-03-09, 12:12 PM
1) When is array really short, it is disturbed by ship's wake and you can see it 'hears' more noise. There is however some length beyond which there is not improvement. It depends on the mods you use, I usually used about 100m with old LWAMI (about length of a ship) as the shortest usable length.
2) Longer it is, deeper the end will sink (depending on speed). That can have several consequences. Especially it can get dragged on the bottom, which is the brightest green you can see on waterfall display, or it can get under thermal layer, this is mostly done on purpose.
To use TA in shallow water or near bottom you usually have to use the shortest effective length.
3) Longer it is, slower it will react on the turns. In general, long array is only good for inspecting other side of the layer.